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Everything posted by Trent

  1. Trent

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    "I swear I wouldn't use my teeth!!" Oh, hello again!
  2. But Elmer Fudd Frank gets a pass because you can't criticize a Democrat, much less a gay one. Hell you can't even get them out of office when they've got people running gay escort services out of their offices. Oh, hello again!
  3. Correct. He got a pass on many many things until he got some sexin', and that sells so they couldn't ignore it. I really really doubt Obama would get his feet put the the coals as president if he were elected. That, of course, remains to be seen but there is no way the media will shit all over their darling the way they did do Bush. I wonder, do you think they'd have the balls to make a political cartoon mocking Obama as a monkey like they've done over and over to Bush? I doubt they'll do much mocking at all unless it's "right wing" media. I wake up to, and spend 30 minutes driving with NPR. Now what? Oh, hello again!
  4. Democrats want to do what's best for the country by putting another lawyer in office. AWESOME! One sure way to guarantee real change guys. No offense to lawrocket, but I'm with when they say that being a lawyer should disqualify you. Oh, hello again!
  5. There's no anti-republican bias in the media! Look over there! Oh, hello again!
  6. This is despicable as well. I am more angry at people on "my" side who screw up because it ruins the "right" of what we think. I expect it from "your" side though. But is getting people to switch parties as bad as registering new voters fraudulently? After all, regardless of these peoples' party affiliation they're still gonna vote for BO. Oh, hello again!
  7. Yeah, cops and our legal system cost us so much money because of their obsession with perfectly normal people who aren't doing anything bad. Oh, hello again!
  8. Well, if it increases spending for the EITC folks, then it probably will do so for the rest of us. I know I spent mine. Lots of people I know spent theirs. In an economy where spending was one of the only problems, it'd work. I don't think it was a good idea and we could have surivived fine without it. In general, I don't think "trickle up" works very well at all. I wish someone would tell Obama that. Oh, hello again!
  9. Well, if you're going to spend more, you have to raise more. Hence, the debt being issued. Now if it were just for completely ridiculous things, that'd be an argument. If she's building roads, fixing things, improving utilities, hiring cops, etc... it's no big deal. Is the city bankrupt now because of it? Oh, hello again!
  10. It was intended to get people who would otherwise be on welfare to get jobs, basically setting a bottom for their earnings. I BET in increases spending in low income families!! Of course it does. What else could it do? Those people receiving EITC are probably spending all of their money to survive. We're still GIVING them money though. "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" much? Come on. Are you saying that the people who got the stimulus checks either didn't spend it or found some way to use it to destroy our artificially inflated economy? Oh, hello again!
  11. People do understand that efficient cities and businesses issue use long-term debt to fund projects that make improvements or increase profit in the long run, right? There is such a thing as "good debt". In fact, it's a great way for cities to raise money without taxes and is usually a pretty solid investment for people who buy it. No, that's not saying that it's good to always and only borrow for everything. Oh, hello again!
  12. So trickle up works in EITC for those making less than $12,590 but giving stimulus checks of $300-$1200 to anyone else doesn't? Oh, hello again!
  13. So, trickle-up doesn't work then? Better tell Obama! Oh, hello again!
  14. So did Bush's stimulus work? Be careful. If you say it did, you're complimenting Bush. If you say it didn't you're arguing against your man's ideas. What's it gonna be???? Oh, hello again!
  15. Well yeah, but flying fighters years ago doesn't necessarily mean he's kept up on GA. I know a few ex military pilots who haven't cared to fly again. Oh, hello again!
  16. I'd think that this would be of interest to all of us as skydivers and pilots. My opinion: McCain sounds a little more knowledgeable and concerned with aviation as a whole. Still not the perfect candidate for a one-issue aviation voter though. Oh, hello again!
  17. With associations like that, you can't even get a security clearance. Oh, hello again!
  18. I'd rather pay my insurance and get the treatments I need right away than be taxed %40 and have to wait. But that's just me. I like to spend my money how I see fit. That couldn't be from how infant mortality is measured or from the fact that Americans are getting fatter could it? NOOOOO, it's definitely because we don't do what Europe does for our healthcare system. Oh, hello again!
  19. None of this matters, you know that. While the "right" people I know have no problems bashing Bush or McCain, we WELL know that those on the left will not criticise their people. Well, maybe they'll say that they think that Obama's smoking is bad or something. What you'll more likely hear when you ask questions like this, and you've already heard some here, is something like... "Oh, what about that bad guy that was on the right? Huh? What do you have to say to THAT?" This is, of course, because they lack the intellectual honesty to even TRY to be objective. A bad guy on THEIR side simply cannot be a bad guy without a bad guy to match on the other side. Cue the comments as to how they actually DO criticise their people, there's just not much evidence of it, but they swear they do it. Oh, hello again!
  20. Stop using countries with populations smaller than my city as an example as to how socialism can work. It doesn't scale well. Socialized health care would also work well on a commune with 3 doctors, 10 farmers, 5 ranchers, etc etc. It really isn't a good or fair comparison at all. Oh, hello again!
  21. No BS, I thought McCain was way funnier. Much more clever jokes and shots at himself and Obama. I think he came off way more likeable than Obama. It just seemed to be more genuine when he was wrapping it up too. Oh, hello again!
  22. As for sadists, I hate to use it but there's bad apples for sure. I know people who did interrogations for the military and they never seemed like idiots or sadists to me. They even busted local police's balls for beating on suspects. Go figure. I don't think an administration would implement torture as a policy to "look tough" then try realy hard to keep it under wraps. Seems silly. I still don't think that our military people are as incompetent as to knowingly use techniques that don't work, and make them look bad, just because they can. It doesn't float. But, hey, I give the benefit of the doubt to our guys. Oh, hello again!
  23. I'm thinking we should require all charitable donations to be paid to the government so that they can distribute it as they see fit. After all, they DO know best how to run things, right? At least that loophole would close and we wouldn't have to worry about sneaky charities doing bad things. It's arrogant of us to actually decide what charities we support! Others could need it more! Oh, hello again!
  24. Oooh, yeah... I bet you're right! Nice one! Oh, hello again!
  25. Easy. Maybe we can borrow some of Obama's "common sense" legislative powers to say, "Hey, if Jon Smith can show me proof of his living at the address we have listed for John Smith, and his DL# matches or his SSN matches... he should get to vote and we should correct the error while we're at it!" But I forget... there was some problem with having to prove who you were when you came to vote, wasn't there? Oh, hello again!