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Everything posted by junkyarddog

  1. phone is broke PM me Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  2. and a balloon Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  3. Yeah I still have to chop some of it but i'll get it, I'm just really busy this week. No break from the Senate. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  4. Giddy up Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  5. Anybody seen my "gawwwwdaiumm Freeebaig" Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  6. Brandy, Your special. Hey are you going to be home tomorrow around 7 I have to come and borrow Lee's firewire so I can get Captain Lance's video online. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  7. enough with the damn ....com AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Your microphone rights have been removed...oh wait you own the damn land...and the plane......shit. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  8. I slept in the hangar and didn't hear a thing...oh wait I was passed out in the hangar...nevermind. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  9. How long Greg? Like just this weekend or indefinetley? Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  10. We need to get Captain Lance on Dropzone.com. I've just got my camera back from Lee's house so I'll get right on it. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  11. anybody who can sleep through that deserves to go in the pond. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  12. Oh yeah and a special thanks to all who helped Lee and I carry him out there. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  13. tally gang is going to the Jolly Brit's wedding Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  14. and Brandy its ok I still love you...even though you tried to kill me J/K. It's just the nature of the beast. But i'm still syked...weeeeeeeeeeee. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  15. It was a diving line twist, classic spinletto malfuction from what I have read about them. I got my main back but lost the freebag. Well worth the price of admission though it was about the weirdest feeling i've ever felt; being tossed into the dead air. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  16. I've got the video I'll get it to a clip and send it to you. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  17. If you want a quiet camp, go to a campground cause a dropzone at night is a partyzone. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  18. Hey all, I just wanted to let everyone know what an awesome time I had at the farm this weekend. Lots of firsts thats for damn sure. My first cutaway. Lance's first time in the pond while sleeping on an air bed (great video by the way)...and an assortment of others. But I must say the drive home really sucked. Thanks to all that came out it really was a blast. ...Hey Cindy can I jump my canopy now? Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  19. Woooohooooo my camera and helmet got here just in time for this weekend. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  20. ...whatever you say Spence Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  21. Hey Lee lets start a betting pool on my first landing
  22. well I didn't know with Knobbie's parents coming and all Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  23. I could go for that, I could swing by home on the way for some real food. Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  24. Hey Marianne wanna pack me up ...chop chop Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez
  25. ok now who is driving... lemme rephrase that...who wants to drive me there this weekend cause i AM lazy Orfun #4 Juego Hombre Rodriguez