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Everything posted by 434

  1. So now what? Happy? The world is shaking and those who do not is laughing. Very few of his fans, believe what is going on, or blindly repeat "he is doing what he said he was going to do! Im talking about non Americans first hand experience. I say, fuck it, and hope he do not to much damage to our world. 4 years to go, and 20 Years to recover.
  2. Just woke up. Unreal, it is happening right now. He win florida, and close to 270
  3. Tomorow the real madness start! Just wait and see
  4. Why? When all other sain and healthy candidates your country have, is never mentioned. You also managed to vote for Reagen, who is today one of the best presidents you ever had. At least some rankings show him as one of the best, and he was hand in an with some scumbags as well.
  5. Would you vote for Michelle Obama instead of the two running candidates?
  6. I have been watching Fox News lately, since the owner of a guest house Im staying endorse Trump and of course only watch Fox. In less than 3 minutes I counted trump name been said 22 times, hillery 7. The best way to look at Fox news, is like the North Korean State Channel. Brain washing at its best. It is sad how low you can go. Sorry to say, but that is what it is.
  7. Im just wondering what is left for their kids. What in hell do they learn is okay, and what values they are going to live up to. Fucked up country in every way. Anyone have the whole show with a link? https://www.facebook.com/anonews.co/videos/1302269526451270/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED
  8. It would have been wonderful news, if it was true ;-)
  9. But still 43% of speakers corner have voted Donald. I just cant twist my brain around how to vote for him, when I see him live on tv, social media, news, and it is got dam it no what so ever edited. It is raw straight from the source, no bullshit.
  10. I have had an strong feeling this must be an social experiment, and it is getting stronger for every day. I just cant understand how people are getting so fed up, and willing to vote for such a man like Trump, but hey, you guys voted for clumsy George and his gang. It is hard to understand American mentality for someone looking outside in.
  11. Mike Tyson got small hands to. He would be an excellent Secretary of Defense, based on his previous experience an successfull boxer.
  12. Donald will never get close to people, he doesnt even like to handshake with anyone!
  13. Here we are, anyone changed their mind during the process? Im shocked it actually happend
  14. Would you bend over and take it as a man, if that was the only option? Get real god sake, the man is now official a candidate, thanks to lies and hate.
  15. You know Im right, whe I say we are to many selvfish people on this earth? dont you
  16. There are something called moral, and common sense without any bullshit one god shit! We are living on mother earth, and we should treat her as our mother, instead of oboeying a god someone had a dream about in their mind. You got it?
  17. When you see the life from a cell to a black hole with the gravity 6 millions times the sun, you know you are nothing! So for us to obay a god with stupid rules acting important makes us look stupid. What we can do, is acting like our planet is our mother, and behave like it! You figure out how that should be, but I hope that involves no more war, no more abusing mother earth, or the people or any other living being. We have to be involved in the natural cycle, but abusing it? No, and by the way, we are way to much people, and should stop vaccine, and other things that make humans live artificial! By the way, I know it is not realistic! But thats how we supposed to live. Just imagine the Dino´s eating to much trees, and farting to much. Are we there yet? Is that why the Dino´s died?
  18. You know being a muslim and a human being, is just a game! You know Muslims is going to take over the world! God sake Usa have been run by a muslim President for soon 8 years
  19. Not one singel comment? Well it is a dissaster if he is a Islam nut, as it would be to have an Christian fanatic as an president. But if he is a human being, it will be all good. But it shows a change in time in Europe! We can only pray for religion to die! That would be great.
  20. Hello dear,my name is miss Queence a young girl, i just read through your profile on (www.dropzone.com) i want us to be good friends,please reply me immediately in my([email protected]) so that i can tell you more about me and my pictures and my purpose of contacting you, thanks yours Queence
  21. People are people! I can not understand why it leads to this! It is crazy, I have no words. Pure stupidity
  22. This campaign starting to get boring. No one this year makes sense, except Sanders have some good points, but overall, boring. Trumph shocking mocking going on repeat, and have no impact anymore. I miss Ron Paul and Obama, who when speak, have something to say that matters, and makes sense. God help you all what you guys are left with. Hillery?