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Everything posted by skyglider

  1. What I find what’s heart wrenching is when a friend finds out that someone they love has died – and the way they find out is through a public forum (a bit off the subject of the list, more a thought about the consideration of others before you post – make a posting ethics rule that you have to wait at least 48 hours before posting about someone who’s just died – in order to give the family and friends a chance to hear about it). I know, I know – the world is what it is – don’t look if you don’t want to know…. My heart starts to race when I see a thread topic like the one I saw yesterday…knowing how easily it could be someone else that I love…such a small, small world. It might be “another one” to someone, but it could be my someone’s someone. Did that make sense? I hate that the community is surrounded by death’s broken wings. The list, the horrible list …after awhile, the death toll becomes something that seems quantified and blended across paragraphs of incidents. I’ve never gotten through the whole list to be honest. It’s reading someone’s name that is familiar – a friend of a friend, a lover of a friend, a son of a friend, a friend – and reading about someone that I’ve never known…it’s seeing their names or picture next to the words that are heavy and without breath…that stops me from reading further every time – maybe because the tears get in the way. Perhaps one day the list won’t have names. It seems like a more humanistic approach to what the list’s purpose has been portrayed to be by the king’s court, although the list holds different meaning for different people. – if “you” really want a memorial for those that have died BASE jumping – perhaps create one that has only names – carve it deep in a cave somewhere in the mountains or etch it in limestone and buy a small plot of soil somewhere far away from the matrix for it to stay so loved ones can rest their backs against the cool stone and remember and feel close in the stillness of the moment, find an apex and pound in sticks with pc’s tied to the tops that the wind catches like flags or kites with names embroidered on the bridles, carve their names in a redwood that stands hundreds of feet over the forest in a canopy of trees...
  2. nothing to to with BASE. Extended Streaming Video Great White Shark Encounter Caught On Video Off Oahu Jan 18, 2006 03:31 AM PST KHNL News 8 Links HALEIWA (KHNL) While the excitement is building to bring in the new year, excitment turned into terror for a longtime waterman who went face-to-face with the most feared creature in the ocean right here in Hawaii. Not only does he have an amazing story to tell of his run in with a great white shark but he's got the pictures to prove it. Jimmy Hall knows he was lucky. He's been running a shark tour on the North Shore for about 4 years. He's seen thousands of sharks but this is the first time he's seen the great white shark, hands down the most feared creature in the ocean. "Every time I tell the story or think about it, or close my eyes, it's right there. I don't think I've done anything where the high has lasted so long. I just cannot get over how incredibly fortunate I was to be out there when that incredible animal came by." said Hall. Jimmy Hall of Hawaii Shark Encounters had a close encounter during a shark tour on Wednesday about 3 miles off Haleiwa. "And I looked at that, and matter of factly, that's a small humpback whale. That's how big this thing was. When it got closer, it was no humpback whale. It was a white shark, unmistakably". This great white is a female. Experts estimate her to be about 18 feet long and between 1.5 to 2 tons. Just to give you an idea, that boat she's rubbing up against in the video is 32 feet long. "I went outside the cage, and just went out mid-water and she was making an approach and I just sat there and saw this incredible fish and just came swimming up, until we were about 2 feet away, nose to nose with that shark, and it swam by and just put my hand by her side and wow! That was really, that was really something!" Hall hopes this historic sighting helps experts learn more about great whites and clear up any myths. "If there was such a thing as a man eating shark, that's all the shark would eat. There's so many of us. We swim so pathetically slow compared to everything else in the ocean, they wouldn't do anything else but eat people. "We were just incredibly fortunate to see this one. Cause we happen to see it, doesn't mean it's the only one that's ever been here." Hall has talked to local shark experts. They'd like to track where she came from. An expert says the public shouldn't be concerned because great whites are known to be here, but he wouldn't advise anyone from jumping in the water when one is in the water.
