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Everything posted by Sockpuppet

  1. Sockpuppet

    nps - question

    AFAIK (not a base jumper) its where you land that counts and landing under a parachte counts as aerial delivery. I really doubt that the NPS is going to believe you took a base rig with you just in case you fell off. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  2. bullshit... by saying this you are assuming that muslim = terrorist... which is blatantly false. and off to SC we go... Actually by saying that I thought "americans think muslim = terrorist" ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  3. Yep. Probably not many in america though. "I want to learn how to jump out of a plane" Homeland Security / FBI might have kittens. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  4. I once found a "sex list" on a computer I bought from a guy in the same college. Had a few names on it...he'd done and a fuck load of names on it that he would like to do. Mostly were girls/teachers (female) and how he would like to do them. Was just doing my civic duty when I left it in the students lounge on the table.... ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  5. I dont tip...ever. Well that for be being in the UK where it just doesnt happen. Also if you tip in the UK and get it added to your card the resturants owner can legally take that money and use it to pay his staff so his wage bill is lower and they dont get any more. Grrrrr ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  6. Now that its resolved lets turn this into the usual standards. "So, you looking for a sugar daddy?" ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  7. I got a brithday card. My grans not playing with a full deck and she somehow thought it was my birthday Strange. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  8. Yes. Me and a mate were driving back from a day out and passed this car with too really hot chicks in them. We made a sign saying "want a drink" and help it up. Got me and him a night to remember ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  9. If drinking underage was the worst of her crimes I think we need a reality check. I was drinking at 14 and its not affected me. But then again other countries have different views on this. When I have kids I'll make them drink at 14. So when they do "go round a friends" a.ka. go and get pissed they'll know thier limit. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  10. I like this one... ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  11. Movies? Stunt Work? Demo Jumper? Extreme Window Clear (wipe while swooping)? ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  12. Well stop streching it over your head then....durrrr ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  13. Aww, well Katee is a sweetie, but I believe she is taken...sorry boys!! Thats why they invented affairs.... or Andy Copland and Shropshire - they just remind me of a married couple when they start "fliting" in the threads.....well at least I can see it. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  14. Canon iP6600D and it rocks ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  15. So he has a 12" shlong. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  16. AggieDave should go back to his old one. It was way bettter than the current pap :D ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  17. Not sure thats something to be proud of? ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  18. Well yes. However if you can prove the TV can't recieve BBC then you dont have to pay. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  19. a list of people on the BASE list and incidents forums and reasons why they really shouldnt jump Learn some languages ,go travelling after college not when you are older ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  20. Dude....mark those NSFW. I could kind of guess what the pic was going to be but make it ovbiuous. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  21. Surely harder = more of a challenge = better when it gets jumped Not saying you should phone security and mark your jump in thier calendar but I bet lots of you would enjoy it less if security took you to the top in a lift. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  22. I've got the paper..there are some more pics I'll scan them in when I am free at lunch. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  23. dude the plane first started flying 1954...........its not current. They are often called the "janes version of figures" i.e. what they tell Janes Defence weekly. We have to do it all the time with our radio kit "whats the range." .... "a couple of k"... ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  24. We tied a mate to a chair and placed him on a runway when were were at a airbase awaiting a transit flight while I was in the army. We lef thim joking that the flights had ended for the night.... Walked off just as we are 200m away we hear a C-130 coming in on final. Come to think of it that wasnt funny it was just downright fcking mean. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.
  25. Not sure if this has ben posted already....I did a search so feel free to wail on me if it has. ------ Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.