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  1. yes, i cutaway. I'm still alive right? No skyhook, the cyperass didn't fire.
  2. I am tandem instructor with 3000 tandems. only 2 malfunctions up until yesterday when i had a bag log that opened so hard that the the student was violently twisted and pinned to my right side. the parcially inflated canopy was straight in front of me with mega line twists. I could hardly reach my cutaway handle. when i did something hit so hard in the head that i went unconscience for a few seconds. i woke up so see my free bag dangling in front of me. I didn't release what was happening until suddenly the reserve open some how straight. chesk over the handy cam video and saw that it took 16 seconds from when i pulled the cutaway until i had reserve. I am sill trying piece togethr what happened. Anyone elese had such a violent opening from a bag lock?