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  • Home DZ
    Richland sky sports
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    Freefall Photography
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  1. Its about time congrats! Love Rosie Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  2. Is the Seattle tunnel coming in December real or fiction?? I am sure this has been overdone already however after searching the forums I haven't found anything. Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  3. John, In all honesty I try to mimic your SOP for every passenger I take, adding my twist of course. Thanks a million for all that you have given me and taking the time to give those extra words of encouragement when I needed them most. You are world class!! Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  4. I am a little confused on the direction you are heading. IMHO jokes help calm nerves, obviously jokes need to be tasteful and not at the passengers expense. Our ground crew usually primes passengers that the TI will tell awful jokes on the ride up so I would hate to disappoint. Awful = dumb jokes not raunchy. A little humor makes the experience better and is the intent of the subject. That said... What do you call a fish with no eyes?? Fsssshhhhh Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  5. Agreed. However fun jumpers are finishing the punch lines... Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  6. On the way to alti we usual tell a few jokes to help calm our passengers between briefings. Unfortunately we almost always tell the same jokes and it may be time for some new material. Does anyone out there have some short skydiving jokes they can share?? Here are the jokes we use. Why don't skeletons skydive.... Why don't blind people jump... What the monkey say when he got his tail caught in the propeller? Two muffins sitting in the oven..... Two cannibals eating a clown.... What the fish say when it hit a wall.... Whats the difference between a Ferrari and a erection Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  7. Might.... Girls in sexy outfits getting on a jump plane.... I would hang onto the landing gear to altitude just to get on that jump... Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  8. I am glad to hear they are working with you to make things right and resolve the issues. Let us know if they make their promised delivery date. Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  9. LOL... No comment. I love mirage rigs. In fact I have three of them.. Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  10. If you ever purchased a rig from mirage what did you think? Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  11. Holy shit balls batman!! Just for that comment I want to be a camera toting pimp/peg legged pirate!!! Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  12. Excuses excuses!! Thermostat $9 Windshield $100 using insurance Transmission flush $40 My advice- sell the car, buy a plane ticket, jump the Ritz and steal a buss pass when you get home. Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
  13. First off, I didn’t get my TM rating for the money and I do not expect a tip nor do I make suggestions that passengers should tip. Because I truly feel it is important, I try to go above and beyond to make every passengers tandem experience a memory they will cherish for a life time, often times the bi-product of this effort results in a cash tip. However, IMHO the real reward comes when I am successful at creating a positive life long memory for my passengers. I regards to sharing the wealth with others such as pilots, ground crew etc. in all honesty I never gave it any thought until after reading this thread. Now that I think about it, I feel like a greedy little fuck stain and in the future I will pay tips forward to those who were involved in enhancing my passengers experience. Packers, good manifest peeps, fellow jumpers giving words of encouragement should be rewarded however if you are a dick or too busy to give a shit I don’t think warrants an automatic reward from pooled tips. In short reward the desired behavior. Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!