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Everything posted by skyhighkiy

  1. I've been workin all summer. and yeah, she's done. Quote BE THE BUDDHA!
  2. heeey, there we go, thanks man BE THE BUDDHA!
  3. aaaaaaand you didn't help me at all but thanks
  4. anyone know any .org or .net sites that talk about packing or parachute deployment? Need a .org or .net site for a speech reference. no .coms BE THE BUDDHA!
  5. I had a friend of mine (known to be a compulsive liar) tell me some amazing stories over the years. I visited his house when he lived with his parents and I started talking about skydiving. The story started out with how he used to fly a plane...and has been since the age of 7, when he was allowed to fly at the controls, alone with a little bit of ground training. Then the story progressed to skydiving. Him: "Yeah, I've gone a couple times, it's so sweet" Me: "Really? you've been?" Him: "Yeah, it was sweet, I opened the parachute like right before I hit the ground" Me: "so you jumped alone?" Him: "Hell yes, I wasn't gonna have some gay ass instructor on my back." Me: so how high were you when you pulled? Him: like...300 feet Me: How could you tell? Him: 'cause the plane was trying to land like right next to me. anyway, the bullshit continued and then his dad came home and goes, "oh, you guys are talking about skydiving? Chris has always wanted to go but we just haven't had the chance yet" then he stopped. Side note: This is the same kid that told me the company let him put his parents' pre-fab home on the foundation, using the bulldozer all on his own BE THE BUDDHA!
  6. (09:14:11) BreakinSuPaFl: I decided I'm going to stick with the sabre for a good long while (09:14:17) Pete : cool (09:14:28) Pete : reline it yet? (09:14:33) BreakinSuPaFl: nope, don't have th emoney yet (09:14:35) BreakinSuPaFl: I will tho (09:14:36) Pete : do it w/ yarn!! (09:14:39) Pete : it will be cheep! (09:14:57) BreakinSuPaFl: I was thinking I'd stick with the new trend and advancements in technology and go wireless (09:15:57) Pete : how cool would that be if it was magnetic or something (09:16:00) Pete : so it was wireless (09:19:56) BreakinSuPaFl: hell yeah (09:20:03) BreakinSuPaFl: better not swoop too hard though BE THE BUDDHA!
  7. adding to that. Human reaction time and human error. What if, just that once, you forgot to turn it on? Edit to delete added comment. BE THE BUDDHA!
  8. as far as the perspective thing goes, if you haven't done it yet, (assuming you're familiar with your DZ) set up general altitudes to make certain turns in your landing pattern, I almost got myself in a bit of trouble on one of my night jumps because I was trying to judge by my eyes rather than my alti.... BE THE BUDDHA!
  9. JC HIMSELF SAID I WAS FINE WITH WHAT I'M DOING ON MY REDICULOUSLY LOADED CANOPY!!! MY LOCAL DROPZONE CANOPY SKYGOD SAID I'M DOING GREAT WITH MY SUB-50 JUMP SWOOPS! BUT THIS GUY I TALKED TO WITH OVER 5000 JUMPS SAID MY 360'S THAT I HAVE TO STAB OUT OF ARE COMMING RIGHT ALONG!! YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN KNOW ME!!! THIS SWOOPER AT MY DZ IS REALLY GOOD, AND HE SAID I SHOULD BE FINE ON THIS CANOPY!! two simple little words. .....Ego ....... Stroke ....... If you're beyond the norm, BE beyond the norm by setting your ego aside and looking at yourself. If you doubt your ability, don't let your ego fill the gap. BE THE BUDDHA!
  10. I packed my own gear from jump 14. There's no way in hell I was going to be caught forking out 5 bucks for a pack. Edit to add: And, at least in the extremely limited amount of jumps I have, I've always thought it to be part of the experience of skydiving, It's fun to pack with my other buddies right after a jump. and then laugh at them as I close my container and throw in my PC way before them BE THE BUDDHA!
