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  1. It should probably belong to the Speakers Corner, but catholicism does not prohibit cremation (search for the world "cremation" at the linked page).
  2. I found very helpful to concentrate on my breath during the flight to the altitude. Deep, slow breathing helps you to accommodate the air pressure changes and also sends positive signals to your brain. Also try to make a deep exhalation just before exit - the subsequent aspiration at beginning of the freefall will help you to form the correct body position (but consult it with your tandem pilot, of course). You can also find some useful fear related resources here: And - do not forget to have fun!
  3. Sorry for bringing a student view into this expert debate, but I think it should be emphasized the necessity of performing ANY EP in case of a mal. We had three fatalities in Czechia and Slovakia during the two past years (1, 2, 3) and the failure to perform any EPs was the main contributing factor in each of them. I was taught for the one-hand-for-each-handle method. When I had a mal on jump #5 and saw the ball of shit above my head, I immediately looked for the red and puled it. Just after it I located the silver handle and pulled it too. But (despite of the RSL installed) I had time enough to enjoy the remaining second of freefall (looking at the handles in my hands) until I saw the most beatiful canopy in my life. And - I am still here...
  4. I got my FJC as a birthday present from my wife - it was a bit surprise because we never talk about skydiving before (she just said she saw me looking round the sky many times and therefore a parachute jump seems to be a good idea for me...
  5. Looks like a Low tech spotting device stowed above the door Or is that roll of toilet paper for the long flt to altitude Well, I did not took that picture - but I remember using these spotting devices... Here is a photo of An-2 we used for ground training during my FJC
  6. Here you can see an interesting plate above the exit door of An-2 (the text says: God with you...)
  7. Video of tandem jumps from Mi-8:
  11. Lines caught under my left arm after an unstable IAD exit (my 5th jump). It could be fixed by simply raising the arm, but looked as a nasty spinning mal for my unexperienced eye - so my hands went for the handles immediately. BTW subsequently I had massive line twists on the reserve just behind my neck...
  12. Just another pool which is not for me - missing the "not yet" option... Instead of that, here you are some experience from my last two jumps: Jump #4 (IAD from 3000ft) - my first off-DZ landing (I underestimated the wind speed and made a superfluous 360 deg. turn quite a low) Jump #5 (IAD from 3000ft too, just about 2 hours later) - my first reserve ride (some kind of problems with lines after an unstable exit, the cutaway was not really necessary, but it looked very nasty from my point of view, so I decide for red&silver immediately - details maybe in a separate post; btw I had massive line twists on my reserve too) Well, I am preparing for my next jumps (probably this weekend) with one simple goal in mind: to land INSIDE the DZ under my MAIN canopy...
  13. I'm pleased to see you enjoy jumping in our country If you'd like to share your experience with your DZ, kindly send me a PM.
  14. Maybe a stupid newbie question, but what is the reason for leaving the brakes stowed on the back/less dominant canopy in case of biplane/side-by-side situation?
  15. Well, I did all my 3 jumps up to now from An2 - and preparing for the 4th tomorrow...