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Everything posted by sdls

  1. Actually I'm starting to believe in it. I also tried to search for that kind of videos with no success. I think I have somewhere on my own archives one video shot with Gopro 60fps if that's enough?
  2. And because most of them didn't realize that you can turn your camera 180 degrees to shoot the opening
  3. Actually you should check this out No, I haven't tried this (yet).
  4. I recommend you to read FPV Forums (, there's lots of information on this subject.
  5. Hi, they have tested same combination with about 8 km of range. Still have to test it by myself, but test results are promising.
  6. There are few TX+RX sets meant primarily for FPV RC-planes that might do well with skydiving also. I already ordered one set from BEVRC ( but haven't yet tested it; range should be something like 6 kilometers (236k inches) with extra antenna on RX side. Problem (here in Finland) are the radio regulations, you have to have radio amateur license to operate over 10mW appliances on 2.4Ghz.
  7. Actually mirror tape is imho better because it's little bit transparent so you can fill half of the altimeter with tape and still see the reading.
  8. I have found that best and easiest solution is to put 'mirror tape' to your altimeter. Then you can see the red light through altimeter.
  9. It's funny to read your replies. All I was asking for a record for the highest jump and you got this thread to discuss about morality etc of the most natural thing (being nude). I have never though skydivers(in any part of the world) could be so constrained. Maybe moderators should move this conversation to Bonfire and let's keep this discussion within original subject. Proposition as a new subject: "How rude it is for humankind to jump naked and at the same time make this sport so ungodly" You are free to add few smileys if you like. Over and out.
  10. Thread went little offtopic - I'd say it's stupid to jump without clothes and without chute. Also, some may say jumping with chute is stupid. But, highest record on this thread written would be 5400m MSL so I may be the proud owner of highest naked skydive record from 5500m MSL :)
  11. Ok, thanks for the replies. I actually don't want to discuss about infernal stupidity of this idiotic activity, but just to know what is the current record. With 'solo' I wanted to rule out tandems.
  12. Hi, I've been searching the record of highest nude skydive - jumped solo. Any facts about the record?
  13. Hi, just to share my project little bit: I used blow-switch , cut off one usb cable and merged those with Nokia cellphone battery (3.7V). I installed CHDK and used this script: @title Remote Burst :loop print "Waiting for switch press" do until is_key "remote" press "shoot_full" do print "Waiting for switch release" until not (is_key "remote") release "shoot_full" release "shoot_half" goto "loop" Workflow for the camera: 1. Camera ON 2. ALT mode OFF 3. Continous shooting ON 4. Flash OFF (if it's not) 5. ALT mode ON That's it!
  14. Thanks for the info - I have time to wait, but I keep in mind.
  15. Has anyone found replacement housing for Go Pro Hero HD? There's only housing for the old model but as I drilled few holes to my original box I need another housing for wet activities.
  16. It's just a (slightly modified) part of the Helmet Hero, attached few pictures to give clearer picture about this (bolt on the image is not the final one, as you may notice).
  17. I also have been wanting to test this out - I actually ordered this while ago but then heard that it's too powerful here and cancelled the order.
  18. CHDK is 'hack' or alternative firmware for Canon Point-and-Shoot cameras. It overrides few limitations of original firmware, to the limits of hardware ( I recommend you to check out CHDK FAQ: It will probably give you answers to your first questions. I have currently project on going on mounting SD800IS with CHDK on my helmet with USB remote(blow switch)..
  19. I'd go for SX200IS with CHDK firmware: Anyway, with CHDK you can fulfill you requirement #2 on almost every Canon point and shoot cameras..
  20. Hi, here's my mounting on Fuego Pro - haven't yet jumped it but this is how it looks. It's modified 'quick mount' and it's attached to helmet by blind rivets.