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Everything posted by raftman

  1. Yeah, but he was shooting at the crowd of "mostly white conservative rural republicans"
  2. "Most people spend their lives getting out of tense situations. Repo man spends his getting into tense situations."
  3. You STILL forgot Boobies!
  4. R or D, Libtard or Conservitard? I think we're all united in the opinion that this guy is a real dick. Murica!
  5. Another thing Robin would do is stop his truck at the entrance to the DZ and put Pud on the hood & he would ride up as a hood ornament.
  6. Yeah but this is more about stupidity than guns.
  7. raftman


    Be afraid, trust no one and jump.
  8. raftman


    What did they expect?
  9. I'm thinking if you let a line snag your chin mount camera you've already fucked up somehow!
  10. I have a jumper friend that is a flight attendant. A few years ago I was in an aisle seat & noticed her coming down the row. I put a newspaper up pretending to read & told the guy next to me "Hey buddy, watch this!" As she passed by I grabbed her ass. She reeled around with her hand cocked back to smack some shit, recognized me, then gave me a hug & asked if I wanted a beer. The guy next to me had his jaw in his lap.
  11. There was a parachute in that video?? I musta missed it, I'll have to watch it again!
  12. That was funny no matter how old you are. Grow a sense of humor!
  13. You'll never get anywhere with that attitude. All the best skydivers I know are assholes!
  14. Like they say: "It's better to have a line over than a ball under!"
  15. "I like your big monster truck dude, sorry you have such a small penis."
  16. HA I made both lists. I drive a white F150 and a Jetta. Fuck all Y'all!!
  17. So, how many people were shot by protestor carried guns in Dallas?