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Everything posted by 1888

  1. Are you sure you didn't act like an asshole? A little attitude can go a long way (in either direction) Notice a bit of difference in the way you got handled and the way that other guy (11&3 o'clock) was? Now mind you I'm not calling you an asshols, just asking you to ask ypourself.
  2. QuoteGet a copy of Traveler's Guide to the Firearms laws of the Fifty States @www.gunlawguide.com. or 859 491 6400. It's written by a lawyer and contains a lot of info. I have had a copy for years & get a new one every couple. The Federal Law that someone alludes to is the McClure-Volkner Ac of 1986. It allows unllicensed carry of weapons thru states where it would otherwise be illegal provided you meet certain storage I requirements and may legally possesss that firearm in the state you are leaving and the state of destination. You can stop for gas, food. Don't stop to visit Uncle Harry cause now yur in the shits if you get caught. This law is also addresed in the book. I am a retired cop who travels a lot. I have a couple of permits that are honored in several other states, but I check the book from time to time.
  3. I think he's over there with Richard Crusty
  4. 1888

    Sky King . . .

    Ripcord actually was released in Sept. 1961. I was skydiving then and hoped to get a few tips, like how to touch someone on purpose in freefall.
  5. Howard Any idea who that is on the wires? Paul
  6. I don't know how statistics are compiled now but years ago if the officer checked the box "had been drinking" the accident was called alcohol related. Had been drinking can mean many things but the box was there & you had to check it off. Of course the driver wasn't arrested unless he was under the influence. I always thought that the reason for this was so that the various agencies could inflate figures to get more funding. So much for statistics.
  7. McCain is a true American hero. Read some books about him and his trials as a POW. He has balls the size of anyone in this country, and thats what we need. He has experience of many years of serving this country unlike our past two presidents, a draft dodger and a cheerleader. This may well be the last President we will have who comes to power with the experience of combat in his background. How many up and coming politicians today have been in the military? He is afraid of nothing, has a mind of his own and will restore our country when elected.
  8. I know tim well and have probably been on hundreds of loads with him. He is as tough as a bagfull of hammers and has been injured a number of times. He always blames only himself & strives to be better the next time. I think the hanger jump changed him a bit and made him slow down. However I have watched many amazing swoops over the years. Man that guy could really fart at about 10,000 feet.
  9. The difference is tolerance. A professional drinker has acclimated himself to operating on a high BAC & therefore does not show the signs of intoxication, however, he is still under the influence. I am a retired State Trooper and in my state when I started the limit was 0.15. In my 20 years of arresting hundreds of drunk drivers the drunkest appearing person I saw was a teenager at 0.12 and the highest BAC I saw was a 50 year old professional drinker at 0.38. The professional was steady on his feet and exhibited few of the claassic signs, however, he drove like shit. Both were under the influence, but the pro had developed a tolerance to the effects of the booze where the youngster had not. By the way you could drink and drive in many states for years until the Feds threatened the states by withholding federal funds during the 80's. It didn't take the states long to fall in line.
  10. A PCA patch from back in the day.
  11. Certainly not justifying this guys actions but any cop will tell you that he would rather arrest 10 drunken men than one drunken woman. I speak from experience as I was a Trooper for 20 years. Without fail, they screech, scream, cry, kick, threaten, punch, spit, fall on the floor, etc. Men (especially the big ones who could pound you into the ground like a fencepost) will usually submit without much fuss, unless they have a new girlfriend in the car they want to impress. Men, even drunken ones can usually be reasoned with. Not so with women. I have never seen a woman DWI who would listen to reason. Lucky they are smaller than men. Of course that doesn't give anyone to beat the shit out of them.
  12. 1888

    Radar Detector

    If you get a Vet, especially one of the older Stingrays, radar has a difficult time getting a signal back because of the shape of the Vet and the material of which it is made.
  13. 1888

    I feel old :-(

    My first jump was 16 years before you were born & i'm still hacking it, so try to keep your chin up.
  14. Ditto from a former Jarhead to all other Jarheads. Semper Fi
  15. Howard Put me down for an OFR #5. Are you going to issue numbers and wallet cards? Paul Mac Lean
  16. Could the water be from your A/C? It usually drips from the right front.
  17. 1888

    Fart foods?

    Just eat anything from the snack bar at our DZ
  18. But he appears to be toe tapping and that left hand is getting near the lower stall partition.
  19. [/email] Howard I'm sure he would appreciate it. He was unable to download it from the forum. He does recall the jumps which he also found in his logbook.[email]
  20. Mathews is fifth from left with his head down and I am 6th, right beside him. Holy shit, my brain hurts from all this thinking.
  21. Ah, but you asked for not just the year, but the approximate date, which I submit was 5/20/62 at Orangeberg SC, taken not from a magazine, but from the pages of my logbook and my somewhat foggy memory. If I am correct, & I think I am, I can identify along with myself, Bob Mathews, Ross Turpin, Steve Wilkie, Roy Bertalowitz, Charlie Murphy, FNU Murphy & Kevin Brady all US Marines. I cannot read the signature in my logbook, but it was D-96. I may not have replied in a timely fashon, however this was due to the fact that I was checking my old logbook for facts, after having finally found my glasses and used the toilet facilities, having remembered what I was in the toilet for.
  22. Is it what was called a flying boxcar, a troop/cargo plane? I can't recall the military designation, possible C-19. The Marines had some in the early 60's which were phased out also in the early 60's & sent to the reserves.