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  1. Congratulations. It is hard to quit, but worth it. today is day 41 for me and I feel so much better already. I smoked for 12 years. Just remember that no matter how bad you are craving one...it isn't worth it. Your HEALTH is what matters and having that one drag won't make you feel better. Good luck, keep us posted.
  2. Congrats. I am on day 13 of not smoking!!!!! I quit before as well. I was smoke free for two years and like a dumb ass, i went back to smoking after having "just one". I don't remember last time being this hard. I am doing so well today and am proud of myself. tomorrow is officially two weeks....so I can make it. Just remember that you can do it and having that smoke won't make anything better!!! Good luck to ya and keep us updated
  3. EAGLES Egotistical Assholes, gonna lose every season!! Go Giants!!!!!!!
  4. If you like love stories, you will really like The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks. All of his books are really good. I can't put them down.
  5. Congratulations, that is great!!!
  6. 1. Whats your name? Danielle 2. How old are you? 25 3. Why did you decide to start jumping out of airplanes? I received a gift certificate from my boyfriend for Christmas and it has been an addiction ever since. 4. Are you single or taken? Taken 5. Do you have kids? No 6. What do you drive? 2003 VW Jetta 7. Have you ever done a kisspass? No 8. Where do you live? New Jersey 9. Do you have any pets? I have a 2 year old boxer, who is my baby 10. How many jumps do you have? 11 11. What color eyes do you have? Blue 12. What is your nationality? AMERICAN 13. Have you ever dated someone you met off the internet? Yes, and we are still together 14. Favorite Movie? To many to name 15. What do you do when you arent skydiving? Read, scrapbook, hang out with friends and family, shop. 16. Have you ever BASE jumped? No 17. If not... do you want to? Don't think I ever will 18. Do you have siblings? There are five of us, one older and three younger 19. Where do you want to travel to the most? Hawaii and Australia 20. What's your favorite color? Purple 21. Where was the last place you flew to ( not skydiving )? Oklahoma City to see my boyfreind graduate Drill Sargeant School. (so proud)
  7. Hey everyone! I am new to skydiving and I LOVE it! My home DZ is Cross Keys in NJ. I have been reading a lot of posts and think this forum is great. I can't wait to finish my AFF program and get licensed. I am looking forward to all the fun things i can do with the skydiving community. I have never met a nicer group of people.
  8. My deepest condolences to the CK family and Ron and Sara's family. I have only been jumping since May at CK. I love the people there. The first person I noticed was Sara because of her smile! She will be sadly missed. I am doing my AFP jumps with Yonathan. Yonathan, I am truly sorry for you loss. The last jump I did, Sara was on the same load sitting across from me and told me to relax, and gave me one of her contagious smiles. She was a wonderful person and I will miss her at CK. Fly with the angels Sara.