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Posts posted by Royd

  1. Let's just call it Name Change, since Global Warming couldn't achieve the desired results.

    The irony of the whole thing is, why do we desire to protect the source of evil, which is, supposedly, destroying us? Why not let nature run its course, and wipe out 1/3 of the population?

    Are you a true believer or not?

  2. Quote

    So I went and did a tandem at Adventure Skydiving this weekend! I always wanted to try freefall. It was so expensive though; cost me $249 for a minute of freefall with video. Man, they rape you there. I mean, you're falling out of an airplane for cryin' out loud.

    Then I was driving home and I see my tandem master stuck by the side of the road. I pull over and ask him if everything's OK. He said his engine just stalled for no reason.

    I take a look and after about five minutes I notice his distributor cap is cracked and loose. I get some duct tape, tape it up, snap it back on, and he tries it and it works. I figure it will hold him until he gets to a gas station.

    'Hey thanks!' he says.

    'No problem,' I say. 'That will be $249, same as you charged me for ten minutes of your time.'

    He couldn't believe it! He was all spluttering about rig costs and how much he makes. He said he only made $25 a jump. So I said 'OK, that was a minute of freefall, and I took ten minutes, so that's $250.'

    You should have seen his face.

    He saved you the wrecker fee and getting stuck, in the dark, in the middle of nowhere. Sounds like a fair trade, to me.

  3. Quote

    I find no humor in the fact that innocent people have died. I do however find it humorous that palin's official take back the 20 site, which featured cross mark targeting and statements about reloading has been taken down, while this site pointing out the absurdity of their previous position is now up.It's disgusting to me that people had to die for the right wing fanatics leadership to realize that they have been instigating violence for their own benefit.

    Maybe, she could have used a dart...Then, at best, the congresswoman would have only lost an eye.

  4. Quote

    So you would use words such as "nigger", "kite", and "fag" in everyday conversation? I think that says a lot about YOU, and not anything good.

    Personally, I prefer the term, Silly faggot...It just rolls off the tongue so much easier, and hangs nicely, in the air.

    As to any recent examples, I just saw, in the last two weeks, liberal news pundits apologizing for the necessity of having to use the word, "Christmas"....basically, telling us, that's a word they'd rather have removed from the lexicon, because it offends them.

    Just yesterday, I saw a discussion, with a woman, who wants "Illegal alien" removed from all news items, by mandate.

    Where does it stop? I'm offended by people calling my half breed chickens mutts, and I demand that Obama no longer use that word, to describe himself.

  5. As much as I dislike her, she has marketed herself with tremendous financial reward.



    So marketing yourself as a slut counts as "earning", does it?

    I thought that you liberals were big on freedom of expression, especially, if it flew in the face of decent society.

  6. that's right - she did nothing


    Hasn't she had a line of clothing, perfume, makeup, or something? I know she did a pretty hot commercial for Carl's Jr, once upon a time...Probably earned more money than I have, in the last 10 years.



    she doesn't need to inherit more unearned millions then...

    So, has she done anything, or not? That was your statement. You are simply wrong.

  7. Quote

    Taxes aren't theft. They are the dues we pay to live in an advanced society that provides the infrastructure for our ability to live well. If you don't like paying for the benefits of living in an advanced society, maybe you should emigrate to, say, Somalia or Sudan.

    How about New Orleans, Detroit or other such cities, where huge amounts of tax dollars have gone, to improve the infrastructure? or was that just to buy votes?:S

  8. Quote

    But you are OK then with him having part in murdering his and others dogs then?

    Killing an animal is not murder. Murder is reserved for humans.

    That being said, Vick is still an asshole, for doing what he did and thinking that his societal status put him above the law.

    BTW, I just put 3/4 of a murdered wild hog and 1/4 of a murdered deer into my freezer, this week.

  9. Quote

    No, science is not truth, it's science.

    But it is a much, much better way of finding things that are true than religion or faith.

    Unless it's Climate Science and we all know how that turned out...They gave as much of a black eye to science, as did the Inquisition, to Christianity.

  10. >>So, where does the basis of right and wrong come from? One must have a standard, from which to judge.


    I baffles me that people still think this is a good argument for the existence of (any) god. There is a clear evolutionary advantage to cooperating within and outside of our species. So, the basis of right and wrong clearly comes from actions that either help or hurt the survival of the species and, by extension, the individual.

    Very interesting.Which side of the politcal equation, is most willing to prevent the propigation of the species? You know, it's those evil humans who are destroying our wonderful world.

  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    So, where does the basis of right and wrong come from? One must have a standard, from which to judge.

    You know, you sound like Obama, saying that our country is nothing special.



    You must fear burning in Hell forever to do right?

    Leave a child to its own resources, without some kind of guidance, and see what you get....Generally, a selfish, lying thief...Of course, they don't start lying, until they realize that what they've done is wrong.

  12. Quote

    And, once again, the prison demographics really support that argument, don't they? All those atheists breaking the law, doing whatever they want...

    A caller, on a radio show, recently pointed out the irony of the fact that liberals/progressives do all they can, to remove any mention of Christianity or religion, in general, from all children....Well, until they get sent to jail or prison from no moral guidance. Then, they are willing to throw bibles and preachers at them, by the droves.

  13. Quote

    I dont believe in a god because yeah, theres no PROOF in it. Bible is jus a bunch of stories written by man, who are fallable. Why is their opinion any better than mine? Who says they are right and i am wrong? Just because an idea is popular dosent mean its right. History has proved that multiple times over. Some of the, hell ill go with MOST of the biggiest atrocities and genocidal events are/ were committed in the name of someones "god" or over some sort of difference in belief. So i choose not to believe in anything really. Just the way i personally am. I dont push my ideas on anyone and expect the same courtesy to be extended to me. Live and let live.

    So, where does the basis of right and wrong come from? One must have a standard, from which to judge.

    You know, you sound like Obama, saying that our country is nothing special.

  14. Quote

    >I can't ever remember even hearing about a "straight pride march" in the news.

    Nor can I remember straight people refused the right to marry or serve in the military because of their sexual orientation. Gays, on the other hand, have seen such discrimination in a great many places.

    This ruling is a very big one, and came about partially _because_ of those gay rights parades. Heck, keep going in this direction and we won't need parades to demonstrate for gay rights any more.

    Oh, they'll be playing that card, long after the game is over and the casino is closed...Victim status just comes with too much power.

  15. Is that your daughter? If so, tell her to lose those scale rips.
    They smack of people who think they are professional, who can't find or hold a note.

    Other than that, she's got a good voice.
    ETA. I can't stand to hear the National Anthem sung by someone, who runs every word through three or four notes, because the can't really sing the song.