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Everything posted by bliston

  1. A customer would like me to add a pocket to his slider for a hard-opening original sabre 170. I made some of these 10 years ago, but didn't keep notes on design specs. Any suggestions for dimensions, construction/design choices (support tape placement or other), or any other thoughts would be welcomed. Thanks, Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  2. It's not always like that in the US - there are plenty of teams (mine included) that have a video flyer that is treated like a member of the team. Some people treat flying camera like an outside job and consider themselves a separate entity - which is fine. However, some video flyers are actually excited to be part of the team dynamic and happy participate just for their slot (or sometimes will even pay there own way). I'm responding to this post simply because I'd hate to have some new jumpers think that competing or training with video automatically adds 10 or 11 bucks to the cost of each jump. I've got nothing against video flyers that charge for their product or teams that choose to pay for this service - people should just know that outstanding video flyers who jump for slot (or less) certainly exist. Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  3. I have one and highly recommend them. They pack up clean, I like their strong casing, they're waterproof, the batteries are easy (and cheap) to replace, and they have great customer service... as a rigger and active jumper I've got no complaints! Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  4. Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  5. A sidebody exit is a much better choice. I have worked with a ton of new teams, and I always suggest that they start with a sidebody. Meekers are difficult to launch without rotating for new jumpers and new teams are almost always able to get to the first point faster from a sidebody vs. a meeker because of that fact. Stairstep is also difficult for the outside center and often gets the inside center diving down the hill instead which can produce the "whip" effect. An alternate exit to the sidebody (perhaps even easier) is a Bow. Here are pictures that might be helpful and here is a link to an article that also might be helpful. Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  6. I own this walking foot zig-zag machine and it rocks. It's industrial strength, portable, has a great slow stitch, and it does a very decent strait stitch (I have a binder for it too and have made a ton of gear bags and weight belts). I use an ancient singer strait stitch for canopy work but this machine for everything else. I know people are as resistant to new machines as they are to non-PD canopies, but I've had to pipe in with a plug for this one because it's treated me so well. Sailrite website Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  7. I submitted a question to Aviacom SA through there website as well and thought I didn't get a response, but in fact, their prompt reply ended up in my gmail "junkmail" folder. If you have some filters set up on your email, that may have happened with your message, too. Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  8. bliston


    I've switched to Argus units as well... I've been really happy with mine. As a rigger, I think it packs up cleaner than the Cypres2, and I appreciate the SWOOP setting option. The cheap annual battery replacement was a great decision decision on their part. They're waterproof, easy to use and set-up, and are getting to be more and more proven with every save every month that goes by without a misfire. In my opinion, they are built with more than enough robustness for an AAD. I'd have to disagree with folks that claim you need super reinforced cables similar to those on the vigil - it's not a power tool that you're throwing around it a back of a pick-up... AADs are protected by the container, the canopies and your body. I prefer the design choice to make very strong cables that pack up small an clean in the container rather than ones that are bombproof and pack up bulky. Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  9. Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  10. Here's video of our camera guy's chop... While some camera flyers will never jump with an RSL, our's does. He's got a very clean set-up and just has it ingrained in his procedures to make sure his helmet is clear before cutting away, if he's not 100% sure he's clear he'll chop his helmet. I keep my skyhooks connected on camera jumps as well - if you've every seen footage of a free bag bridal swimming around a burble, it should be enough to scare you... the skyhook might actually keep the reserve bridal more clear of your head than it would be without it. Everyone's gotta way the risks and benefits for her/himself, but I think I'm safer with 'em connected. Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  11. I had some negative experiences with Cobalts - Really hard openings (and one mal) on two different demo canopies. I'm a rigger and worked for a couple years as a packer, and don't think it was me.. The inconsistencies between different canopies of the same size is a problem if you're buying a new one, it's a total crapshoot and a risk I wouldn't be willing to take given the cost of canopies... by all means if you put some jumps on a used one and it treats you well, got for it. But I'd also consider options from other manufacturers if you want to be 100% confident that you won't get a lemon. Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  12. Here's another resource that might be helpful. I tried to explain slots, mirrors, slot switchers, exits, training plans, and general tips for 4-way in language that hopefully makes sense to a new jumper or someone that hasn't done any 4-way... Have fun, Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  13. Comcast/CN8 is doing a piece on Skyventure NH and formation skydiving that will air this Saturday at either 4PM - the show is "Sports Pulse." I think it'll be shown in Northeast from Maine to DC and will be available "on demand," as well. Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  14. Collegiate Nationals begin in Eloy tomorrow, if anyone has any info on the draw, rnd. by rnd. results for the 4-way and 2-way RW events, or final standings, pls. post! Thanks, Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  15. Launching a "mirrored" bow might help create more room in the door. By this I mean have the point all the way outside, the OC taking the point's right leg, and having the IC get the uppper grip of the point. I agree that having the tail flyer take the IC's leg is best, just hang as low in the door as possible (strait left arm) so you can exit with the group but have your own clean air right off the bat... Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  16. About 10 years ago, I mistakenly stowed one toggle with with the "eye" above the guidering. The result was damage to the system of about the same magnitude that you mentioned. Given the force that it would take to bend the pin and rip out one of the loops on the back of the riser, I wonder if this was the case here. With misfires that happen as a result of the slider knocking a toggle free or somone unintentially releasing a break during a snivel, it seems that the "load" on the break line isn't severe enough to rip stuff up like that (since the time of max loading of the line has already occurred). From your descripition, I'd guess that the fire happened before the canopy came out of the bag... If there is damage to the top toggle keeper on the riser (the hood), you stowing the break above the guide ring was likely the cause. The concerns other folks posted certainly merit consideration, but maybe this info can shed light on this particular incident. I, too, was 99.9% sure that I stowed my brakes correctly... but that .1% can be a bitch. I don't mean to point the finger back to you in an "absolute" way; there are certainly other posible explanations. Just offering my unsolicted best guess as to what happened. Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  17. This article might be helpful, there's a section on exits... -Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  18. The largest micron is a V310 - it's designed to hold a PD143 reserve and non x-braced canopies in the 150 range and smaller... Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  19. Great to work with you guys! I saw amazing progess just of the 90 minutes that I was in the tube with your group... -Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  20. Putting an Optimum 113 into my V304 was very easy - both getting it into the freebag and closing the container. I hope someone can post who has actually put in a 126, but I would be suprised if a 126 wouldn't fit... Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  21. bliston


