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  • Home DZ
    Viborg - Denmark
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  1. Hi guys. I'm going to Latvia in about 3 weeks. And i what to get a jump or two, now than i'm there. But i have heared that the club is not active longer. They have a website, but english does not work. http://www.skydive.lv/index.html So is there anyone who knows whats going on in Riga or can read russian???? :-) Riis
  2. Okay, that sounds awesome. If you can make one without using to much of your time it would be great. But i need a database where all the jumpers names, adresse, gear, phonenumber, jumps and more. Then i need it so you can control how many jumps each jumpers have got one day and much he have to pay for those jumps.
  3. Sounds like an idea. I have never tried Access. But i think i'll give it a try. I have thought about using Excel. But they want it so all the members name and all there info in the program.
  4. Yeah. But we need a little more advance way of doing it. I have found a program called Skywin. But i cant find out what it cost. And i will prefer a free program.
  5. Not sure I understand what you are asking for. Sorry. But it's a program so we can see how many jumps ppl have got when a day ends. And how many money they have to pay.
  6. Hey Guys In my skydiving club we need a program to control jumps and prieces. I'll prefer a shareware program. But im open for all you got.