  3. skyglider

    20/20 and jeb

    The piece shown last week was thrown into a two hour “special” of people and their neurotic fears and how the US media feeds into those fears. I definitely would have changed the channel except I wanted to see what spin they were going to put on BASE. I really wanted to change the channel when one “doctor/psychologist” was convincing people to overcome their fears by repeating an even more fearful statement – “I want the plane to crash, I want the plane to crash”. You would think in today’s age we comprehend the immense power of one’s own thoughts. Words have power. That which you focus on expands….Think good thoughts, think about what you want to have happen not about what you don’t want to have happen. Jeb was interviewed about facing fear and developing the discipline through knowledge and experience to focus your way through it. It really didn’t focus on the beauty of BASE (nor it’s place in the judicial system). Still the same the footage from Paris and Malaysia had to have awakened the soul of any sleeping viewer. They could have talked about skydiving and have gotten the same point across that they were trying to make. Back in 2005 Pete W. was featured in a 20/20 piece over in Oz and I thought it was amazing and exhilarating. The segment’s been saved in my favorites list since, but as I just tried to access it, it said the piece no longer “exists”. The land of Oz seems to know about magic and believing in dreams as expressed through the light of the interviewer and Aussie Pete.
  4. I meant it was "just talk" within a group of people that included him and a few others...not referring to any other jumpers. one is extremely careful...
  5. Norgies....Wow - what amazing footage! Definitely left me wanting more. That was incredible. Nor Cal Big Wall Track: Saw this beautiful picture last night and thought about JT's flight over the magical valley - kind of the same, but different. Out-tracking the talus...congratulations! Last year it was only talk....this year...a great accomplishment indeed.
  6. "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears the beat of a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away." -- Henry David Thoreau "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours." --Henry David Thoreau Stay safe and stay inspired.
  7. I guess this is what makes the world keep turning – a desire for something that feels good and the fruition of that desire and more importantly – our freedom to have that which we desire. She has someone encouraging her while teaching her to BASE when other experienced BASE jumpers wouldn't have dared even with permission. He gets whatever he gets from giving someone their first experiences with BASE jumping. He likes different and new stuff. Maybe for him this is the next level. In a way, they probably are at the same level in their desire and excitement to keep jumping together regardless of what anyone thinks. Honestly, most locals at the PC likely think that think this is actually exciting and completely harmless, and they are the ones who know him best. If you want to BASE, and you’re in the area, you’ll most likely be directed to the same person. A lot of people do have respect for him. He doesn’t go out searching for students. They come to him. Some get his time and some don’t – Tis the season for all the employees there to be working long hours at a very busy dz while interacting with a very special boss and to go out in the wee hours to take a newbie into a place that renders them both elated, must mean there’s something worth it all to keep him dedicated and motivated to put himself out there with her when he could be someplace else. The part about their ages and ethics…who is anyone to judge their “guilt” or “innocence” besides their own selves and her parents? It looks bad to some, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will go that way. Jimmy is a good guy who is offering Clair her dream to BASE. Each person is allowed their own standards to live by as we properly should be. Choices and consequences. Risk and reward. Old and young. Life and Death. What was, what is, what could be, what will be…..what’s next? Good luck guys. I hope this works out well for everyone (Jimmy, Clair, her family, etc.) involved including the BASE community at large. Stay safe and stay inspiried. p.s. Will the next video be rated PG-16?
  8. Be mindful that if BASE is truly your passion, you will find a way to make it happen - on your own if need be. Your boyfriend’s experience teaches him to be cautious, and he must care about you a lot. If BASE is something you want to do to be closer to your bf, it has to be something that he is willing to share with you. Is he willing to include you? I suggest go on as many jumps as possible and do ground crew. Listen and ask questions to those who have a lot of experience in the sport. Watch and study as much footage as you can. Learn how to skydive and get some experience with canopy control. Learn about malfunctions and what to do. Read as much as you can to learn about the technical side of it. All of these things will help build your confidence. This is just some of the advice that others have told me. There are a lot of different opinions in the BASE community about what a person should do before they do their first BASE jump. Learn from the best and shy away from the ones who are in it for their ego. The most experienced BASE jumpers have died living their passion. That is the risk that you take. Take it seriously. Stay safe and stay inspired.
  9. Your words have more power and beauty than you might know. I've found much comfort reading your post tonight. It's like you really found the right path. How lucky for your companion. To hear those words from a man who stands up and states it so clearly gives me hope. I needed that. Stay safe and stay inspired.
  10. Are you going to put today's shot up on Or - do we have to wait until Keen & A+bel or whatever the next video will be? edited to add - That's really good that the guy's okay. :)
  11. hard work + motivation + passion = blissful success Your ambitious dedication is enlightening. Congratulations....looks like something IS happening.... Since my computer wouldn't play the crazy cam segment - is it anything different than what's on RADIX special features? If yes, I'll figure out what program I need to open the video...any new footage would be a delight to watch. Stay safe and stay inspired.
