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  1. So who has the "right of way" then? The pilot that has no engines and is gliding to earth?, or the the pilot with 2 turbines and a couple of tons of weight combined with a lot of speed? I would say that the canopy has right of way in the same way that a pedestrian has the right of way when crossing the street. If I get hit by a car, it would be the motorist's fault. People keep using our skydiving activities to justify that there is no one to blame. I don't appreciate this attitude. Someone is always to blame when somthing this horrific happens. Just because we jump out of airplanes doesn't mean we are open targets for negligent pilots. (I'm not saying this pilot was negligent) but there have been a lot of near misses in our sport because of complacent aircraft pilots. As skydivers, we do have rights and I will stand up for these rights even if you don't think that you deserve them.
  2. Dead4Life


    With the reputation that they have aquired over the years, it will be a long time before I give them a shot. Did they ever bother to "officially" lift the ban of licenced skydivers? ********from******** Due to various reasons, we are currently unable to accomodate any out-of-town experienced jumpers. We apologize for any inconvenience.
  3. Dead4Life

    Nuke em!

    It's hard to look back in history and not find violence. Every race of people has (at some point) been exterminated and/or terminated throughout history. I predict our country has about another good 100 years before it is overthrown by a new governing body. It will probably be some kind of socialist society. I think this will happen when 10% of the population has aquired all the wealth and the remaining 90% can move to Mexico for a better life.
  4. Has this phrase been worn out yet? War on terror? 9/11 happened over 4 years ago. President Bush is still using this to justify every single dirty job we embark in the Middle East. This is just getting out of hand and needs to stop.
  5. It is all a publicity stunt. When the 9 months are up, they will adopt. No way will Britney's mother and managers let Britney destroy her body with pregnancy. Besides, that husband is a full blown groupie. He's just in it for the sex.
  6. I would like to add something. I think that Britney Spears getting pregnant is wrong. I suppose southern girls like to do that sort of thing early in life. This husband she is with is nothing but a groupie. There is another show on MTV called the "Meet the Barkers". Basically the drummer from blink 182 has sex with this playmate named Shanna. There is an illegitimate daughter that hangs along for the ride. Dude, both of these situations are just wrong. I really think that these women need someone to step in and dominate their lives and make all the decisions for them, since apparently they can't make intelligent decisions on their own.
  7. No problem. The comments that have been made about "customer service" are so puerile. FACT: If you win an argument with a customer, chances are, you going to lose that customer. FACT: You are giving PD money but they are saying that your money is no good. Are we the only ones who see a problem here? Everyone on this website wants to be a skygod. I read a reply from a 23 jump wonder who was trying to add his 2 cents to this thread. Rediculous. These people have no right to arbiter a decision based on a few cheesy references. That is why I believe so strongly in the "general waiver of liablity". A typical S&TA who has been partying a little hard the night before is not going to be clear headed at 6 in the morning. Somethimes references are given to assuage the matter, so the S&TA can get back to his drunken slumber.
  8. I'll be skydiving naked with the Burning Skygods and all the other mud hippies!! Hope to see you all there!!
  9. I have no desire to slide myself inside a womans vagina right now. It just isn't worth it. Everyone has AIDS, Guilt and Pregnacy and I don't want to contract any of these diseases.
  10. I totally agree. Besides, nobody cares about Performance Designs canopies anymore. Their technology is outdated and they refuse to design a 27 cell crossbrace. It's never good business to rest on ones own acclaim. There are better canopies from better manufacturers. Try one of them.
  11. I am interested in collecting opinions on Terri Schiavo. I am glad she died. 1) she looked terrible on that hospital bed 2) imaging being on the hospital bed for 14 years 3) her parants are nut jobs 4) her case was just an excuse for these "right to life zealots" (more nut jobs) It's not life that counts. It's quality of life. It makes me wonder why parents still choose to have downs syndrome babies and kids with various other genetic defects. Do parents think they are cute? The only reason parents have kids in the first place is to appease their hormonal proclivity.
  12. Most people would disagree with you on this matter. Terri looked like complete shit, laying there on that hospital bed. She had nothing left inside here except some basic reflexes. Here soul was gone. Her parents are nut jobs. I'm glad she died.
  13. I'm not mad about it. I said I would never fly a Katana anyway. I think they are cheesy. Only skygods want them anyway. I'm simply speaking from a business perspective. It was a bad move to release a product before all their sizes were ready. There are alot more 135 and 150 canopy pilots out there than 120 or smaller. They could have made a killing if they had been ready. They really hyped this Katana like it was the second coming. If they are going to promote a product to death, at least make it accessable to your target customer base.