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  1. Thanks for those helpful words Mac. Perhaps my 'recommendation' was inappropriate. Just trying to share my experiences as a newby jumper on a vented canopy. I qualified my comments by trying to be humble and stating the limited nature of my experience. I think confidence in your kit is very important. If you have are worried about opening with brake settings set too deep and stalling whilst peering over the edge, your mind is not where it should be. Should I refrain from passing comment until I have a minium level of experience? Jump numbers? You tell me.
  2. In my limted jumping career my blackjack 280 has been awesome. About 20 jumps slider up at Kjerag, the openings were nice and 3 or 4 were more than 30 degrees off heading. Perhaps my body position? Slider down on objects 350' and below with manufacturers DBS and the openings have been on heading every time and seem to burn minimal altitude. Canopy response is crisp as soon as I pop the toggles. I have nothing to really compare it to but I have total confidence in my kit. Manufacturers advice on canopy size and loading seems to work well for brake setings. (You'd hope so!) I'd recomend my blackjack to any beginner.
  3. Visiting our cousins stateside at Eglin Air Force Base in February. Much of a BASE scene in the Florida pan handle? Or should I just bring my skydiving rig and jump at Human Body Flight, Tallahasse? Desperate to crack that B and get myself a base number though. I can't bring both rigs, too heavy! Any locals? Advice much apprieciated.
  4. Just got back from my first UK BASE jump and first crane. Awesome. Absolutely buzzing. Nick D, your post was invaluable tonight. It certainly got me thinking. Fortunately nothing was locked up. Stairs to 19th floor saved me 19 floors of ladder climbing on a greasy crane. Tonight was not a sensible evening for me as this was my first jump post my FJC in Norway. My first slider down pack job. (All from the manual) First jump with a large PC. First handheld. And was on my own with no groundcrew. No doubt I shall attract some disapproving comments. However all went exactly to plan and no one is any the wiser. I would love however to catch up with any jumpers around the Yorkshire area. I skydive at Hib and Langar. I clearly need a mentor and someone to show me the ropes. Happy to groundcrew, listen and learn. Any wannabe mentors out there? I don't need you to hold my hand just point me in the right direction so that I don't upset the status quo and ruin it for the established community. And if anyone is interested I know of an awesome crane in a large city in the North East! Thanks. Quifmiester