  12. Did you do a search for the key word: "love" and this popped up? /no pun intented/
  13. Please know that I see the ignorance in my original post. I shouldn't have talked about the public exposure of a such a personal experience that you hold so dear to your heart, especially when exposure would take away what you love most about the sport. There are a lot of things out there that people don't know about and really don't need to know - secret societies and such - just because something's incredible and magical - it doesn't necessarily mean that the world should be included and if they were it would be a "good thing". I do understand that. At the time of my first post, I was planning my trip to So Cal this summer where I'll be staying with a girlfriend who lives at the ranch of a well known movie producer. Although he's mostly into underwater shots, I bet he'd love seeing some footage of BASE....dreaming again. I have yet to meet him. It won't happen again.
  14. It's not because of a BASE tragedy that my best friend isn't here with me. To me it doesn’t change the fact that he’s not here. I wasn’t sure if it mattered, but I didn’t want anyone to misunderstand. I did not intend to bring up anything personal on this forum. I actually was pretty excited thinking about BASE jumping. It’s been on my mind a lot lately for some reason – probably the nice weather. Thank you for all of your kind words. Thank you for sharing your perspective on what I was thinking about. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the variety of posts on this thread and seeing how many talented BASE jumpers responded. It was very interesting - every post shedding a new light. It helped pass some time too which is cool and I learned more about BASE. Great falls and soft landings….and to all…a goodnight... *edited for spelling*
  15. My reality is very small, but this is where I was coming from as lame as it may be - The only reason I started posting on this forum is truly because I miss my best friend who is no longer around to talk with about something that he was always so passionate about which in turn became a passion of mine through his enthusiasm, love, and dedication to the sport. Over the last three years my connection to the BASE world was through him and those people that he jumped with on a regular basis. His experience with BASE spanned a decade - lots of stories, lots of dreams, lots of losses, lots of lawsuits, lots of characters, lots of sites, lots of blood, lots of friends, lots of beer, lots of laughter, and lots of love. In my heart of hearts I didn’t want to say that I never BASE jumped because to me it made me feel even more disconnected. I know that the sport still has a big part of my heart even without him here to share it. I guess I wanted to connect with the BASE community – the people that we used to talk about – to get some laughs and learn new things and to find out anything new about BASE. I wanted to read about the latest and greatest in the BASE world. I can’t talk about a lot of things about BASE, but the things I did talk about I thought were okay to put out there. My level of experience begins and ends with ground crew. I’ve never done a BASE jump. I know that my experience with BASE is unlike all of yours. That doesn’t necessarily mean that I don’t understand the heart of a BASE jumper, because I did. Ian and Tree, I apologize for the ridiculous ending of my last point. Of course anyone named Tree isn’t going to be short and as much crap as you guys give people you would likely have to have a lot of experience behind you. All in all, I wasn’t trying to piss anyone off, I was just trying to say something close to - if live your dream and you put your heart, mind, and soul into something that you love – there will always be a reward – whether or not it’s finding peace at the exit point or finding a way to make a living – just so you find happiness doing what you love - to believe in big things because big things are possible. Skinflica – I first stopped reading your post when you called me a troll – I went back and read more until you called me an ignorant cunt – and just now I did go back to it one last time to finish what you had to say. My reply to your post it that I would never want to be a man especially when guys can be as cruel as you. You could have stopped reading what I wrote after the first sentence. Although fun at first, I can see how ignorant I was to reach out in the way that I did. I'm a bit tired and a bit embarassed, so goodnight. To those of you that sent me kind PM's and replies - your words made this worth it. It reminded me like I was with old friends again. This still holds true in what I wish for all of you….Stay safe and stay inspired.
