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Dropzone Reviews posted by gazza

  1. Just read the reviews, interesting that common sense seems to have left the building and given way to complaining. some people have to find the negative in everything.

    "Long narrow landing area", what do you need to land on, if you cant land on that you need to practice your canopy skills if you can no make the landing area, what are you going to do if you have a malfunction? look for the nearest airport to land on.. sorry thats not going to work.

    "Bit of a zoo" so can ant drop zone that is busy, empuriabrava is the busiest DZ in europe not some tiny little dirt track with a crop duster running off it, you get jumpers from all over the world with different experience levels, If you dont like wahat happens in the air then you are not thinking enough and are taking things for granted. It is your responsibility if something is not right with seperation or what people are doing is to help the situation by taking positive action in the air and on the ground.

    OK thats enough, i jump there and love it and yes i have jumped at other drop zones, to all those people out there complaining take your complaining somewhere else and before judging other people have a look at what you are doing. europe has over 200 drop zones so you have plenty to choose from, if you dont like it why do you come back time after time.