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Everything posted by LisaM

  1. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    I know there are those of you not voting. I see all the hits. How come? What could I say to convince you? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  2. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    Phew. I thought it was broke. And another vote from me as well. I'll vote on my parent's computer this weekend and told my sister to vote for you with her three computers.
  3. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    Phew. I thought it was broke. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  4. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    Yay! Thanks! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  5. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    I seem to be stuck at 90 votes. Butts is pulling away from me! Panic! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  6. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    That's exactly what I'm thinking. She seems to be about a grand ahead of me the whole time! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  7. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    How did you pull that off? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  8. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    213 views. Doesn't that mean I should have that many votes. Bah! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  9. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    Thank ye. Curses go up faster, numbers! =) ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  10. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    Thanks, hon. Must get more votes though. gaining on the leader. Hehehe! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  11. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    Feel free to post some. HAHAHA! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  12. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    WOW! Thank you!!!! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  13. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    Suggestions are welcome. I'm getting a late start. Damn damn. Prove it can be done! Tell your buddies. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  14. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    I know, I am really behind. Pass it on to your friends. =) ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  15. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    I just might. THANK YOU! ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  16. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    The yellow name at the top. Lisa Mullan ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  17. LisaM

    Help me? Please?

    *batting eyelashes* Anyone want to help me win a wii? Why, you ask? Well, cause it's cool and I want to see how many votes I can get. I was saving up, but ... you know.... damn house expenses. Edited I'm at the top. Lisa Mullan. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  18. Thanks to all of you for replying. I stopped the Advair again but am keeping on the Clariton and we'll see how I do. If it does turn out to be allergies I will look into the shots. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  19. Well I don't have asthma. In March I had pneumonia and was given Abuterol to help with the breathing. After I got "healthy" I seemed to have exercise induced asthma. I got extra inhalers. At one point my doctor told me it was allergies and I needed to treat that. I did Clariton and a nose spray and for the first time my cough & breathing issues went away in early August. Got sick again a bit ago and the cough came back and so did the breathing issues. I didn't think I should have to use the Abuterol like that so I went to another doc (mine of course was out all week.. I hate that). She gave me Advair to use for 2 weeks and cough meds with codeine so I could sleep. At the same time I started the Clariton & nose sprays again and the cough and breathing issues got better. I did not need the Abuterol at all after about a day into the Advair. I stopped the Advair two days ago and the slight cough is coming back and so is the wheezing. I also forgot to take Clariton and have slacked on the nose spray. I guess I am answering my own question that I need to keep up with the allergy meds. I asked the doc if I had asthma and she just says "who knows" but I find it odd this all started from the pneumonia. And with my allergies prior to the pneumonia I have never had breathing issues ever. Anyone else deal with something similar? Will I be like this forever? It's driving me nuts. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  20. LisaM

    DVD to IPod

    The entire movie. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  21. LisaM

    DVD to IPod

    Anyone know of free/cheap software to do this? Adding: I really only want the sound from a movie. Can I do that free somehow? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  22. LisaM

    Credit Checks

    Anyone here rent out property and have a reputable site they can recommend for doing credit checks? ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  23. LisaM

    Cat Question

    It's so much fun! Maya .... what a card. You can tap your foot on the ground and she'll come running and "flump" over on her back for head scratches. You can't do it with your hand though, you must use your foot. Lucy is like "aAe you kidding me? Get that foot away from me". She prefers to pull the magnets off my fridge and leave them all over the kitchen. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  24. LisaM

    Cat Question

    I just read an article that says to spread chili powder on the bottom and spray with a diluted perfume on the top and then they will associate the perfume with it being super hot. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?
  25. LisaM

    Cat Question

    Right, that is why I don't do the water squirting anymore. It's pointless because they learn to do it when I'm gone. I will not be keeping plants in the house. Maybe time to get some fake ones at least. ~ Lisa ~ Do you Rigminder?