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Everything posted by Calvin19

  1. depends, i use 8mm for most of it. it is light. try to stay away from dynamic line, it is weak and doesnt last long. i prefer sterling static or HTP. be well -SPACE-
  2. Thats why i carry my tower rescue kit in the car. depending on the tower size, anywhere from 200 to 600 feet of thin rope (usualy more), cable size pulley, 2 rope pulleys and an assortment of anchors and links. I know i could rescue any hung jumper below 600' on any cable stayed tower in less than an hour, -safely-.(if your above 600' i'm leaving you there because you deserve it) and probably without getting caught. and much better and cheaper than the stupid OSHA rescue teams. this is, of course, unless i am the one who gets hung up, then of course i hope i'm jumping with a climber.
  3. Not that I am by any means Experienced, but I found after my first 2 jumps, that counting, In ANY form, takes away from whatever else i could be paying attention to. I dont count to exit, (alone, at least. multiway is kinda needed), and i dont count in freefall. At all. I would say, use visuals and feel always. Even on a moonless night off a tower you can feel where you are, and if your in doubt, dont jump or pull high. 10 seconds in shorts and a tshirt is a lot deeper than 10 seconds in a flysuit... pull high, until you know.
  4. Yeah! I agree! and disagree... My first year of jumping kinda made me grow up, (not in the sense of James Bond Shit and the deans' daughter) but i had to find respect for what i was doing and all the other jumpers. Watching somebody die has that effect on a child... hear is to Dwain, I wish i had known him better.
  5. As a working Commercial Pilot myself, I agree, no chopers in the park. That would just be rude. Dexter has the right idea, 500dollar ticket on the spot, hell, i would turn around and start packing again right there!
  6. I wonder if the NPS is reading this right now. -SPACE-
  7. I will be 18 forever. its just, now that im out of high school, its getting harder and harder to pissoff the dean. i have ravaged his school, destroyed his reputation, and done his daughter, i'm moving on. but really, I would do anything with any group of jumpers to help the legal situation in NPs, but until somebody gets something going and invites me to help, I love this James Bond Shit. Cheers tom, your posts and governing serve these forums well, i hope we will jump together soon. say, memorial day TF?
  8. Maybe, As BASE jumpers, we need these illegal jumps. as in they add a level of enjoyment that legal jumps cant provide. not that i wouldn't mind doing one in the daylight now and then. -SPACE-
  9. Calvin19

    New fashion :)))

    I remember a time at our local sport wall (back when i still climbed) If you were not wearing a helmet nobody would talk to you... now i stopped by and and i didnt see a single bucket on any of the 300 routes. -SPACE-
  10. Calvin19

    BASE# Stories

    I got #987 on christmas morning, 2004 anybody know 986 or 988? any cool stories from that christmas day? i'll never forget walking out on the fam that christmas eve night, and walking in on the younger sisters opening presents that morning after a great jump. so there is a santa... or there would be if i wasnt a souless agnostic. -SPACE-
  11. Calvin19

    Dead Jaap Pack

    jaap, forgot to ask, was the 5 second jump on heading? -SPACE-
  12. Calvin19

    Dead Jaap Pack

    When i pack my pc, i actually leave half the bridal or more outside the folded PC, s folded on the OUTSIDE of the Pilot chute, inside the SPANDEX. I also do not fold the bridal inside the mesh of the pc, but again S fold it between the MESH and the ZP. This gives planty of throw room, prevents a lot of bridal dump, and keeps inflation sequential. My idea here is that nothing has to actually UNFOLD for bridal stretch or inflation. Any thoughts? -SPACE-
  13. are we going to live forever? .... i will jump forever, that i know. BASE # 987 -SPACE-
  14. girlfalldown... Jump... Rope... Jump... HA HA HA!... i'm sure you got straightened out. cheers, maybe join us on our playground sometime. big sigh... hey, some of those kids on the playground jump ropeing got smart and started using 2 ropes, their mothers even make them wear helmets. sounds a lot like our progression... off topic, im done. -SPACE-
  15. Freinds- -Its incredible what one can get away with in this sport... Its disgusting how the simplest mistake can kill you so quicklly. PAY ATTENTION- -C. Hecker We participate in a sport where it is kinda hard to learn from your own mistakes. (a broad statement, i know but think about it) i'm not one for censorship either. Ever. I would never turn anybody from this sport, especially the ones who, like me, are enthusiastic about it. I would, however, like to see people who research it and decide on there own that BASE is not for them. I dont think anybody should lie, or keep from the public, that this is a dangerous thing to do, maybe not as dangerous as the public sees it already, but still a big decision to make. keep it. -SPACE-
  16. Calvin19


    Confession- I woke up late, and was worried about light. thats why i climbed fast. god it hurt! there is no way i could do that without motivation. still made it in the dawnlight! cheers...
  17. Calvin19


    our bodies were not made for what? we are chunking bodies off of quarter mile high lightning rods that look as if they were designed to eat parachutes (especialy 4 line sets, Cool! scary!). I say climb high, climb fast. i did 530meters in 52 minutes on a tower just yesterday. feel the burn! sweet pics, (but more jumps would be nice faber...
  18. Calvin19

    Age survey...

    1st BASE jumps at 19. -SPACE-
  19. dont you understand? BASE is wrong. it is an evil thing to do. it is loud, disruptive, distracting. all the participants are deviants, with no morals or societal values. our sport is environmentaly damaging. i think climbers should have full reign of the verticle world because they were there first. Why should the service be open minded about such a troubled group of people? ugg. just bitching... maybe we should just storm the place. hundreds of jumpers everywhere, slash all the rangers tires, jumping off everything left and right.... NO. thats a really bad idea. REALLY BAD. but it would sure be fun. isnt there some people working on it? getting it legalised. we need to do this in an organised and legal manner. and somebody will post a shortcut to one of the 17 previouse threads about this right below... ready.... GO! -SPACE-
  20. I also imagine that if there were forums for drug rehab, they would sound a lot like that. -SPACE-
  21. cheers, its all we can do to run off the cliff again tommorow. with wings, a parachute, a cord, a lifejacket. maybe we get it from flying inverted at 3 g's looking at the granite 5 feet away from our airplanes canopy, maybe from tripping off the side of a building wearing a parachute, or from riding so fast down US 126 that we cant hear the motor anymore, just the air around our helmet. "I found that the vehicle is a great metaphore for addiction" David Wilcox. ready... -SPACE-
  22. Calvin19

    Just thinkin

    ------Skydiving is the only precursor that I can think of for tracking.------ HA HA HA HA (evil laugh) that ones just for me... dont ask... -SPACE-
  23. Calvin19

    Low cliff jumping?

    consider 48 borrowed- thanks, cheers. ("let go" and throw!) i'll post in 5 days when i get back... -SPACE-