  11. ever tried worn down high-tops? like older converse all stars? smooth on bottom for slide-age but provide more ankle support than normal skate shoes. p.s. DC's suck
  12. Rears? If I'm not sorely mistaken, an inflated right side would make you spin left. Maybe the question is more about body position than packing, cause I know I've absolutely trashed some packs in to the bag and had fine openings. I've thrown things in that other ppl said they wouldn't jump (first 20 packs or so) and I've never spun around 180...then again, I pull my rears apart on opening BE THE BUDDHA!
  13. aahaha, beaten by a girl BE THE BUDDHA!
  14. I haven't jumped a pro-track myself, but I absolutely love the Neptune. I've had 3 problems with it in 90 jumps. at one time, it didn't automatically switched to freefall mode, so I just pressed the button in freefall to switch it, another time, after a hard landing on a windy day I shouldn't have been jumping, it wouldn't turn on (fixed by re-starting) and I had a button rip off due to my own clumsiness. Other than that, everything's worked great, Alti-2 replaced my neptune within a week, NO SHIPPING OR ANY OTHER FEE all because I had a button ripped off. two things to note about the Neptune. I also jump a skytronic, sometimes I have a hard time hearing the beeps, but when I was wearing the Neptune, I NEVER missed a beep. another thing is that I found it to be damn near impossible to see the digital readout while your canopy is opening....for that reason, I'm going to pick up some kind of alti with a needle soon. I wonder if anyone else has had this problem? BE THE BUDDHA!
  15. jump bare foot and land in the pees BE THE BUDDHA!
  16. let me tell you, as a college guy, i can think of a million other places to go, other than a dropzone to get laid after too many beers. Places that won't cost you around 100 bucks for a day of fun. why, of all the feelings to feel, are you discouraged? People are enjoying themselves.
  17. regarding the FF comment, I've noticed that, I'm a ff/swooping freak (meaning that I"m working really hard on the skills required to become those, because that's where i want to take my skydiving) but i've noticed that a lot of the ff'ers seem to be a little more on the crazy side, compared to ppl that are mainly RW....then again, i haven't been in the game long BE THE BUDDHA!
  18. going out on a limb here. I love skydiving naked. Similar to life, I love to let everyone know everything there is to know about me, to know the true me, to be 'exposed' and vulnerable to attack, because i trust. BE THE BUDDHA!
  19. smartest thing I've ever done in this sport is making sure to do multiple checks on the 3 straps, 3 rings, 3 handles on the way up to altitude...and a visual check of those 3 on everyone else in the little C-182. during this time i've caught a really poorly stuffed pc, a mis-routed 3 ring (on other ppl) and a mis-routed chest strap on myself. BE THE BUDDHA!
  20. hey, all I know is there's no way in hell you guys are going to pin this hi-jack off on me BE THE BUDDHA!
  21. good choice, try to get it be 4 you go up again, after my third time through it, my confidence was boosted incredibly... ...hmm...I guess it's hard to explain. lemme try one more time. I slowed my progression down (although it is still as intense) to something that allowed me to stay intense (by practicing safety maneuvers) but allowed me to be FAR safer than i was because i acquired a vast amount of information regarding weather, mentalities, safety maneuvers, and my canopy from the book. ....sounds about right. My confidence is boosted because I feel like I really am learning to Control my canopy, rather than flying under it...a difference that's hard to feel until you start doing it. But the confidence is not to be mistaken with ego. I have more confidence in what i know i can do, and a little more confidence in what i'm learning because i know i'm going about learning it the right way. Even during the few amounts of jumps (around 50) I got in after reading the book, I used the tips regarding mentality and how to get out of dangerous situations (including fixation) and back from long-spots more than a couple times, and i'm positive it saved me from serious, serious injury. acquire a large 'toolbox' to work from, should you end up in a bad situation. Hope you have a quick recovery
  22. Yeah!! what Harry potter said! BE THE BUDDHA!