    Dru, Doing the mirros is fine and worked well for us for 3 years... it's great and faster in many respects, especially if you're not putting up a ton of jumps to train b-slot blocks - just do a bunch of mirror randoms in a tunnel if you have access to one. Giving that you've make this decision, you should have the same person hop each time - this will help your block move as well as your build. There's certainly validity to exiting so that you finish in As, but it comes at the cost have having a point/tail role switch on exit if you're sticking with mirrors. Everything is a trade off and you should figure out if learning the new exit is worth it. On the execution, it might help the hopper to just think about doing a deep side slide over the tail (hips over rig), and the tail should think about sharing 1/2 of the move by digging in hard with her/his inside knee and backing up a bit. The keep is to fire hard and stop early, it's easy to over do it... On the build, have the centers work to build a deep no contact two way with their heads slightly offset towards their piece partners. Then build it outside in - first with their piece partner grips and then the outside center grips only after the front compressed is fully build. This helps the key plan so that that IC only has to pick up her/his grips and check the that the tail's compressed grip is built before keying it. As it builds, point one of the block has a tendency to rotate counter clockwise, having everyone work to not let this happen and happen by not "pre-firing", not having the IC be too hungery for the compressed w/ her/his piece partner, and not having the tail feed her/his leg too agressively to the IC will help. This is important because it sucks for the center if the piece is crowding her/him before the IC can get the move going - a little patience from the piece will make for much faster block times. Lastly, the top formation is a bitch to fly and gets worse if you hold it. So, do the steps on the build and then key that sucker. remember the ABCs (Always Be Closing...) Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  22. I think the type/size of main canopy people jump also plays into the conversation. A smaller Stiletto, for example, doesn't have a great deal of excess line and can be stowed neatly on the side opposite the toggles and through the pin. However, a larger Spectre has a ton of excess and perhaps merits more attention. For folks who have a lot of excess line, perhaps the "double up" method or maybe even having a rigger add an extra binding tape loop closer to the junction of the front and rear risers might be a good solution (just so following the through the pin manufacturer instructions doesn't create a big loop). I think UPT makes a great riser, and recommends a stow method that works well with the vast majority of canopies. However, jumpers should talk with a competent rigger to find a solution if his/her particular main has a ton of extra brake line that might cause problems. Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  23. why are only mini rings available on type 17 risers? While it might look funny, is there an actual structural issue that would prevent someone who wanted "better leverage" from putting big rings on type 17 webbing? Forgive me if I'm not thinking of something obvious, didn't get much sleep last night... Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  24. Agreed. In fact, I've been using canopies that are "a size down" from recommended for years. The main tray will feel a bit softer, but not sloppy. Now if you put in a main d-bag a size or two smaller, that might lead to more cosmetic issues and pin slippage... but the canopy (especially if it's on the newer side) will expand to fill the bag. Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!
  25. He's incredible not just for tunnel and individual flying but for team stuff as well - in the three camps we've had with him so far (one tunnel and two jumping), he's helped our team improve beyond way beyond what I thought could have been possible in a such a short time (and over our winter). His understanding of team dynamics (and his expertise in block, exit, and random work technique) help make him a very effective coach. We look forward to training with him over the course of the year. Hire him if you get the chance, you won’t regret it… Ben Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website sticks!