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Everything posted by lippy

  1. Stop yer whinin!! Last weekend as I checked the thermometer on jump run, it was -18*C at altitude. (I think that's about 0*F for you Yankees) It was then I realized I should really invest in a full face. Come to Alberta, and find the true meaning of COLD. Live to Jump, Pull to Live, Lippy
  2. That's one way to get Rhonda to come back for a party. What happened to Taff gettin the Rose and Crown for us?
  3. These organizations seem to pop up overnight Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  4. Damn, man, that's nasty. I laughed so hard at that one I almost fell outta my chair Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  5. lippy

    BASE Jump Game

    I got impaled by the flag, that kinda sucked. Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  6. ahhhh, 2-chez Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  7. Come on Tee, I've known you long enough to know that you are neither sweet nor innocent Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy P.S. you goin to the Ranch this weekend?
  8. I once saw a video of a guy who was pissed off cause his buddies got cleared for a 3-second delay and he was still on static. On a hanging exit from a C-206, he let go of the strut and went for his handles. It was pretty funny shit to see the instructor hauling in the SL bag with main still inside, and then the guy tells the JM that he had a mal. The dumb bastard could've gotten away with it if he'd waited another 3 seconds. The guy got to do his 'freefall', and he got sent the fuck home. Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  9. What were the seven dirty words again? crash, die, burn-in, grounded, mal, dual-mal and funnel. Something like that, wasn't it? Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  10. You forgot: "Remember to Pull" Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  11. "I'm going to start with "REMEMBER: DON'T DRINK" on the underside of my right arm. " What kind of a skydiver are you?!?!?! Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  12. My Grandfather had a trick that always seemed to work for him...Get an orange hunting hat, attach it to a wall, and sit down with a bottle of rum. When you see two hats, go to bed. Old Grandpa had some good cures... Or maybe he was just an alcoholic? Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  13. In Reply to: And as far as other Edmonchuckiens, I think Tee jumps at Westlock too I'm pretty sure she used to jump there, but she's moved to Calgary and jumps at the Ranch now. I was on a 4-way scramble team with her a couple of weeks ago and we won. I still can't get over that!! Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  14. In Reply to: Isn't Canada's method a combination of either tandem and aff or static line and aff? I could have sworn that I read somewhere that Canada uses a three tandem, 5 aff system, but I have been known to be wrong.... ___________________________________________________ At the DZ I jump at, you can do one static line, then move to AFF. I have heard of DZ's in Ontario, Canada, where they don't do any IAD or static line, just tandem and tandem progression to AFF. Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  15. You from Alberta? So did you do PFF at Dids or at Westlock. I jump at Beiseker, but I think I'm going to start goin to Dids, cause I gotta move to Red Deer Live to Jump, Pull to Live Lippy
  16. "If God wanted me to stay on the ground, he woulda gave me roots" Live to jump, pull to live Lippy
  17. I'm an electronics tech. After last night, I feel like I've drank a couple for everybody. The worst part is, I left in such a hurry I forgot my keys, and spent this morning hungover and staggering around Calgary trying to find my roomate. Live to jump, pull to live Lippy
  18. Hey y'all, I havn't really chatted with anybody here very much, but just want to tell everybody I can: I gotta job!!! Now I can buy a rig, do lots more jumps, and now I'm going drinking!!! Live to jump, pull to live Lippy
  19. About a month ago I found a good (but slightly painful) skydive simultation. On the way back to the DZ from a pub, with six drunken jumpers in a van, somebody inevitably yells 'Doooooor', and people started climbing out on the gravel driveway. The van is lacking a proper step and a strut, but it's a good way to practice your PLF
  20. I totally know what you're talking about when you say: But I've been rationalizing for a year and can't overcome it. It is only getting worse! I was thinking the same thing right after I graduated college last June, and the DZO was looking for a packer, only for a couple of weeks. 'Should I take the job and put offf my serious job search, or just wait and live at the DZ some other time?' I took the job, and the DZ quickly turned from the weekend playground I'd known it as to a job. A mere 10 jumps in a span of 3 weeks. If you want to move to the DZ to work, realize that it's probably going to be work, but hell, could you ask for a better office? "Seek ye first the pilot chute, and good things shall come frome there"
  21. lippy

    Jump #76

    No shit, there I was, on the way to the DZ two weeks ago. This weekend was the annual pig roast/friendly RW competition/chair accuracy comp. I had 74 jumps to my name, with maybe 10 of those being RW jumps, and was planning to go out to watch the festivities, but not so much to take part. As we stopped for a bite to eat at the small town just outside the DZ, my buddy's cell rang, and it was people from the DZ asking if we wanted to take part in the 3-way competion. Although I insisted that I didn't have so much as a point in a 3-way, my buddy put my name on the list non-the-less. What the hell, I'd give it a shot, seeing as they were expecting me. We arrived at the drop zone to realize that there was a much bigger turn-out than anticipated, and in the inerest of time the 3-way comp had been turned into a 4-way. Oh, great, I'd only attemped two 4-ways ever, both of which were supposed to be horny-Gs, and neither made it much further than exit. But okay, I'd try it for the team. I must say I was releived to find out that the teams were matched so that there would be 2 rookies, matched with two experienced jumpers, and that my two experienced jumpers were both AFF instructors who were on the Quincy 300 way attempt. Our other 'rookie' has over 100 jumps, and she's a helluva jumper considering the number of jumps she has. Anyways, the plan was to exit in a star, go into a 3-way star with a stinger, then zipper, then side-bodies, and repeat untill four grand. First attempt we botched the exit, pulled it together in time to get 3 points and break off. Then it was land, pack, and watch the video, which revealed a couple of poor body positions on my part, so back in the air for the second attempt, which was, and is to date, my best skydive ever. The exit went off without a hitch, and we got through the first four points, then got to repeat the first two for a total of 6 before it was time to go by-by. This was good enough for the gold, and good enough to keep me smiling for the rest of the day. Anyways, my point is that video made such a huge difference, and that if you're a rookie in a RW scramble comp, try to get a couple of AFF or PFF, depending on your DZ, instructors on your team. Blue Skies, Lippy