  16. My post actually wasn't about with what drives most people to do the sport. That is an entirely different post with an entirely different mode of expression. That sure would be a great post to write about. My post was actually written with a select group of jumpers in mind now that I think about the BASE audience that I was focusing on the other night - the top BASE athletes and BASE photographers and those who’s passion in life is BASE. It was written with the thought that I strongly believe they can make a good living doing what they love because there will be a market for it. In so many other areas of life, there are so many people that are already taking up slots – there is so much competition in everything. The sport of BASE is so small and the number of dedicated athletes within the sport is even smaller. What a great place to be in when the on-slot of demand begins. How exciting to get the call from some adventure movie producer saying – “I hear you’re one of the best in the sport. How about helping me get a shot of…..” Talking about a commercial on my first post was saying that one day, it will could easily turn into that. But really I’m not talking about product placement, branding, or sponsorships. I think the exposure of the sport could easily begin with opportunities like, adventure video segments on cable and t.v., movie segments on the big screen, magazines articles, IMAX movies, NG,…. If James Cameron were to put millions of dollars into an adventure film and wanted to get a shot of BASE off Half Dome, he would stand a better chance to get a permit than the whole entire BASE community put together. Who do you think will get the call to do the jump? Would it be you? Would you want it to be you? Some jumpers would say “Hell yes!” - some wouldn’t. My post was written with the jumpers who immediately shout “HELL YES!!” Things like that are possible. Opportunities like that could bring more opportunities for more permits, more acceptance, more respect, and maybe even more changes in the laws. Unfortunately it seems to be the people with the money that usually make the biggest influences in the laws or within the local jurisdictions. If we can better the sport through that avenue, I see that as a good thing. I wasn’t supporting any sort of sell out of the sport. That by far was not what I was alluding to. It’s not about having more people join the sport - I want to see those already in the sport succeed and get a piece of the sky. As far as my number of jumps, TheStump and Sewer210 – Trying to prove that my ideas are so far off because my BASE experience doesn’t likely compare to yours is kind of like me asking how short you guys are or how small your feet are to explain why you guys seem to know it all and carry such a poor attitude about other people. Is this forum really a court room where you two are the lawyers deciding who is the most credible witness on an opinion that has to do with BASE and you get to condemn those that don’t respond to your over-criticizing questions and comments? I wouldn’t want you to re-read the posts that I wrote given the fact that your time is valuable – and my posts are more like essays than posts - and you already “know” the intricacies of what I was trying to say at first glance, but with a different frame of reference - maybe even an open mind - you might interpret what I wrote a little differently at second glance….and then again maybe not. I still say...stay inspired and stay safe. edited to make post shorter and to add a face
  17. I was actually being a bit sarcastic when talking about the over kill of a marketing image hence the suv and picture phone – it’s just that’s the way t.v. seems to be – I thought I was rolling every commercial into one. I don't watch t.v. All I really watch is footage of BASE jumps and skydiving. I really don’t shop either. Although I still think that advertisers are going to love what BASE will offer them and that it will change the way people everywhere view the sport which will bring changes to the sport itself. I think it’s the people who are already putting together videos and the true BASE athletes that are going to be able to best portray what BASE is really all about. Through those modes of exposure, I think advertisers will capture the beauty in the reality of the sport making the viewer feel like they’re somehow a part of the jump/the experience – it could easily revolve around feelings of accomplishment, risk and reward, being successful, concentrated efforts, meticulous planning, setting goals and achieving them, dedication, motivation, capturing moments of life second by second. Besides I hate clowns. The main reason I care about the marketing potential of BASE is because I want to see those people who are passionate about this sport make a good living doing what they are dedicating their life to. I think they will. My post was to support the BASE jumpers who only want to see the sport succeed. They are the ones making sacrifices to live their dream and to protect the sport. You have to be dedicated to BASE. You can’t just throw in a BASE jump here and there and expect to get good or stay alive or portray what the sport is all about. The BASE jumpers that spend all their time thinking about the sport and spend all of their time and save every penny that they have to put into the sport of BASE deserve to profit from it – probably most BASE jumpers don’t want or need to make money doing it – that they do it because it’s already offering them other things that they value beside supporting themselves – my post never touched upon that side of it – that’s an entirely different topic in my head. I get excited thinking about the potential growth and reward for the dedicated athletes. I also think that the right exposure can help bring changes to laws that will make our “world” more pro-BASE than not as well as supply funds for more research for better BASE stuff. That’s where I was coming from last night. I think the reason BASE is a good thing to share with the world **in it’s right light** is because it’s never been shown in it’s true glory. Has it? I think it can be a life changing experience to go from never knowing about BASE to knowing about it and then craving more. I truly believe that the sport of BASE is a very sacred thing, and it’s fragileness (concerns with dazeblazing, site naming, burning a site, harming the environment, etc.) is taken very seriously by most experienced jumpers as it needs to be at this stage of it’s life. With that said, there are all types of BASE jumpers out there and no real designated authority within the entire scope of the sport when you take into account of all the B, A, S, and E on this planet. Some do it in the night, others do it in the day. Some do it from the rails, and some do it from where they are told to do it. Some do it illegally or should I say stealth, and some do it like robots. Some keep it undercover, and some shout from the exit points. Some are stupid, and some are smart. Some climb, and some ride. Some do it solo, and some don’t. Some are reserved, and some are more vibrant in their expressions. Who is anyone to say that one person’s experience with BASE should be like the next person’s? BASE jumpers are distinct individuals with all sorts of different personalities. It shows in their various styles. Who is anyone to say that they are better than the next? I once read – “if you compare yourself to others you may become vain or bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” The BASE community seems to be at odds all the time when it comes to the evolution of the sport and how it really should be evolving. I just gave my thoughts on the subject. Change is an inevitable part of life. Being adaptable is the only way to survive. There are professionals out there already in the sport of BASE that are making a positive impact with what they’re doing for the sport and that’s really exciting to a lot of people – including myself. There are those who would love to make a good living BASE jumping – not for the ego part of it at all, just so they could do more BASE off more high things around the world. They’re inspired to do more than just follow and I think that’s a good thing. I dreamed all night about jumping and had a great time reading your posts when I got home tonight. I'm sure I've once again said something that someone doesn't agree with, but that's what a forum is all about right? - discussing thoughts and ideas with a variety of different people and considering the opinions of others.
