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Everything posted by thegreekone

  1. flyhi recommended this site: in New Zealand for me to check out when I first had interest. I'm so excited to try something new! yer not GOING to NZ, are you? Just eat a kiwi. Er, you know what I mean, right? Btw, just had some clients come back from NZ and they had a great time. Even brought me back some early harvest olive oil.
  2. sisters are doing it for themselves!
  3. looks pretty cool. I miss the beach. It seems like the only time I am ever there is when I am in Greece, which is never often enough. "the beach is THATTA way" *slowly turns, flexes, and points*
  4. telemarketer, definitely. (summer job after HS) LASTED 2 days
  5. thegreekone

    A beatin'!

    now THAT is funny!
  6. thegreekone

    A beatin'!

    dude, I thought the same thing, then I chuckled. Then I wanted to use that kid's head as a battering ram on, say, a castle door. (english castle)
  7. People think it's the moisturizer that keeps my skin looking so good, but it's really the Spirulina. Ha!
  8. I like a woman with confidence. My story, you ask? Nutin, nutin at all. edited to add: Ok, it's sumfin, sumfin BIG, but that's all I am willing to say at this juncture.
  9. My doctor just told me about Viagra, and Ennis and I couldn't be happier!
  10. *scratches head while walking out the door, stops and turns* "uh, ma'am...there was ONE thing I have been wondering about...." Go get'er done, dude!
  11. favorite crime show, alas, is no more. Homicide: LIfe on The Street. Used to like L & O: Criminal Intent, but I am hardly ever home and watch Grey's Anatomy now. btw, CSI shows suck. If that is a template paint by the numbers show, I dunno what is. Used to like William Peterson after To LIve and Die in L.A. Poor guy....
  12. Here I come to save the day!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. That's what I was drinking at this cool Indian place I went to saturday night.
  14. *singing* "Rocky Mountain High......Colorado"
  15. thegreekone


    congrats......also, 500 jumps your first two years is pretty coolio.
  16. Peter Luger's (Brooklyn, New York), arguably one of the greatest steak houses in the US, certainly the most acclaimed in New York, hasn't changed a single thing, maybe ever.....and you can't step foot in that p[lace without a rezo. *shakes head* I hope it does work out for them and that the landlord's venture/new tenants tank. sorry...
  17. bro, I meant the part about not believing they are gonna give you a degree! hear back from MSFT yet?