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  • Home DZ
    Skydive PA, Grove City PA
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  1. First things first: pilot "chute." How many of you were just waiting for someone to do that for an opportunity to use the "pilot shoot" joke. Anywho, I'm positive my instructor covered that in my 1st jump course last Sunday. I was just thinking about things afterwards and going over possible senerios in my head, and I wasn't positive of the answer. My answer would have been "no", but I was just checking. Now I know, "ask my instructor." I have 3 tandems and took my level 1 AFF jump on Sunday. Thanks.
  2. If you cannot get your pilot shoot out and therefore your main canopy, is it necessary to cut away before pulling the reserve?
  3. I just completed my level 1 IAF. I also have 3 tandems. On all but one of these jumps I've had issues with my ears. My hands were free on the tandems, so I could hold my nose and pop my ears. That's a little more difficult when you have toggles in your hands. Is there anything you can do during or before freefall to help this? Thanks.
  4. I posted on here a while ago, but now I'm back! I just completed my level 1 IAF yesterday. It went really well. I had a slight leg issue that was quickly corrected. The skydive went really smooth from there. It's amazing how your mind can go from racing to calm just as soon as that canopy opens. I am learning to pack to finance my way through the program. I hope to complete my training in the next couple months.
  5. Thanks tdog, that helped. I've got the bug real bad now and it's 28 degrees in PA today. It'll be a while before I get the chance to go up again and go through AFF.
  6. How many people here have had to use their reserve? How many times? How common are malfunctions requiring pulling the reserve? What typically causes these malfunctions?
  7. Hey everyone! I'm new to dropzone and just wanted to introduce myself. I've been hooked on skydiving for 2 years now, but due to funds and a lack of free time I've only made 3 tandem jumps. I want to change that ASAP! I recently got engaged during a skydive which was nice. Well, any info for a true newbie to the sport would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!