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Everything posted by RossDagley

  1. When I bought my first rig (new), I had my instructor at DeLand jump it - it was a left hand BOC. H'ed over 10,000 jumps right hand pulling, and didn't have an issue I'm sure you'll remember when it comes to pull time.
  2. Oh don't get me wrong - I'm not bashing Sigma in general - I own a couple of Sigma lenses myself. I would just say that (as a whole) canon build quality is higher and more consistant. With Sigma, certainly in my experience, it can be a bit hit and miss. You'll probably get a good lens - but you *might* get a bad one... For the record, I've got a Sigma 24-70 on my 20d and I'm very happy with it for day-to-day shots. I've also got a 16-35L on a 1dn. Obviously, there's no comparison. I guess you've hit the point tho - money. If I was jumping and wanted the best price/performace, I'd probably go Sigma if push came to shove - I haven't jumped it but I guess I'd rather have a 300XT with a sigma on board than a 1d with L glass for day-to-day jumping. As you say - if full-frame is going to be part of your photography future, the sigma 10-20 is the *only* choice - the EF-S mount 10-22 canon simply wont fit a full-frame DSLR.
  3. Thats a seriously nice edit - especially if the editor had no previous editing experience I'm very envious!
  4. Thats an interesting statement. I've used both, and had different results. The 10-22 canon is a (reasonably) sharp lens - the sigma is not. It's dire - at best. Generally speaking, I've found sigma lenses to be less than perfect from a sharpness point of view. Especially at the fringes of a shot. A good comparison can be found here:
  5. PC1000 is 30mm It actually has a guide on the cookie pages: - click the "more info" button. I'll also add that I just bought a 30mm liquid lens (.30) for my pc1000 - was (and still am) blown away by the quality. Very high build quality, and superb images.
  6. Mpg version rather than wmv... I should also point out that this is my own (personal) footage - the real deal is available from bodyflight (every team, all the flying, the medals, etc).
  7. A sneek peek video of what went on over the weekend!
  8. I've some video samplers of some of the rounds (including yours weed!) I shot myself - I'll post up tomorrow - keep em peeled
  9. Team 420 - Nigel Holland, Benji Reffet Wind Hunters - Ninie Bouette, Julien Guiho Babylon - Cathy Bouette, Vincent Reffet Nic & Sel - Selwyn Facey, Nick Scott-Tomlin Team Generation - Weed Stoodley, Charlie Iddon Body-Kix - Micky & Killa Boris & Marcus - Boris Nebe, Marcus Seifert Arizona Blaze - Mickey Nuttall, Jason Peters Air Raid - Dominic Roithmair, Marcus Seifert T-Time - Bernd & Ged Bodyflight Zurich - Christian & Flo Bedford Mamba-R - Fabien & Marco Those guys from Airkix - Kermit & Frazer Brothers Mamba - Adam Fultz, Brandon Fultz Tora Tora Indoor Skydive - Etienne Schreinemacher, Jasper Van Der Meer Hope that helps
  10. I have some 600 shots from today to filter through - theres 3-4 shots of every team, both four-way and freefly, plus a whole host of "candid" shots from around the place. I've also spent a lot of time today filming, and I'll be putting together a "sampler" of some of the (amazing) flying thats been happening today as soon as I get a chance. (this isn't to replace the awesome video thats Bodyflight are producing, just a "teaser"
  11. It looks fake because it looks like someone intentionally putting in turns and rolls, not someone who turns and rolls and whos limbs follow suit...
  12. One of my photos is the pic of the week right now - I can't keep hogging the front page I'll be sure to update Dawn with another good shot soon - there's bound to be plenty to choose from with the World Challenge this weekend
  13. Just thought I'd share some of my better tunnel photos. Enjoy. Only got a few up right now, but I'm expanding the gallery as I get round to it
  14. It's the bastards at Orlando (Rusty and Bowen mostly) that forced me to give up my sensible, well paid IT contracting and become a full time tunnel rat. Yeah thanks guys...
  15. No what? I suspect 800hp will be plenty for a tunnel of that size to produce high speed (150+ mph) winds. Time will tell of course
  16. I'm Ross, and it's been 35 minutes since my last fix... 500+ hours Bedford 8+ hours Airkix 4 Hours Orlando
  17. The solution might be to not tip with cash, but with "goodies" - we always appreciate a box of krispy kreme donuts as a thank you for whatever Beers cool to - often I've sat down with "customers" after a long day and had a cool beer to relax and chat. There's lots of ways to say "thanks".
  18. Your choice is limited by the "still in production" criteria HC37 for a current MiniDV camera still in production - for the box, I'd recommend cookie composites.
  19. Hi Cookie Yeah all is good.
  20. Yeah Bill this I've heard before - sand covered (read: outdoor/Perris/etc) carpet being the worst Doesn't help me much with a teflon coated icecube of a new canopy though
  21. Thanks - I never can get my head around them damn links
  22. Oh man - I tried packing my Sabre on the living room floor here at home (polished wood) - never again