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Everything posted by Tornolf

  1. make sure you're arms are directly in line with your head when you enter the water. that sounds like your head is hitting offset from where your hands are, which can be caused by not entering the water vertically or arching your body/arms (most likely the cause). are your hands almost touching when they enter the water? A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  2. keep water/sweat off hands/feet. trampoline with a twisting belt attached to rigging above them with a spotter. like that but with much higher tension trampolines very uncommon. usually hitting the springboard or platform. yes, you'd also need to make the pool deeper it's very very rare to hit the head before the hands have broken the water's surface tension. the hands will always hit first and at those forces you can sprain your wrist pretty easily if your wrist is cocked when you hit the water. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  3. Re: everyone complaining about the cost of college If you're going into college just out of high school, you have zero excuses for complaining about tuition/attendance costs. If you bust your ass throughout high school, it's easy to get a full ride especially if you stay in state. Every person I know who busted ass in high school (top 10% or so) have gone to college for free (tuition, living expenses, etc) or net a profit doing so. That 10% includes in-state uni (15k/yr), private unis (35k+/yr), a couple ivy leagues (50k+/yr). It's like how it was so annoying hearing seniors whining about not getting into an ivy league when they didn't start caring about school (4.0 GPA, take the most difficult classes offered, extra curriculars, etc) until sophomore or junior year. If you want to go to college for free or to one of the world's top schools for your field you have to start at the beginning of your freshman year. Why does it start that early? Because your competition is willing to. As far as grad school goes, I know several companies that will pay tuition regardless of major. Same principle applies - bust ass and you can get anything college related for free or almost nothing. I have a friend who went back to school to become an anesthesiologist when he was in his late 30s, got into a competitive med school for free because he had a 4.0 in undergrad/good MCAT (accepted, scholarships), and worked full time for a company that covered his tuition. It's hard to do but it's there if you're willing to work for it. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  4. supposedly the new speedo suits this year are a huge technological leap forward in swimming for drag reduction. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  5. (So I go online, look up a few videos on "Olympic Trampoline", ponder what I have seen, and return to reply to your post.) Ok, ahem. I will admit that your point does stress MY point to its limits. In particular, MEN'S trampoline (along with mens field hockey) does make me shake my head a little. But, these women (and men, sigh) do really get into it. So, I say, let 'em play. PLUS, dude! Check out the legs on some of those ladies! Talk about the promise of power! Elvisio "I'm glad you're having fun, but I can't breathe" Rodriguez it's probably because I'm in to aerials in base jumping, but men's trampoline and men's power tumbling is absolutely sick. trampoline basically takes the aerials in power tumbling and ratchets it way up. sort of like in skateboarding you have half pipe and then the crazy big air ramps. olympic? don't really care. i just love to watch it. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  6. lol at least now you know to announce before I start my run if you're going to be standing in the only good out on a hairpin turn nothing like having your first actual crash then lying there hearing "hey were we in your way? hahaha" I'm glad I was in brakes the majority of that run! A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  7. I'll get the exact specs this weekend. will probably snap a pic or 2. We had a bunch of things changed when it was made, so it's not very stock. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  8. Yes, it was custom built for jumping. I was one of the guys who was giving design input on it. 100% serious Yup, we plan on it. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  9. re snag hazards: It's a good thing this one was built for jumping out of
  10. Tornolf

    iPhone 3G

    They don't offer unlimited data plans over there? That sucks man. Unlimited data is only an extra $30/month here. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  11. Tornolf

    iPhone 3G

    do you mean the os/required programs on the iphone or the amount of space your email takes up. if the latter, have you considered storing anything over a week or so old on a remote server which can be accessed anytime you have connection (basically anytime w/iphone). if you use outlook than it should just be a simple Exchange server. do you use plain text format for emails? that cuts down space, as well as autoarchiving (I think that's the option) any email over X size (thinking pics here). I'm fairly sure that's all people in my company do with their blackberries, and we get tons of long email strings thanks to the reply-to-all culture. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  12. base still costs more* *exluding potato land, maybe A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  13. change your screening for how you find employees. find people who are used to being on top and working hard to stay there. easiest way to do that with young people is to get people who did very well in a good university which was highly ranked (say top 20 nationally or so) in their specific major and had meaningful work experience throughout it. it's worked great for my company for the past 10 or 15 years. yeah you'll miss out on smart people who didn't go to college, but you lessen your chances of hiring the people you mentioned earlier. just make sure they have had meaningful work experience. there's plenty of tards who can cheat their way through college but i haven't seen any who do that and work a lot at a meaningful job (read: skilled labor related to their major and the job you have open). A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  14. The IC engine has been around for over 100 years. It's been constantly improved and worked on by a very large number of engineers for a very long time. There just isn't much room for improvement, and hasn't been for a long time. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  15. we need to develop much much lighter batteries for an electric full size airplane to be feasible. imo I don't see this ever happening since it would always be easier/cheaper/way lighter to use energy produced on the ground to undergo some loss to get changed over to energy stored in chemical bonds (e.g. hydrocarbons from petroleum, hydrogen, etc) and be used for combustion in a powerplant. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  16. It's the other way around. Most of the schools I was looking at were $40-50k + room and board. Every single one said the same thing: "get accepted and we'll find a way for you to go here." I was looking at small, highly funded science based schools though. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  17. distance fallen / freefall time = avg fallrate A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  18. Carbon fiber is a byproduct of oil. It's extremely difficult/impossible to get carbon fiber in any large amounts without long lead times, and there's simply no possible way it could supply the auto industry in any significant capacity, not to mention its extremely high cost compared to steel. A lighter and stronger car isn't economically viable if it costs twice as much as a normal car that gets 1/3 the gas mileage. Also, a stronger car isn't necessarily a safer car. Cars are made to crush/crumple for a very important reason. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  19. it was titled "track or die" but I can't find it on SDM A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  20. Yeah, but that limits the entire class to constant velocity, acceleration, force... I just don't see how anyone can understand the concept when that's all they're exposed to. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  21. What is the difference between the two classes? In Florida we have College Physics and University Physics, the primary difference being University Physics utilizes Calculus, while College Physics requires only and understanding of Algebra and Trigonometry. The material is pretty much the same from what I've heard, although I've only taken the University Physics sequence. How is it possible to actually understand the mathematical background of physics without calculus? Seriously. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  22. My standard is too skip all classes, never do any homework, then the day before the exam I read the book and stay up all night studying and take the test without any sleep beforehand. Usually I just do about 10 hours straight of reading/studying just before the test. I do this for 15 exams a semester + finals. Finals week usually means no sleep (none at all) and only studying for 72 hours or so. I usually end up with the highest exam grades but pull a solid C+/B- in the class due to missed quizzes and homework. I learn more at work than I do at school so screw it. I'm a mechanical engineering major btw. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  23. If he didn't mention anything then I wouldn't worry about it. This makes me appreciate my company though. I was in Portland on business with my boss a few weeks ago and we got kicked out of 8 bars because I'm underage (I'm 20, he's 32). The comapny hit $400mil in sales this year and my boss is one of the highest ranking people in the company. The best part is that as soon as we got back to the office he brought that up to everybody who came by... They're also thinking about funding our RedBull Flugtag team (me, my boss, 3 other engineers). I just had to brag A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  24. problem: currently speculators have bought the entire world's supply of oil for the next 2-3 months. A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ
  25. Can I have it? I miss my old one! A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world. -TJ