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Posts posted by ZegeunerLeben

  1. Quote

    I was up at the Bridge this past weekend and walked out from the bottom by myself several times. I thought about Shannon quite a bit. I picked up a flower and walked to the rivers edge for a few quiet moments to shed a tear and a smile.

    Just after midnight, the beginning of this memorial day, I made a night jump from the bridge with some new friends. She'd have loved it.

    Life continues, memories continue. I lucked out and saw her before she died. It was only a ride to drop her back to her hotel but it was indeed a funny ride and little did I know, it was about to become much needed closure.

    GFD ... you're always remembered.

    >>Nice one Tim. I wasn't sure if I wanted to say anything about it. I feel you said it all

  2. Quote

    The US is starting into its declining years. We've picked up so much debt that we're spending a huge chunk of our revenue just to pay to service it, and we won't be getting out from under that any time soon. Eventually oil will switch to the Euro and our money will start to devalue. Since we don't produce much any more, there won't be too much we can do to halt the decline.

    >>I'm sad to say I agree. The US had a decisive ( and I would say positive) impact on the shape of the last century. I feel this century will see the eclipse of the US, and the world will degenerate into a series of localized conflicts.

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    ... ,and let a free market economy do what it is designed to do.

    >>Actually Mr. Mellon found out the hard way that doesn't work. I'm in favor of the treasury forcing mortgage interest rates down to, say, 4%. This will stimulate home buying and help to bolster sagging home values. This in turn would make all those CDO's worth something again, and ease the strain on bank balance sheets. I also favor the 'bad bank' idea, but no one idea is going to work.