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    Skydive Spaceland
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. Any Anvil members showing up? I would like to punch out 150 on a belly dive and join the infamous club. >
  2. Where is this class? Waller or Rosharon? I need to sign up/ Thanks >
  3. Do documented \ manifested static-line water jumps count? i have at least 20 water jumps following a zodiac. Thanks,,, >
  4. My wife got hooked this past summer, which justified me getting back into it after a 8 year layoff. Let's see..have to buy two of everything, one AFF course, she saw my neptune, so another one of those 10 K +- The weekends and jumping together.....priceless >
  5. Flying the beach-ball is simple, it's this RW that kills me!! I saw the film the other evening, and it is well made. The tumbling with the ruck on the back of the legs brought back memories. I went through when they had one instructor to two students and was amazed how they could keep up with both of us,,,,,or did they? Anyway, transitioning to sport jumping is more difficult due to the new skills that need to be aquired, like rate control. The only thing I needed to control was falling in a group and clearing my ears and goggles,,,,,and make sure I don't suck up all my O2 at night,,heh heh. I did get spoken to after exiting a bit too soon after a formation group, not used to waiting to exit. I still remember and love those team exits with CEO2 at night. It really makes you feel alive. Take care >
  6. Yep, I do agree with the considering myself on student status, especially after a 8 year break. It is on to coached jump and smaller formations to learn how to fly RW. Thanks >
  7. I went out on my first 8 way ( Yes, beer) and was amazed at the things that happened. I have over 70 Halo jumps eight years ago in another life, and and 30 skydive jumps in the last 4 months, so I do not have a lot of RW skills, Learning to control my fall rate is paramount, especially at 245 lbs. max rate today was 147 and 153 for me. A Bev suit will be my next purchase. A lot of events happen in a short period of time, and I can see the skills are really needed to do this type of dicipline. It is easy to lose altitude awareness. I was so caught up in the dive, that when i saw everyone breaking away, I relialized, i was close to 3K, not low for me, it was the realization, that you can lose awarness, and then the canopy skills are very important, cause you don't have the altitude that you may be used to. Went back up and did a 3 way, which was better as far as awareness, but have got to control that fall rate. Have to jump evert weeekend in groups of 2 or more and have to get to a tunnel camp. This RW takes skill. Challenges result in learning. >
  8. HALO jump 28, night jump in the PI with combat equipment and O2 from 25K, I lost altitude awareness under canopy, Checked my alti around 1K, thought I was flying through low clouds, then thump, crash, can't breath. The low clouds were light fog on the ground...ouch/ Knocked the air out of me, and cracked my O2 mask. Luckily, I was flying at half brakes, and my ruck-sack hit the ground which kind of told me something is happening real fast. Lesson learned...always maintain altitude awareness. >
  9. I went to HALO course in 89 after having about 50 static line jumps. One instructor, two students, one day at Wright Pat wind tunnel. I was scared when the clam shell opened and I saw the earth...started taking baby steps to the ramp with Deloach behind us. But the O2 and CE at night was a different animal, but eventually I learned to ride the beach ball. Now, this skydive thing, this is fun, but again, I have to learn how to fly my bod and the smaller canopys and keep air separation....its all good/ >
  10. What about AZ. We want to plan a vacation there and dp a canpoy control course. Any info? >
  11. I found it at baddog. Thanks for you reply. How are the dropzones in CA for wear and tear on a canopy? I know at Spaceland, the conditions are good for packing. Thanks for your reply. Miguel >
  12. I thought I saw a web site that had aplace where you could enter the canopy and particulars, and it would give you a price. I am looking to price out a few used canopys, such as a SAbre II 230 with 500 jumps, a Pilot 210 with 300 jumps. i cannot find that web site. Thanks >
  13. Aubsmell, Thanks for your input. It is difficult after being out of the sport for 8 years and jumping military ram air chutes to figure out what the heck is going on. I will be talking to you guys soon to demo the Pilot and Solo. I had the same less than positive responses when I purchased a Raven III reserve, even though they have been making quality products for years. At my size\wt of exit wt 250 out the door I am looking for a 210 - 230, nd am jmping a rental Sabre 230 which seems ground hungry, especailly during final. Reading through the posts, I see a wide array of brands and for the most part, the people are more than happy with the choice they make. I also do not seem to see many used Pilots and Solos out there. Thanks >
  14. Nick, Is there any chance there will be a Pilot 230 in the future? I was advised by Aubrey Easterlin that the Solo was the same canopy, but a hybrid, Your thoughts or input are appreciated. Thanks, miguel >
  15. Diablopilot, There is the million dollar question. At my DZ, the choice of canopy is PD,,,ZPs. When I ask about the Pilots, or Tris, I get negative responses. I asked about the Hybrid Sillouette and got a negative response. I am advised by riggers and instructors to stay away from non PD products, especially reserves. Looking at reviews and these post, I see that Aerodyne and other manufactures put out good products, so I am searching for responses and experience within these forums for answers. I don't want to paint myself into a corner, without using my noodle. back to the original question of "Why?"...From what I understand, the ZP will last longer and has better performance than a F-111 or Hybrid, and the resale value may be better. I may be wrong, but I come to these forums for answers and assistance. I just don't know. Any advice is appreciated Thanks >