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  1. MMK

    Confused? .. Why?

    Appologies in advance for my ignorance. I note from a number of your responses that you are a fan of the D-Bag, which I have not seen in action, but I think I know what you are referring to. I thought that in BASE, D-Bag means "Direct Bag" (a direct bag is held by someone standing at the exit--it never leaves the object). [Quote from Tom in a different thread]. So, if I am alone or the last one off, how do you suggest I overcome the issue of, well, being without anyone to hold the D-Bag? Unfortunately I have not met anyone around my place who is happy to free-fall after they have D-Bagged me (which sounds very wrong). I like the various (recent) discussions on SL and have read all the personal views and opinions by individuals - they made me review my procedures and I am content with what I do with SL jumps. What do I do, who cares - I think it is about what makes you feel comfy. The two rubber band, no bridle & PC with the break cord at the canopy all makes sense to me, however, the added complexity and the fact I don't have a PC does go against the grain what I belive works for me - which does not mean it is wrong, just personally, it is not for me. Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  2. HUALAPAI INDIAN RESERVATION, Ariz. - Indian leaders and a former astronaut stepped gingerly beyond the Grand Canyon's rim Tuesday, staring through the glass floor and into the 4,000-foot chasm below during the opening ceremony for a new observation deck.;_ylt=Aq0Bv6bCNngae2q48JtPiBqs0NUE Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  3. I will be landing in Zurich 31 May AM and departing on 13 June AM. I will be hiring a car and have a mid-trip commitment further north. I will contact the local jumpers closer to the time, but thought I just trow this out there in case others are planning to be in the general area over this period and want to get together for a jump/beer or three. If anybody has any advice/horror stories, please share since this will be my first trip to what by all accounts, is an awesome place for our activity. Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  4. MMK

    Alabama Huckers

    ah, you were bored anyway and had nothing else to do and we consider you our favourite adopted local when you visit Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  5. MMK

    Alabama Huckers

    pm send Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  6. MMK

    MOAB - ~ 24 Dec - 01 Jan

    Howdy, will be out there - if anyone is out there over that period and fancies doing a few jumps together please PM me and we can see if we can work something out Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  7. Thanks to all that responded to my Qs - Jack it is since I only live about 45mins from the only place in the world where it is distilled. Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  8. MMK

    The Best BASE gear.

    Not a 100% related, but valid (in my opinion none the less). Did an outdoor First Aid Course the other day and the instructor asked what the best First Aid kit was. I rambled on about all the niceties of what to have and he just looked at me and said: "Its whatever you got". No point flying XYZ and wishing you had QWERTY - tough luck! Mick Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  9. I am not convinced by this argument. Beginners under guidance take a lot more time in preperation and planning for what might be considered a 'simple' jump. They will walk out to the Potatoe bridge, try to see things they have been told about to look out for and eventually decide to go to the car park and put their gear on and re-check the conditions and go for it. The danger group is the one that has progressed from beginner to intermediate and now feel in the 'saf(er) zone - done it a couple of times, know whats going on and go for it - of course there is always the surprise that on jump 51 things are completely different. Then you get to the experienced group that walks out and does the stuff with plenty of experience in the bag - I mean I was at the Potatoe bridge once and I thought 'No Way' and all the Aussies and NZ gang jumped anyway despite landing everytime going backwards in the rock garden - but they had the skill to do it everytime without a scratch. I truly think the issue is with people who transit from beginner to intermediate (whatever that is) - you suddenly 'think' you know what you are doing and you push beyond their personal limits. I think that is different from advanced jumpers who push the limit of what can be done. Of course, I forgot to mention that beginners are driven by numbers and objects, whilst the experienced folks are happy to sit a jump out if it does not feel 100% for them - so I agree with that. Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  10. Howdy, Currently trying to get my admin together for a Swiss Valley trip next June. Couple of admin Qs. Donation Box. Is this a per day thing or a once off? What is the going rate - having spend time in Europe and the USA, I have found some considerable differences in 'recommended indication of gratitude'. What's the story with Canadian whiskey? If they like hard liqour, I doubt you can beat Strohrum (Austrian I think) and if you want fine whiskey, well, you can't beat a single malt whiskey from Scotland. I gather Jack is popular in Germany and the UK, so what is the deal? In case any Aussies read this, I appreciate you 'National' rum. Cheers and bottoms up (or sandy bottoms for you Navy Guys) Mick Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  11. MMK

    Personal Locator Beacon

    Ah, I got clearly confused with the GPS and emergency signal and assumed that the GPS was required to pin your location rather than use triangulation based on th signal put out by the emergency signal. So, the GPS is a back-up that enhances the standard emergency service id GPS reception is available. Unless, I am missing the obvious, it sound like a 'nice-to-have' if you jump off the beaten path? Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  12. MMK

    Personal Locator Beacon

    Thanks for that - did see that info. It is my understanding that you need at least three satellites for an accurate fix (and of course have to be conscious to activate the system). I think you only need one satellite for a satelite phone, but you require continuous 'view' to remain in contact. If you use the PLB, is a single satelite adequate if you provide your location prior to departure, which I think ACR offers (date/duration/route/number in party, etc)? Initial thought is that a PLB is a bit like an AAD - do you want to die with a grant in your bank, or in our case, possibly suffer in a canyon for a day and a half before someone walks by. I think it is a 'one-off' buy and as long as you are in real trouble, rescue is free - world-wide. Anybody know any different? Mick Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  13. MMK

    Personal Locator Beacon

    Anybody using them? What are peoples' views? Any recomendations? Sounds like a 'nice to have' in remote areas and/or where there is no cell phone coverage. Probably of little use if you are by yourself lying in a canyon next to a cliff, but your buddy should be able to move to the open, otherwise you just have to crawl! Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  14. MMK

    TF 10/11 Nov

    I will be visiting - anybody around let me know and we can work something out. Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.
  15. MMK

    "Bad Ideas" list

    Define 'Drunk' I am not a medical porsen, but I was under the impression that although alcohol is a depressent, in the early stages of alcohol consumption awareness and reaction goes up. I also seem to be under the impression that police officers look for 'extra' careful drivers after closing time to identify potential DIUs, i.e. people who drive below the speed limit and reduce speed before any junctions. So, one could argue that being slightly drunk makes you react better in an emergency situation and that packing whilst very drunk makes you more 'careful' about packing Just My Penny - 'No comments are meant to offend individuals and are purely a personal view presented by myself'.