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Everything posted by OSOK

  1. OSOK


    learning how to freefly help when it comes time to put on a wingsuit?
  2. Just talk to the DZO and I'm sure he'll tell you exactly what his expectations are. Maybe he needs you there weekends only and during the week you get to go a jump? Not only do you hang around the skydiving world, you might also get a staff discount on jumps and gear if they have one.
  3. I'm sorry, but this is about the dumbest thing I've heard someone do. I understand getting foggy glasses, but werent u able to just take em off under canopy?
  4. It sounds like a good idea... but can we start by having someone explain the process of getting the right equipment and making it work with Google Earth? I remember downloading Paralog and trying to get it to work with my Neptune... but no dice.
  5. Hey, just heard the show... my DZ has canopies on the ground right after landing... I'll post a pic. http://ronin.redback.inficad.com/osok/sites/misc/canopies.jpg
  6. Suggestion: if you want any kind of actually definitive results, just have a YES/NO as options, thats it.
  7. That's what I'm looking at now... it comes with a default refresh of 2 hours... so I'm bringing that down to 1 or every 30 minutes. Edit: hey, if a database gets created using the placemarks from the other GE thread, then maybe a pic of the current weather over the dropzones can be added too!
  8. http://www.gearthhacks.com/downloads/ This is the main site... it has all the different kinds of downloads available, like the weather ones, 3d buildings, current event locations, etc.
  9. Well, bored as I was, I went to google and typed "fun things to do with google earth." I then came across a website with tons of stuff for it, and the best I found are these current, self-updating weather overlays. They have pretty much of the entire world (the US fully), and they're just like the .kmz files, only that these update! They have current, forecasts, all kinds! Here's a pic of my GE with some golf coast radars enabled http://ronin.redback.inficad.com/osok/sites/misc/GEradars.JPG My DZ has Google Earth installed in their computers, but I'm not sure if they have this. I'm sure going to tell them about it!
  10. I haven't watched that, but check out one from skydiving movies called 111_summer_2006.wmv. At the 33 second mark, this dude does this sick barrel roll... I'd like to hear whats the best way too. I was told that putting an arm in front and one in back, and angling them so they're bent down, could give you that spinning effect. ???
  11. I just came across this and I think this is the best skydiving photo I've seen... http://www.matthoover.com/gallery/skydiving-photos/2006-03/2006-03_p04.html#navbar Post yours!!
  12. Weird... that's really a glider field... dunno what that's about. The actual DZ is SW of that field, if you follow the canal South, you'll see the airport on the right side just off of it.
  13. Lol... it just seems I have to keep my "decisions" from telling it to whuffos...
  14. Well... going to the DZ this weekend hoping to make the 17 jumps I need to get my 100th by Friday, on my b-day, has made me consider something... I think Im going to postpone changing my crappy ass car to buy a rig. I went to jump, borrowing a friend's, but he no longer works there. I'm tired of having to borrow rigs, so I guess I'll have to give my car constant maintainance to keep it alive as long as I can.
  15. My bad File attached. BTW, the Perris file seems to be empty when GE opens it.
  16. Skydive Miami. Check out the canopies AND shuttle in the landing area Amazing detail
  17. You guys are right... it's just me Blue skies all.
  18. Sigh. Time to lock this before it gets too boring.
  19. Why is it that almost everyone in skydiving uses the "[insert jumps]-jump wonder" line? I'm sorry, I felt like venting before, then I didn't, and now after reading your reply, MakeItHappen, I feel like venting again. What do jump numbers have to do with someone's opinion on the matter? I could have the same exact opinion and not be a skydiver at all, just a packer. What then would you use to belittle me? If you were using the jump-wonder line to refer to my time in skydiving... It sucks about your friend, and I'm glad something good came out of it like that article that has probably saved many lives through-out the years. You are right, I'm sure I have benefited from the changes the article brought about. All I said is that the author generalizes that all packers "overlook the placement of lines in the pack tray." Under the "contributing factors" instead of putting "many jumpers use packers," she could've put "packjobs are rushed when they shouldn't be" and it would've come across much better. I'm not the type to get bothered by little things, but for someone reason this one just irks me.
  20. I was a packer on weekends at a very busy DZ. And yes, I'm sure the packing makes a diff, but she says "jumpers using packers" like saying packers are a bad thing or something. I guess I don't care that much, I didn't notice the article was so old.