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Everything posted by OnYourBack

  1. Took my first little person this weekend. He was just over 3' tall. Severe arthritis kept him from being able to arch at all but he flew alright.
  2. She just doesn't look like the majority of obese people so she must be a malnourished bitch.
  3. True enough. I wouldn't say we totally offer just a ride operation. We have IAD, AFF or tandem. All three are explained when people inquire and after a tandem they are given information about how to come back for more and discounts if they do. I am still not convinced though that giving rides is the downfall though. I think if people want to get involved they do. If not they just take a ride. Whether I spend 6 hours or 20 minutes, I just feel like they either want it or they don't. I feel this way because like I said, we spend all day with the solo kids and still, very few return.
  4. Those are all good possibilities. I have a feeling all of these reasons have as big an impact, if not more, than my ride operations lack of training.
  5. I will grant tandems are marketed as you say but what about the question I asked? The solo students are not marketed a "one-off" experience. Why do so few of them return?
  6. How did I know when I opened this thread it would be another "tandems are killing our sport thread." I did 22 tandems this past weekend and maybe 2 of them had even the slightest bit of interest in learning to skydive on their own. Most of them wouldn't have even unfastened their seat belt had I not been whispering encouragement in their ear. If lack of long tandem instruction is why they don't come back, then how come so many solo students that do receive a full day of training never come back?
  7. Whoa. . .major sock violation! Nice exits though.
  8. I always tell the "pointy end of the drops" joke to whuffos but for trivia sake, rain drops aren't really pointy on top.
  9. If that is the case, would that not make the mistakes of this team even more obvious?
  10. And there is always one that points out the other. Its true we may occasionally land hard sometimes but if it is a regular occurrence . . ."my landings have been a little rough lately". . .they just might be doing something wrong.
  11. With today's canopies, if you're landing hard enough to hurt your ankles, I would say its your canopy skills that are lacking, not your footwear.
  12. I have 6 for 2007 in a month and a half. May just be an anomally but worth noting I think. There are also 8 months left this year. March 12 Missouri March 25 Gold Coast April 7 Nambia April 7 Gold Coast April 22 Ireland April 29 Taft
  13. I don't think its the new car syndrome. I almost posted this same thread yesterday when I realized that 5 of the top 9 incident threads were tandem.
  14. Don't forget when 007 did it in Moonraker. He kicked Jaws' ass in freefall and took his rig right off him. Lucky for Jaws there was a circus below and he landed safely on the big top.
  15. It was my post: "The dropzone isn't some magical wonderland where everything is perfect. It is full of, for the most part, regular people." I was addressing to OP's apparent surprise that people used drugs at their dz. Same goes for when people are surprised there is drama and everyone doesn't get along. A dz is subject to all the crap that any other organization or group is. A certain % will be thiefs, a certain % liars, a certain % assholes and a certain % will be extremely nice.
  16. Just wait, in 10 years they will be telling us how to raise our cholesterol and the lawsuits against all the lowering drugs will be flying.
  17. The Vector malfunction tree and manual instructs you to try both drogue releases and then go straight to reserve.
  18. I'm sure you could dream up a situation that cutting away would complicate the problem such as free risers fouling the reserve lines. There have been discussions in the past about whether to teach students to cut away before the reserve with pilot chute in tow malfunctions. I guess the arguments for both sides would be the same.
  19. You are correct, cutting away is unnecessary. It doesn't appear that doing so made this incident worse though.
  20. Since you can't cut away the drogue, the only option left with one in tow is to go reserve and hope it clears the drogue. It normally does.
  21. This thread made me curious and I went surfing for a bit more about workplace substance abuse: Over 35 million Americans are addicted to prescription and nonprescription medication. 74% of all illegal drug users are employed either full or part time. An average 10% of all full-time employees abuse alcohol and other drugs on the job (“Drugs in the Workplace: Research & Evaluation Data, National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Monograph). 64% of workplace substance abuse is alcohol related (Comprehensive Textbook of Substance Abuse). 20% of all employees aged 18-25 use drugs on the job (“Research on Drugs and the Workplace,” NIDA Capsules). 64% of all accidents on the job are directly or indirectly related to substance abuse in the workplace (Texas Business Today). 1 in 5 or 6 employees is under the influence of alcohol in the workplace. Drug and/or alcohol abusers are 35% less productive than unimpaired workers (“Drug Abuse Attacks the Workplace,” The Electrical Distributor).
  22. It blows me away when people seemed surprised that there are (insert bad behaviour here) at their dz. The dropzone isn't some magical wonderland where everything is perfect. It is full of, for the most part, regular people. I'm not dismissing any sort of improper or illegal activities but you should know that there are intoxicated people around you most of the time. On the highway, at work, in church and even at your dz. Your best defense is to stay aware and make people earn your trust.
  23. The only time I could see risers coming into play is if one or both toggles wouldn't come unstowed or if a brake line actually broke. To be honest, I wouldn't cut any of those away either.
  24. I'm on the same page as you Pulse, perhaps I misunderstood as well. I thought by "toggle fire" or "brake fire" people were referring to when one toggle comes unstowed on deployment. All that needs to be done is to release the other toggle.