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    JVX Sail 80
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  1. Hahaha, I was just asking cause Marius is dying to get his chops into one!! And cause it flies like a jet fighter, seriously I couldn't believe how fast it was, not to take anything away from guys flying them they are amazing but the canopy is a beast!!! Cheers Bro
  2. Does anyone know any info on the release dates of the Velo XB? I spoke to a few of the guys in Sydney at the worlds and they said it might be out soon but they weren't sure of the dates.... Cheers Ricky :)
  3. That's at mile hi yeah? If your turning at 850 at mile high, how much higher is that than your turn at sea level?
  4. Hi Steve, I have the same canopy and loading as you. I like to turn about 700 feet give or take. I felt like much higher than that and the canopy would loose speed before the gate. I think rest of the NZ team are turning about that height too. Everyone has their own techniques and style but 850 does sound pretty high.
  5. Hey whats up Jim. Where are you jumping now, you missing the Zone?? :) I heard you had some problems with your jvx openings. I've had 3 jvx's and they all opened really well, soft but always with tension on the lines. But, I had an 89vx with jvx lineset and the C's and D's would flap around during opening, I had two chops because of tension knots on it. Is it the same lines that are flapping on your wing?
  6. Yeah man what a legend!!! I love that people are acknowledging swooping so much now that it's all they wana learn to skydive for.
  7. If your selling your 118 I might be keen, how many jumps on it, I'm looking for an oldie I can use for G-Launching?? And yeah 1000 is recomended for x-braced, but the guy who just won the Australian Nationals is on a JVX and I think he only has 900 jumps or something like that, awsome!!! Also my good friend Jeff got a VX92 after I think 650 jumps and he was rocking it in no time, as in properly rocking it, blindmen, tick jockey's etc. Turbo from my DZ is on a xaos after 600 and is smoking. We do alot of camera though, I guess there's exceptions...
  8. How much further on average do you go at mile hi. If everything is the same, same turn, same wind etc?
  9. Ok sorry, I guess I worded it wrong. By in the corner I meant the recovery arch, and you do have to use rears to pull it out of the recovery or your swoop will fizzle out. I guess like all x-braces should be pulled out of the recovery for the best performance. If anyone say's they should plane out by themselves then they are not flying corectly. Nick Batsch if you time his recovery arch is 2 seconds or less which is a REAL short time. But, the recovery is always at the same height, I think he just has more speed going into it??? But yeah like spiazzarco says velo's and JVX'x have to be flown differently if you want to get the most out of them. I don't mean to offend you diablopilot, but negative comments like you made are what stops people posting on these forums. Ricky :)
  10. Hi there everyone. I did some ground launching today on my JVX89 loaded 2.4ish. The wind was about 15 knots I reakon. It was awsome really fast and tight to the ground. But when the wind died down a bit later on the canopy was sinking too much and on my last run I had to fly on brakes to stop myself eating the hill. My buddy was flying a xaos 108 which was doing real well and my other buddy was on a FX 119 which was wicked too. So this made me want to get a new canopy for ground launching. So I'd like to hear from people who have ground launched alot of canopies, what canopy they found the best to fly? Cheers Ricky :)
  11. *** Jvx's must be flown well. You don't have to fly JVX's well, just slap down a savage toggle 180, then pump the brakes during the swoop, the faster you pump the brakes the further you go... easy whats the problem. Nah Rhys is obviously right, if you fly your JVX like a little girl you won't swoop like a pro. To get the most out of it it has to be in the corner, it's scary and you have to get it on the money or, A: you have to use to much rears or stab the toggles then your swoop dies. Or, B: you tap the ground with your teeth. And yeah you do have to fly jvx's different to other HP canopies. But do a few jumps and you soon figure out what works and what doesn't.
  12. Yeah Chuck I found the same thing. People say you shouldn't mix and match rubber bands with tube stows etc. I ran out of tube stows at work a couple of times and ended up with rubberbands tubies and sili-bands all on the same bag with a JVX 80 and it always opened great. As long as the lines are all stowed at an even length with even tension I don't think it matters. Ricky :)
  13. Hi there Stevomooo, nice name haha. At my DZ we have had the same situation, and yeah it can be frustrating when you can't swoop because a tandem spirals down, but like everyone here has said tandems do technically have the right of way, I think it's more of a courtesy thing for the tandem to wait for the faster canopies but they don't have to, you know. It's not the end of the world if you miss a swoop, even if it might feel like it at the time :)
  14. Thats a really good vid, holly sh1t. It's hard to see any of the pro's set-up, turn and swoop. Alot of different techniques I hadn't seen used before, very cool. Cheers :)