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Everything posted by OnYourBack

  1. Thats what Shayna Richardson thought when she cut away her brake fire.
  2. Throw your sister on one of them, while the other monster is eating her, try to land on him.
  3. My 6 yr old son likes to play this game. Him: What if there is a fire Me: Get out. Him: What if the door is blocked Me: Use the window Him: What if the window is 50 feet up Me: Maybe you could PLF Him: What if there is a monster on the ground waiting for me Me: Try to land on him Him: What if there are two monsters
  4. I wonder how all those tandems exiting one after the other managed to keep from colliding at deployment time. Perhaps they allowed enough separation.
  5. Quite obviously the answer is LONGER. Are you claiming that you waited long enough?
  6. Something tells me that even if you convince your dz to put tandems out last, you are still going to have close calls with the groups in front of you. Most people aren't arguing with you about the exit order. We are trying to explain to you that if you come anywhere close to WHATEVER kind of skydiver that exited before you, you didn't wait long enough. As a tandem instructor, I follow other tandems out all the time. I've never come close to one of them. I wonder why.
  7. "Do you mean that separation has nothing to do with exit order" Yes. You need to take care with both for the safest experience, but they are two separate and independent things. If there is enough separation, then order is irrelevant. If you don't allow enough separation you are at risk with those before you. It doesn't matter if its a solo freefly, big way RW or tandem.
  8. As a general rule sure, tandems should go later. However, exit order had absolutely nothing to do with you almost getting hurt. You didn't allow enough seperation.
  9. The Sigma harness isn't articulated. In your original post you made the comment that nobody had fallen out of an old harness. My point was that nobody had fallen out of a properly used new harness either. Exiting with the leg strap at the knee is not proper use and, had the legs been bound, they still would not have fallen out. No gear is safe if used improperly, the witch hunt shouldn't be to burn the new harnesses it should be to teach proper use. Sorry about the thread drift.
  10. "remember nobody ever fell out of the old style harnesses " Remember that no heavy has fallen out of the new harnesses when adjusted properly and no physically challenged person has fallen out with the legs bound as is recommended.
  11. "It's true that if you've done 10,000 jumps successfully, your 10,001st is no more or less dangerous than the 1,000th. " This isn't really true. Surely the 9,000 jumps worth of experience since your 1,000th would mitigate your risk somewhat.
  12. Nephophobia- Fear of clouds. I'm afraid of clowns, Coulrophobia, but fear of hitting someone else in a cloud is probably more rational.
  13. "I think if the safety of this sport were to increase there would be less backlash from my family " _____________________________________________ You and your family should read 100 Most Dangerous Things in Everyday Life and What You Can Do About Them "We worry about being assaulted in the streets but not about being injured in the kitchen (where, in America, for example, 1 million people are seriously hurt each year), the living room (where 400,000 are injured annually) or the bathroom (site of more than 150,000 serious accidents each year)." In the words of Helen Keller, "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
  14. I'm all about a more stable wing. A 285 though. Its only a matter of time before the tandem hook turn fatalities start coming in.
  15. "The turbulence collapse, though, is pretty hard to predict/prevent." Well kinda. You can prevent it by jumping in appropriate weather conditions and making sure your final is into a portion of the lz that has clean winds. I'm not saying that is what happened in either of those incidents.
  16. I don't like to allow it unless I know them personally, even if they meet the requirements. I let a father, with 700 jumps who regularly flies video at his home dz, jump with me and his daughter. He rode my back for 500 feet off the step and then kicked me in the face before I got the drogue out. You may think your good, but you need to prove it.
  17. Icarus and Precision tandem mains are both packed without setting the brakes. We do stow the excess line with a rubber band at the top of the center D lines though. I don't know if that is the reason but our Precisions have some pretty squirrly openings.
  18. Well if others at your dz are experiencing the same trouble then its not just something that your doing. From all the various threads on line twists that are popping up, I'm guessing were not all doing something wrong.
  19. "I had no issues with body position, turning at pull time, anything obvious that could have induced these." Do any other instructors jump the same rigs and do they have the same problems?
  20. We have two Precision 365's that are prone to line twists. I have seen two of them chopped because they couldn't get them out. I have found that I can keep them from spinning in the first place. If I fly my heading through line stretch and then watch the canopy through inflation and counter its turns with harness and riser input, I can avoid twists the vast majority of times.
  21. We have an electronic wind meter that updates every couple minutes. It gives average speed as well as max and minimun gust speeds during the interval. Its very cool. I still find the best way for me though is to go stand where I'm gonna land and just feel it for a while. We also have such a wide open clean area that I have seen 30mph with less than 3mph variation.
  22. Nah, I was agreeing with you. Your description matches our set up as well. How about your positioning Nitro?
  23. "The chest strap being in the jumpers face IMO is a fitting issue." I would have to agree. I haven't had any problem with straps slipping or chest straps raising. Where are you positioning the chest strap and the adaptors on the shoulder at?
  24. "so they dont think its me being anal!" Its nice to be liked but don't ever let the fear of being called anal make you do something on a jump that doesn't feel right. Especially with a person who has put their life in your hands hanging off of you. Trust your instincts.
  25. The dz is a cross section of everyday life. Its no different than any other place you go. There are thiefs, druggies, and assholes in your church, at your office, and shock and surprise, at your dz. Luckily as with all those other places, there are healthy and caring people as well.