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    Cypres 2

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  • Home DZ
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  1. LOL there is a saying in life "if something appears to be too good to be true, it probably is" how about this? i did my AFF in September last year at Langar in Nottinghamshire, they charge £1450 for the course. Included in that price is a made to measure new Symbiosis jump suit, an altimeter, helmet, goggles and log book. If you have to retake any levels, you only pay for the slots on the plane for yourself and the AFFI. They charge £25 for a consol jump, and normal jump prices are £19 each or a block of 10 for £180. packing is included in the price of the AFF and consol jumps. They charge £4 per pack job for a normal jump. You get to train at a BPA drop zone, eliminating any hassle during, and after, your training trying to convince a DZO your spanish course has trained you ok I've so far spent £1650 to completing my AFF and i'm working my way through my consols. Plus i ordered a complete new rig, so i've spent the thick end of £5.5k so far in total, but once the consols are complete, i'm all set up to jump my arse off in my own new equipment.... do it all in the UK, makes much more sense ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  2. i think we fucking rock were drinking is concerned Can you imagine a typical yank out on the piss with us on a Saturday night? he'd be taken home in an ambulance at 10pm, while we get even more bladdered don't get me started on us Brits on the piss when we go on holiday..... COME ON, lets 'av it !!!! ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  3. ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  4. i still laugh my head off that yanks can't legally buy a drink untill they are 21 ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  5. i forgive you for your PA's towards me, off you go now ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  6. feel the love ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  7. edit to remove pedophilia joke ~TA ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  8. I understand what you're saying, i'd never EVER sit there in freefall just thinking "well, i can't find my main PC, so i'll just wait for my cypres to fire because i'm too lazy to pull reserve" I'd be doing everything possible to get something over my head manually I was just curious as to how reliable that box of tricks is if ever called upon, assuming i'd done everything right in turning it on and setting it correctly ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  9. Are there any recorded incidents of anybody going in due to their Cypres not firing? I'm on about somebody who doesn't pull their main for what ever reason and also doesn't pull their reserve handle? I'm just wondering if there has ever been a malfunction when it was required to save somebodies life, i'm not on about people swooping too fast and fooling a cypres or anything, just about any cases where it should have fired due to the jumper still being in freefall and it didn't ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  10. statistics can prove the pope is a gay black man, if you're so determinded if you say that through DNA testing, the chance of a somebody not committing that crime is 1 in a billion..... you'd think its pretty certain they did it yeah? but there's 6 billion people on this planet, so its actually only a 1 in 6 chance it WAS them... not so certain now is it ! ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  11. when i had to retake some AFF levels... all i had to pay for was mine and the AFFI's jump price, there was no extra cost involved ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  12. i've never read the book, what moral argument does it put forward ? ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  13. yes dad ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police
  14. LOL did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning? i rented the dvd and copied it, not watched it yet... but i will tonight, just so i can reply to this thread and not make you red in the face ________________________________________ drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police