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Everything posted by CMiller

  1. 1. A few Hundred dollars. 2. Dacron is the best and safest as long as you don't mind extra bulk. 3. Doesn't really matter.
  2. I couldn't figure out what this thread was about until your post. Thanks.
  3. Bad advice. The latex/latex friction makes a rupture more likely. One is always enough, no matter how nasty it looks.
  4. Oil prices are down, but it's not going to be that way for long. Maybe this poll applies more to younger jumpers such as myself, who will inevitably see the day when oil becomes scarce and probably face this dilemma in our lifetimes. At what point would you stop jumping due to the price of a lift ticket? All figures in US dollars.
  5. This is actually true. What I say next has no bearing on any incident that happened, nor am I implying anything other than what I saw. Keep that in mind. I do not have the source, so keep that in mind as well. A psychologist videotaped a meeting between a kid and an adult. Then, someone else interviewed the kid and was told they were sexually molested by the adult videotaped. Sure enough, after enough questioning, the children pointed to 'that place' on the doll, or said that they were touched inappropriately. Of course, they weren't and the video tape proves that. What was happening, is that the questioner had a bias, and the children eventually ended up telling them what they wanted to hear. The children were frustrated when they did not give the answer the questioner wanted to hear, and the questioner unintentionally projected frustration when they didn't hear what they wanted to hear. This was not a one time thing, it occurred in a significant number of the kids. So, having that sort of attitude could very well lead to innocent people being convicted. And even if you're not, the stigma of even having been charged will follow you the rest of your life. So yes, skepticism is always a good idea. Even if it were a child I know and care about. You can discuss it in regards to factual incidents and certain political issues. Seeing as how the accused is a skydiver as well, I believe it is permissible.
  6. That is an amazingly bad law. Thought crimes are now illegal. But you know, think of the children, right? There is a difference between thinking of committing a crime and taking action in order to commit one. This is not a crime of thought, it is a crime of Mens Rea, of intent. The difference is, that in the original poster's scenario, there was zero chance of a child being harmed, since the child was made up. Of course if it's real that's one thing, but using that law to convict a man when there's no kid doesn't seem just to me. How can there be intent when the crime cannot be committed?
  7. That is an amazingly bad law. Thought crimes are now illegal. But you know, think of the children, right?
  8. I see your point, but I cant help to add that if someone actually starts to skydive with a RED (which ever model), in terms of equipment I would consider it quite professional and quite far from hobbyist. 5D Mark II on the otherhand could be the optimal choise of the hobbyist looking for quality The RED One is certainly beyond the hobbyists' budget, but I don't think 5-6K for a fixed lens scarlet is totally out of range (XDCAM EX is around this). But, seeing as how DSE is so passionately against it, I guess I'll just concede.
  9. If you can afford a Genesis or a Viper, then great. They look better than the RED anyway. But not everybody has that much money to spend. For filmmakers on a budget, the added hassle of learning the RED is worth it due to the savings. Maybe just maybe, someone out there is looking to get great skydiving footage without spending a shit ton of money. Price/performance of RED cameras (especially the scarlet if the fixed lens version is reasonably priced) seems to me like a great way to go for freefall. We're not talking about big budget shoots here, we're talking about a hobbyist. And you're correct, I do think Jim is rather unprofessional.
  10. I jump a Triathlon now, and demoed a storm. I don't really think that's a good canopy to start out with. It landed much quicker than a triathlon, and is not as easy to get the hang of flaring with. I'm 120lbs, and a 150 storm had me frightened.
  11. Do you own a version 1, 2, 3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, or a lucky 17? 15. It's true the camera has its quirks, but if you can't find qualified people to operate it, then that's not the camera's problem. It DOES take more research and dedication to make sure everything goes smoothly, but I have never experienced any major problems. It's not point and shoot.
  12. Life in prison is cheaper. The legal proceedings and appeals in a case involving the death sentence are vastly more expensive. You're in the courts for up to 10 years sometimes before the execution.
  13. Too much shaky cam. Too fast editing. That's all I have to say.
  14. Look at that. No conspiracy. I hope this can be put to rest.
  15. Did you get your order 'animal style'?
  16. Yes, and do your birthday jump in your birthday suit!
  17. Wouldn't doing a barrel roll be redundant? A wave tells someone above you "I'm about to deploy, don't be in my way". What if you discover someone above you by doing a roll? Are you going to wave EXTRA hard to alert them? It seems like it only wastes time, and that it's better to spend that time tracking. If everybody makes sure nobody is below them (which is easy to do), then that's the best situation. Don't make me waste my time being responsible for you.
  18. The different landing areas can have jumpers landing in different directions, so long as all jumpers in the same landing area land in the same direction. A swooper landing in the swoop area will not set the pattern for those of us landing in the main landing area, nor the student area. If you're uncomfortable, you can always land out, as the area is huge.
  19. The fixed lens Scarlet will not be 10K. But even if it is the poster said money was no object. I own a RED ONE, and based on the performance of that camera, I can say with a good deal of confidence that the scarlet will probably rock. The site has always said "delivery times and specs subject to change. COUNT ON IT." So really, it's no surprise at all.
  20. Affect/Effect. Even educated people mess this one up. Affect (verb)- to make a difference or have an effect on Affect (noun)- feeling or emotion Effect (verb)- to cause something to happen Effect (noun)- a change or result of an action I hope that clears up this mystery. Somebody sticky this post.
  21. My guess would be the upcoming scarlet from RED. Small body, less than 3 pounds, insane resolution. I am absolutely 100% getting this camera solely for skydiving. Of course the VERY best HD camera is the Genesis, but good luck putting that on your helmet.
  22. If you want to skydive in a dying state, just go to Michigan. It's actually pretty good jumping in Tecumseh.
  23. Did you know that 92% of statistics are made up on the spot? I'm going by the fact that as of when I viewed the poll, 81% voted for the 'nice guy'.
  24. 81% of the women who voted are lying.