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  1. I agree with: Epic Reality TV Nick Cage need to add Jack Black, Ben Affleck, Jean Claude van Douche and U-2!! LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  2. I've seen the name and logo before. He must not be very creative. LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  3. Are you sure you have the facts straight? loosening your chest strap will set your handles back just a little if you continue to stay upright. if you lean forward then they will move behind you. Andrea, once your under a good canopy stow your slider past your toggles (dont release your break until after you do this and be careful. I have popped a toggle before pulling my slider down) and stow it behind your head.(i have a removable) i loosen my CS before i release the brakes once that is done i do my breaks.( i also have an extended CS. about 3' long) play around with leaning forward and resting on your now loose CS. It feels funny at first but you get used to it. and no your not going to fall out! as said before it least the canopy fly as intended. I will see you in Fitz if you have any questions!!! LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  4. I believe it's required LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  5. only time I am afraid for the door is below 1500 ft and if I fly to one place to the other (in a jump plane with no intent of jumping,. kind of like a road trip) and sitting by the door. btw the door wasn't even open!! LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  6. 1800+ and 0 pukers. always ask how the feel after doing a big turn. if they felt bad we don't do any more bug turns. It also helps to slide the leg straps down a few inches (i do that on every jump) so they sit rather than hang. also makes landing easier as they can get their feet up. It also helps to let them steer on the big turns. being in control is always better!! if your afraid of that let them steer until 1K then take over. there is NOTHING they can do to cause a problem before that. Let them have some fun. Direct them where to go and teach them why you want/need to go there. havent tried having them looking at the horizon. I will give that a shot on next one. Thanks LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  7. LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  8. Mass demand for Med Weed!! LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  9. she is looking for a payout! retched bitch will get what is coming to her! might get a payout but karma will eat her alive I'd say..."Lighten up Francis" LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  10. Don't you think the radical Muslims do the same thing? LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  11. We are looking very light on freefliers!!! (headdown, controlled ff'ers) So everyone coming from out of state please pack 2 freefliers in your luggage (they are normally pretty small) and bring them for some fun sequentials and bigger stuff!! Thanks! LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  12. didnt know it was going to get nasty! dbl penetration ho's! now im scared!! LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  13. I wonder if the fall of communism had anything to do with it? or it could be the amount of people in China and India has tilted the globe and is affecting the mag poles. LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"
  14. prolly it the one that i cant stand! prob or probably...what the fuck is prolly? is it before or after the trolley? LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"