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  1. Thanks for all the replies. I get the cronic sinus infectins too. I want to go skydive right now but will wait 'till after my surgery. Does anyone know how long after surgery I should wait before skydiving again? John
  2. About a year and a half ago I woke up very congested. That day I did three 14K skydives. since then I haven't been able to breathe out of the right side of my nose. Since then I have been diagnosed with a deviated septum and am having corrective surgery next week. Has anyone ever heard of something like this? Could the change in pressure + my sinuses being congested have caused a diveated septum? John
  3. JMC

    Just when you thought

    3 rings, 3 handles and 3 straps That's a good way to remember them all. I think I will use it.
  4. JMC

    Just when you thought

    It must be nailed to my forehead
  5. JMC

    Just when you thought

    You knew what you were doing I don't usually post here (I lurk alot) but I thought I would share this....... We did a 2-way exit which funneled and then when I got stable I noticed my chest strap flapping in the wind. With my arms on my chest strap and looking at it I was on my back but stable. I was able to get it half way on but not completly. I decided to roll back over (6K) and get stable and the chest strap came back off. I waited untill 4K and opened. I put both my arms straight out in front of me so my rig could not come off my shoulders and had a good landing. The DZs GM talked to me like I should have checked my gear 3 times before I jumped. Every time I get to the DZ I give my rig the onec over. In the plane I grab all my handles at least 3 times. Now I wonder if I have the presense of mind to give my self a gear check. Skydiving can be dangerous and I don't wamt to become an incedent report. I can't wait to get back in the air (Went to the DZ today but nobody was there) but I can't afford anothere mistake like that. By the way, I have 73 jumps, I thought I knew what I was doing.
  6. My first JM was Eddie at Skydance. Don't remember the reserve side but he didn't hang on anyway.
  7. I will be there Saturday. John
  8. Most boobies? 4 pair. It was fun watching them shoot pool.
  9. JMC


    An Irish guy walks into a bar. He sits down and asks for 3 shots of Irish whiskey. The bartender replies "3 shots, you must be really broken up about something" The Irishman replies "One shot is for me, the other 2 I will drink for my brothers who are still back in Ireland" This goes on once a week for a few months until one day the Irishman only asks for 2 shots. The bartender asks "Oh no, did something happen to one of your brothers?" The Irishman replies "No, this week I quit drinking"
  10. "Does it work for everyone else" It worked fine for me. That is too funny! LOL!!
  11. "Any chance you did a temporary membership?" I think that's the way I did it. I got the card for the A on my first AFF and the JMs checked things off as I completed them. I wasn't asked to join USPA until I was ready to do my first solo.
  12. I think you just talked me into it. Recently off student status I've still got to do my 3500' hop n pop and a couple of coach jumps to get my A. I'm going to go nuts if I miss another weekend.
  13. That sounds real tempting. There's been a lot of fog in the central valley (Byron). How has it been on the coast? John
  14. Born: Long Island New York Currently living in Cupertino CA Home DZ: Bay Area Sky Diving, Byron CA First AFF 9-8-01
  15. Congrats! I bet you thought AFF was expensive. Now you got to save for a rig.