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  1. Ok so, never mind the fact that you really want an Argus (and before Saturday), are you sure you want to get a new one after they had to recall an entire batch that had only shortly been shipped?? If I remember correctly (by browsing through posts here on, Vigil wasn't given that much credit at their start-up period. And it turns out that there are a lot of you who really like that product! Can't tell how it went for Cypres though (probably due to the fact that I wasn't in the business yet at that time), but it probably can't be compared as they (alomst?) didn't have any competition at that time... Strange all the same... Sky
  2. Hi, Just wondering... I saw on the argus-site that his dealers have been listed. Anyone seen an actual Argus yet? does anyone have more info or even comments?? Thanks! Skyhigh
  3. hi, good to know i'm not the only one. have been doing some more reading of these previous posts (and recent ones)... i find it very curious to see that on this 'william' is always answering the questions and remarks, but there is no 'william' mentioned on the argus' site! how come? you would expect that anyone who brings out something new on a market would be proud enough to make themselves known... btw, still waiting for some real pictures of the new AAD... bye! Skyhigh
  4. finally some pictures on their website... the name karel goorts sounds familiar (have been browsing through old AAD posts)... but the one picture i've been looking for isn't there yet (i hope soon???): how DOES the Argus look like?? anyone any info yet? really curious person here! Greetings, Skyhigh
  5. Hi, I have been checking your site as well, looks good. One question, though: Why would any one order something NOW that won't be on the market until January? Just a question, nothing bad meant by this... thanks