  18. I jumped on the soap box again…another night where BASE fills my head. What I truly believe it that BASE is on the brink of something really big – a powerful phase within it’s evolution. I think in not so long from now, the public will begin to accept seeing people jumping off cliffs and high places everywhere and landing softly on the ground and will actually enjoy watching it spite of our innate human fear – they’ll end up wanting more – demand will go up – people in the sport will get noticed – money is going to pour in – more recognition and respect – more money to make better equipment – more permits to jump more places – etc. In my opinion, advertisers have yet to really catch onto the enormous power that BASE jumping has with evoking so many different powerful feelings /good feelings/ within their audience with both live footage and still shots – what they need to get people connected with their product in a way that sticks with them. Advertisers are trying to wake up their audiences – imagine what the total experience of the first time BASE viewer would be watching footage that begins on a mountain top with a shot of a person legs/feet running/ and running and running and then leaping off something/ and then silence and then all the rush that comes after that/and then landing softly on grass near the water’s edge/the canopy slowing falls to the ground, the sun is setting/a face shot capturing the jumpers expression moments after he lands, a close up of that captivating smile/sparkling eyes/and of course an SUV waiting with cool chicks around in bathing suits drinking water out of a bottle with someone on their cell phone taking a picture. (Norway would make a beautiful shot – They would have to photo shop the truck on the landing area I think – plenty of water and beautiful women) Before I did my first tandem I never knew what was happening in the sky or off high things around the world. I first experienced the amazing unfolding of something as incredible as BASE and skydiving four years ago when I had the opportunity to see my first thirty minute compilation of sky footage titled “Lodi Daze” by – here it is/a title in my opinion not up for debate – “World Famous” Aussie Pete. My life was never the same from that moment forward. Just the other day thanks to this forum, I saw Aussie Pete on 60 minutes – I love 60 minutes! The segment got their biggest rating I hear… – it looks like he’s still living his life with passion for the sport. Good on him. He will always be my idol. Being in freefall myself makes me feel a totally different way than the feelings I get when I see footage or photographs of BASE or skydiving – both incredible, but distinctively different. You see something magical in the eyes and smiles of the athletes who’s hearts beat for BASE and it feels good to see. I am just an ordinary person who pays attention to what feels good, but you know what? I got money to spend ,and I want to see more footage! Everyone seems to love extreme everything these days. People want to feel something different – to be moved. People are getting bored and inventing all kinds of extreme activities and seeking out more stimulating adventures – either to try themselves or to watch someone else do. People that are already in the “spot light” of BASE as dim as it might be to some, are in a good place – they are the ones who have managed to benefit from the evolution of the sport and in fact seem to always be ahead of the change. They are the ones who are going to help get the funds to get the exposure and acceptance of BASE for it’s first proper introduction into the marketplace. There is this guy who’s an amazing skier and has so much enthusiasm for the sport of BASE, and I believe his creativity and talent will help start/keep the ball rolling. Everyone knows that just one person can make a difference. In my opinion he is an invaluable spokesperson. He’s a good guy with a good heart and he’s in love with BASE. He’s already has the public’s eye with his skies, and now he’s adding the element of BASE into extreme skiing. It’s so beautiful to watch. Absolutely stunning on film. The public will already be comfortable with the first bit and then…BASE happens..!! – then they’re going to want to see more. It’s also the guys who are putting out tight videos showcasing all of the top athletes who are “going off” and doing things never thought of before. Those videos are getting out to the public as I sit here and type away. The word is out – it might just be a whisper right now. They’ve see it all…they think…until BASE finds them. The “new” generation will want more, my generation will want more. The buzz has began. As far as the ones that are already ahead of the game with being experienced in BASE – I believe if the right people with enough money (businesses, entrepreneurs) hook up with the people that are adapting to the changes within the sport and are making themselves seen and heard – this sport will be forever different and a lot of people will be able to make a good living doing it. Some will protest the change and other people will give it all they’ve got. I believe that there is a lot more young