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  1. this was the only one i was ever aware of. when i tried to sign up i was given another phone number where an air force officer answered. i explained that i was trying to sign up for the c-130 jumps; he explained that he was the JAG and he was in charge of prosecuting the pilot who was trying to misuse government aircraft. it was an uncomfortable phone call. Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  2. first, i'm glad they pulled off the jump. second, please don't confuse FAR/AIM with USPA SIM. one is issued from an administration and the other from association. third, NTSB investigates mishaps. they do not set/enforce air regulation. see second bullet. last, glad you know more than his/her USPA regional director. nothing like some armchair qb-ing from a dorm-lawer Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  3. It comes down to this. HONESTY. When I bought my policy I was asked if I participated in any "high risk activities." The list is actually quite long and has stuff that I would never consider high risk. I got two quotes. One as if I wasn't involved in any of the activities on the list and the other to cover me as a jumper. Keep in mind that this was a $500K 20 year term life insurance. I'm in my mid-30s, in shape and zero health problems. First quote was just under $30 per month. Second quote was for just over $500 per month. Here's the point. If you're open and tell them what you're looking for you can get coverage. That said, you will pay for it! Also, what you need to ask is what their "period of contestability" is. Most insurance companies are two years. This means that when you fill out the application you're giving them what you do or do not do right now as well as for the next two years. If you purchase a policy right now most insurance companies will cover you if you start jumping 3 years from now. there's a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-yous Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  4. it's like my gramma used to say...f$%k it Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  5. Did they ask you if you had insurance or if you would be paying cash? Often times (with medical in the USA) there are two different prices and it applies to providers, procedures and medications. This is due to insurance providers only paying X% of whatever the bill is. If a clinic knows that your insurance company is only going to pay 25% of your x-rays, they charge the insurance company $1k...that way they get their $250. If you do not have insurance tell them at time of check in "I AM PAYING CASH". You will get a different price. FACT Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  6. But you'd do it on occasion? The odds do not change based on how often you do something...only the chances of meeting whatever the odds are. The odds during russian roulette are always 1 in 6 (as long as you're using a revolver and only using one round); that doesn't change based on how often you participate. Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  7. This is why we need more libertarians. I mean, you do understand that what you're asking for and expecting is not logical...don't you? The best change is implimented at LOCAL level. Why petition folks on the other side of the country for change? If you're unhappy with the safety at your own dropzone, make it safer! The USPA doesn't need to set landing patterns, you can make that change locally and enforce it. freaking democtrats! Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  8. YAWN! Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  9. brush up on your math, get an engineering degree, join the military and give them a bunch of years. it won't cost you a dime and they'll let you build a BUNCH of hours! Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  10. yup, your pack job is like a prostitute. you're not paying for the sex...you're paying for them to leave. Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  11. I've found four rules for life. Stick to these and everything else will fall into place. 1. Eat when you can 2. Sleep when you can 3. S#!t when you can 4. Always bring a jacket Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  12. cheaper fix would have been to get some zyrtec and mucinex. address the problem...not the symptom Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  13. So were the Nazis Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  14. ***So many rear-end fender benders happen at roundabouts in the UKquote] Probably because you drive on the wrong side of the road! Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.
  15. I met Pete a few years ago at a early morning antenna jump. After my first jump I grabbed my second rig and went up for a second; that's when I met Pete. After we both landed, I told him that we (my buddies and I) were going to get some breakfast and asked if he wanted to go. This was about the same time he opened his car and grabbed another rig and said he was going up for another. I didn't find that to be strange; what I didn't find strange was that he had about 8 or 9 rigs with him. Later that day I talked to him and he said he jumped them all that morning. I was cracking up...thinking about him having his own personnal boogie out there. Truth is the distilled meaning of facts, for any truth refuted by a fact becomes a fallacy.