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Everything posted by skydiveixtapa

  1. skydiveixtapa

    vector 3

    main sabre 2 170 white and neon orange plesae call perris manifest if you know anything about it
  2. skydiveixtapa

    vector 3

    main sabre 2 170 white and neon orange reserve
  3. all information that you need to know about the dysfuction boogie in ixtapa mexico enjoy every single secon of your live
  4. wel idont know about vallarta but ixtapa will have the boogies februaru 5 to 12 and april 2 to 8 thanks enjoy every single secon of your live
  5. for all interested to jump in méxico west coast skydiveixtapa will open the season on december 20th to april 20th we will have to boogies on february 5 to 12 and april 2 to 8 2007 for further information enjoy every single secon of your live
  6. yes we open al season since december 20th to april 20th 7 days at week. our boogies february 5th to 12 and april 2 to 8thQuote enjoy every single secon of your live
  7. skydiveixtapa

    Skydive Ixtapa

    seasonly dz during winter since midle dicember to april