and open minded people out there that have grown up in the world of extreme t.v./movies/video games that are ready for BASE than there are closed minded people that wouldn’t be supportive of the sport. We can change the laws. Big companies can change the laws even easier. I think it is just about to happen. BASE is no longer a secret. It’s a good thing to share with the world. The public is ready to see it in it’s right light. Change is on the horizon. Be respectful and be nice to those who love BASE and let people express themselves as they have the right to. Every BASE jumper has something in common – to keep BASEing and landing safely. Being yourself and doing what you love and getting to do more of it is a great thing. Being adaptable as well as being smart is really where it is all at. Always be safe and always stay inspired. Safe landings to all…
  19. In Reply To "That the sport is not dangerous if practiced safely." In comparison with other legal nationally recognized and publicly accepted/"understood" sports. I had the opportunity to meet a world class rock climber at a BASE jump a couple years ago. He's legally climbed Half Dome several times and hundreds of other cliffs - some of which are owned by our Federal government. He was with a guy who is a world class skier. This guy is dropped off on mountains that no one has ever skied or climbed. He skies down and off gigantic cliffs, does a back flip (now probably a few back flips) and then pitches and lands softly on sparkling snow thousands of feet from where he first started the run. There are people who legally free dive far below the ocean's surface pushing the limits of life with their breath held and enormous pressure squeezing every inch of their body. It is their passion to do what they do. It is their vibrant expression of their individuality. The laws don't prohibit them from living their passion given what they do could fall within the description of being dangerous. In addition, I would guess that the athletes probably don't see what they do it as "dangerous" given their experience and their complete devotion of their thoughts, time, and energy to something that is their life's source because it is that which they love. It is not my place nor anyone else's to limit or judge others because they live a life of dedicated exploration and express their creativity in a way that appears to be "dangerous". There are millions of people doing millions of different things all of which dangerous could apply to what they are legally doing. Dangerous is a relative term when calculating each person's involvement in anything - driving, flying a jet, riding a horse, swimming in the ocean, and even being a parent - all of which is legal of course.
  20. -when observed and safely practiced it is quite amazing and beautiful. (I edited this in this first time, although I still didn't convey what I was intenting) I thought the same thing after reading the post for a second time. You know, sometimes you write something one day with a thought in mind and the next day you read it and think - that isn't exactly what I meant to say, but I didn't want to edit the post again. I was thinking just about the people that I know that have been torn up inside because of someone they have cared about is no longer with us or is currently struggling with an injury. There are so many people that have been gravely affected by the loss of a loved one. I ache for those who's hearts are heavy with sorrow, and I pray that peace will find them and rest in their hearts. What I was trying to express was that it irks me that a lot of people who don't even know what BASE is about and have never been negatively affected by it make judgements and restrictions. That the sport is not dangerous if practiced safely and there's a lot less risk involved than the general public assumes. Beside the fact that it can evoke feelings inside of yourself that makes you realize that life is magical to a lot of people. Thanks for spending the time to read the post and for giving your input. I'm always curious about what people think.
  21. Oh - now that's good. Thanks for my first laugh of the morning. I'm still smiling.
  22. Humberg reminds me a little of a hummer --- which does has good associations to it --- I was picturing a name that encompassed the spirit of the sport of BASE ---well perhaps for a lot of guys getting a hummer can be as good as a BASE jump.
  23. Hucksville reminds me a little of...puke or even a town where people throw cow sh|t at each othere during their community gatherings. It also reminds me a little of spitting. My brothers were always hucking a loogie. I have some bad associations with that name.
  24. The reason for three is I have to put the rest of my money into the pool, pub and living facilities - and a trilogy of towers sounds cool to me. "A tale of three towers" has a nice ring to it. Besides, who wants to wait in line? You know there will always be friends jumping as long a weather permits, right?
  25. Maybe we could buy a deserted town on ebay and sell the land to BASE jumpers and BASE-friendly people. We would have to come up with a good name for the town.