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Everything posted by woodpecker

  1. Thanks again for the warm welcome. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  2. woodpecker


    It's going to be sad watching Stoners last race in motogp, I don't care who hates him...he's one hell of a rider. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  3. He's back! After being gone for a couple years (mil vacations) I'm in Spokane and looking those who jump at the RITZ (ville). Send me the low down and I'll be making my way there when it warms up. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  4. Okay, so now the only error I'm getting is "Table doesnt exist" for the last 3 tables. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  5. same thing: parent key not found. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  6. still getting parent key and missing select keyword errors. The first table it fine, its the three after that are giving me the problems. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  7. I'm getting parent key not found and integrity constraint mostly. Here is the coding if your able to run it through oracle or another system. set echo on; -- spool tablecreation; /* Project DataProject Data PKs and FKs Added */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ set echo on; /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DROP TABLE Supplier; DROP TABLE Item; DROP TABLE Employee; DROP TABLE Department; /*-----------------------------------------*/ CREATE TABLE Department ( Dept_No VARCHAR2 (4), Dept_Name VARCHAR2 (20), Manager VARCHAR2 (30), primary key (dept_No) ); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('1', 'Produce', 'Crystal Smith'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('2', 'Meat', 'Amanda Peets'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('3', 'Dairy', 'John Alans'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('4', 'Cleaning', 'Dan Ulrich'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('5', 'Bakery', 'Missy Romero'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('6', 'Deli', 'Barry Stuart'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('7', 'Pasta', 'Sam Sheppard'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('8', 'Ethnic', 'Alison Gunn'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('9', 'Paper Goods', 'Tom Bolling'); INSERT INTO Department VALUES('10', 'Frozen', 'Erik Montague'); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CREATE TABLE Employee ( Name VARCHAR2 (30), Salary NUMBER (10,2), Dept VARCHAR2 (20), primary key (name), foreign key (dept) references department ); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Crystal Smith', '42000.00', 'Produce'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Amanda Peets', '38000.00', 'Meat'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('John Alans', '34000.00', 'Dairy'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Erik Montague', '34000.00', 'Frozen'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Dan Ulrich', '32000.00', 'Cleaning'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Alison Gunn', '31500.00', 'Ethnic'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Tom Bolling', '36400.00', 'Paper Goods'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Sam Sheppard', '29700.00', 'Pasta'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Barry Stuart', '39600.00', 'Deli'); INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE VALUES('Missy Romero', '42000.00', 'Bakery'); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CREATE TABLE Item ( Supplier VARCHAR2 (20), Item_No VARCHAR2 (10), Price NUMBER (7,2), Name VARCHAR2 (20), Dept VARCHAR2 (20), primary key (supplier, item_no), foreign key (supplier) references supplier, foreign key (dept) references department ); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Apple Mist', '7584937', '1.62', 'Rome Beuty', 'Produce'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Cowboys', '205763', '7.92', 'Ribeye', 'Meat'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Utters', '2359', '4.98', 'Whole Milk', 'Dairy'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Snowmans', '1860385', '10.29','Pizza', 'Frozen'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Smiths', '7593', '6.99', 'Floor Gel', 'Cleaning'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('LeeWong', '49026', '2.47', 'Rice', 'Ethnic'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Talley', '333876', '17.45','Toilet Paper', 'Paper Goods'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Rosas', '9842369', '11.72','Bowtie', 'Pasta'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Fine Cut', '3927568', '14.03','Cajun Turkey', 'Deli'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES('Mrs. Bairds', '52075', '2.87', 'White Split', 'Bakery'); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CREATE TABLE Supplier ( Name VARCHAR2 (20), Phone_Number VARCHAR2 (12), primary key (name) ); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Apple Mist', '509-298-5309'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Cowboys', '714-700-4309'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Fine Cut', '505-398-5629'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('LeeWong',' '594-921-5583'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Mrs. Bairds', '555-252-0921'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Rosas', '210-234-7329'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Smiths', '246-723-7792'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Snowmans', '679-094-1798'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Talley', '555-555-2989'); INSERT INTO SUPPLIER('Utters', '932-443-6412'); /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ describe department; select * from department; describe employee; select * from employee; describe item; select * from item; describe supplier; select * from supplier; -- spool off; SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  8. Any SQL junkies on here? I'm getting hit with a couple errors and have no idea why. Coding mimics another project I did with no errors. Did I mention I hate code? SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  9. What lines do the pilots come with. I cant remember and being lazy. Dacron/Spectra/etc SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  10. Military type I upgraded in my specialty SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  11. After 10 months of the hardest training of my life....I'm back. Looks like the usual suspects are still at it and the same people are jumping, pretending to jump, coaching online, etc etc etc Its good to be normal again and I'll be at a DZ near you all soon. I'm in the states now so I can get around to the boogies a lot cheaper. WA peeps, I'll be at the DZ in a few weeks. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  12. Just bought a 2007 zx6r from the show room floor (pics in a few) and have a question. What is the optimal running temperature (engine temperature, not environment)? I'm asking because my temp. guage reades 214 F when riding here in CA and wanting to make sure thats not high until I can call the shop tomorrow. thanks in advance, Billy Tony....its fucking awsome! SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  13. I'll be buy next week before I head out. Oh I just remembered something: Didnt you actually jump the Katana with the approval and even recommendation of your canopy instructor. hmmmmmmm That means you actually did everything that is recommended but its still wrong. As one of the few who have actually seen you jump, I would recommend a Katana as well......just in a 230. bwahahaha SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  14. Bwahahahaha! And it begins...................NOW! Didnt take long for it to start up. Glad you liked it and wish I could have made it. Long story short, my stuff got picked up this weekend, last minute change. Blah! I do love the listen to me....but in an entirely different thread its always, I cant give advice because I've never seen you jump/land/etc. Good work guys. Lets try this one instead, "listen to me listen to me". Thats much more fitting on this site. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  15. The tail hook on the eagle is used for emergency landings on the runway. Think of a carrier set up (cables) but stretched across the runway. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  16. Though this has recently been discussed here I completely agree. I love getting advice from the under 50 jump and I jumped a few times a few years ago club. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  17. Dont remind me. I cant wait to pay regular price for a jump ticket. These 42 dollar jump tickets are ridiculous. Speaking of new canopy.....have you jumped the demo yet? SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  18. I turned it into bills so it will be easier to carry back and forth from the bar. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  19. bwahahaha So so true.....get those launch sites cleaned up, I'll be there soon. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  20. Soon America.... soon. I see you've forgot that I'm a part time Scottsman just like you. Of course I at least have a scottish last name. Poser! SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  21. I cant even respond to this without having the while thread sent to SC so I'll leave you with this. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  22. Apparently they do it a lil different down under. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  23. I'll personally tea bag Andy when I meet up with him. All the trash he used to talk about the US and then he tucked tail and ran...hmmmm, sounds familiar actually. Bet he even celebrated independence day. Scoop thanks for the Tescos advice. Ended up having over 100 pounds in coin and I wasnt about to bag all of that up. SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  24. Guess I need to open an account then. Damnit! Thanks for the heads up scoop. Actually, I'll just have Tony convert it. lol SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?
  25. I have an ASS TON of coinage (pounds/euro) and wondering if UK banks will trade it out for bills? The bank on base wont accept coins and I really dont want to just end up giving it all to Shropshire. Its bad enough he's going to end up with about 6 free jump tickets. blah Billy SONIC WOODY #146 There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?