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Everything posted by LongWayToFall

  1. Agree 100%. Except for maybe the condom.
  2. Did a 3 way helicopter jump from 3k, never really hit terminal. Pulled around 2300, under canopy about 1800. Not smart! That canopy took a looooong time to open too.... hahaha.
  3. Sounds good, I gotta give it a try! I need to come up with a totally killer IPA grain bill......
  4. Hahaha, indeed. Considering the french are such pussies when it comes to warfare, they sure have some balls when it comes to aeronautics.
  5. How do you like that malt? Are you using it entirely instead of 2 row? I have heard good things about it. Man I gotta finish my RIMS system
  6. These guys are insane!! Looks like quite the unique jump though.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nl9umOneDlY&feature=related
  7. I agree with you completely. Love that photo btw. PeteJones is known for letting some very dumb shit leave his keyboard, so I simply wanted to point out that a USA team doesn't mean USA players. Hope everyone gets what they want in the off season!!
  8. Ahem............... How many Americans were on the Boston team this year???
  9. Place box outside business. Do not place key in box. Problem solved for those who don't want to do it....
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkVdnUuEwhY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n_ifSoCtg Awesome. Thank god it isn't MY tax dollars.
  11. They go ape shit over raisins, give it a try!!
  12. BOSTON!!!! Man, those Vancouver fans are giant dicks. Thomas is the man! So glad to see him pull off a shutout to win it. He, and the team, deserved that one. Did you guys see that vancouver player hit the Boston guy in the nuts with his stick?? What a douche. Assholes to the end I guess. Crying tonight!! hahaha, they got what they deserved, a loss.
  13. I should have posted mine on here, I sold one a year ago... They are very fun guns. I will say a couple things about them: They are made for heavy rounds. I did have a couple bad ejections with bird shot, but never with buck or slugs. (yes I moved the gas port to the proper position). You can buy modified parts that help with the gas problem if you are determined to shoot light loads, but who would want to with this thing? I converted mine, which was very fun. I recommend it... Last thing I can think of, is to buy quality magazines. The only ones I would trust my life with are the saiga factory mags. (maybe there are some aftermarket that are fine, but not that I have seen). Hope u saved up for ammo too, this gun chugs away on it, that is for sure haha.
  14. Hey, you linked to the second page, might wanna change it. Very very cool article. My dad is very into RC, and flys almost every weekend. Both my brother and I soloed at a young age, 8-10 I think. Had no idea it was possible to fly that far!! haha
  15. Well, on the plus side, more parts just became available.... What a bummer. About the question regarding the skydiving B17, no this was not it. That is the Colling's "Nine-0-Nine". Just got a chance to jump it a few weeks ago, actually. What a magnificent aircraft. Nothing like exiting the bomb bay...
  16. That was so funny. Gets popped in the mouth, looks at the guy, then turns his head. Gets popped again, looks at the guy, then turns his head. This repeats many times, and when the ref skates over, he starts yelling at Sedin! Hahahaha!! What was he saying? "Son, you gotta stick up for yourself." hahaha. I just put $25 down on Boston, not because I feel like it is a solid bet, but because I fucking hate Vancouver What a bunch of weiners. Hopefully "Loo" will be a little bent after this loss, and cause some jelling issues come game 7. Lets go Boston!!!
  17. As far as I know they have been using the pac for a few years. I have yet to go, but it sure looks like fun. The jumpers I have talked to that have gone have said great things about it. There is a burning sky forum and mailing list, get on it for more info!
  18. When my best friend was killed in Iraq, I was part of the group of cars driving from the church to Golden Gate cemetery. The entire drive was free of traffic, every cross street closed down. At every intersection police cars were parked, and the officers were outside their cars saluting us as we drove by. 280 was shut down the whole way as well. Seeing all of that really touched me, and showed that the PD really did appreciate my friend's sacrifice. My glass is lifted to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the name of protecting and serving the people of this great country.
  19. I agree. The way I heard this trick is to imagine 5 F111s flying above 10k, and 3 152s below 10k.
  20. And these are for above, and below 10,000ft correct?
  21. Do a search. This has been asked lots of times. The basics: Any pilot, but if they aren't commercial, you can't pay them. (gas compensation is ok though). You need the proper aircraft. The FARs will tell you. Landing area: You need to land with the property owner's permission. Searches will tell you everything you need to know.
  22. Damn I thought Boston had it........
  23. Any idea of the cost for tickets to jump the whirly bird?? Chopper jumps are FUN! Wish the balloon was there.... except being woken up at 6am by the damn thing after partying all night... I mean common, FREE BEER!