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    Cypres 2

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  1. Good luck to every one on this attempt. Keep it Ultra cool! Whos the Daddy???
  2. Wow there are some pretty negative reviews about Netheravon on here! I am unfortunatly going to have to side with these reviews. please take into account that I havent jumped at Netheravon for sometime so my experience of the DZ might not reflect whats going on there now. While I was at Nethers I allways found it to have the potential to become a really great place to jump and hang out. But because of various personalitys and the way things are done, Army time! I suppoes Nethers is always going to be good for the military guys but maybe not for civilians. For the same price Iwould, and did go somewhere else without the hassles of Neters which have already been made public on this site. Imagine skydiving with a ball and chain around one foot and that should give you some idea. All this pains me to say it because there are some great people who work and jump at nethers but in the words of popye its more than I can stand and I cant stand no more! Peep peep! Check it out but be warned.
  3. Used to jump at cerny a bit before I moved. One of the reasons I wish I stayed. Really liked it there. good people with the right attitude. A bit of a victim of its own success as it provides a top parachute program, but it some times finds it hard to cater for large numbers. the Staff are all friendly keep Cerny banging along at a good pace. Great aircratf and and a good vibe but not much to do in the evenings.
  4. Oh and whos the Guy in the red Blasting past the camera, near the end of the vid? The camera guy must have been sh***ng it! Cool Whos the Daddy???
  5. And there was me thinking British freeflying was on its way out! Does anyone know if you can get a copy of that on DVD? Whos the Daddy???
  6. Im glad that its thriving in most places and that there is a healthy balance between both disciplines. However It certainly don't feel like thats happening in the UK. Would I be right in saying the reason that it is not more popular is because it requires a good amount of skill and takes a considerable amount of time, more so than RW, to achieve the the basics? Whos the Daddy???
  7. Seeing some of the recent freefly formation stuff recently really impressed me. But it seems that freeflying is still a minority and that RW, especially in the UK, has made a bit of a comeback. Why. A year ago you couldnt move for freeflyers on my home DZ but the numbers are starting to dwindle leaving a small hard core group continuing to develop that particular discipline. What happend to the freefly explosion? Has freefly become as technical as RW and knocked the fun out of its self?? Whos the Daddy???