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Everything posted by quade

  1. If they're the two I'm thinking of, they weren't killed by the hook turn, they were killed from collision with jumpers performing them. A different issue. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  2. Yours is a poor argument because a number of other threats you have more control over. The threat of dying in a hook turn accident is completely mitigated by consciously not performing them. However, there is no other threat mitigation a jumper himself can take when it comes to instances of him being rendered unable to pull (or otherwise becoming unaware). While the AAD is no guarantee of a successful outcome, I've seen an unreasonable number of people's lives saved by AADs. If they hadn't had them, they would have certainly have cratered. You can find videos on YouTube of this happening all day long. Not debating their effectiveness. Refusing to make a jump without one (not a long term series of jumps) is a perceived threat that jumping without an AAD is dangerous. If you have control over something then it's not a threat at all. You may have control over "A" thing in a situation. You'll almost never have control over everything in a situation. You can only mitigate risk. You can do everything right and still die. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  3. Yours is a poor argument because a number of other threats you have more control over. The threat of dying in a hook turn accident is completely mitigated by consciously not performing them. However, there is no other threat mitigation a jumper himself can take when it comes to instances of him being rendered unable to pull (or otherwise becoming unaware). While the AAD is no guarantee of a successful outcome, I've seen an unreasonable number of people's lives saved by AADs. If they hadn't had them, they would have certainly have cratered. You can find videos on YouTube of this happening all day long. Circling back to Trump being evil, we should have mitigated that risk back in November. Now we have to jump through hoops to make sure he doesn't kill us all. While the odds are not as high as playing Russian roulette, the world-wide risk is FAR greater when you consider the number of people potentially involved and the potential consequences. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  4. Which BTW is precisely what Trump is doing in a number of cases. You do realize that; yes? quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  5. Because it rings pretty f'in' hollow when you consider who she's married to and what he does in cyberspace. If she was really concerned about cyber-bullying, she'd make Donnie (and her own children) stop. It was a ridiculous thing for her to even attempt to address. The people around her should have advised her to not even try it. Obviously, she has no clue. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  6. Throwing literally millions of people's lives into chaos for a questionable political gain? Yeah, sure, what harm is there in telling a little girl she and her family may be broken apart. /eyeroll Yeah, what harm is there is making parents literally fear for the lives of their children because healthcare may be denied to them? What harm is there in promoting violence against journalists? What harm is there in denying rights to people just because they want to practice a different religion, or have different color skin, or love a different person than you would have? Geebus H. Fucking Keyrist. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  7. Two children are on a playground. One comes from a family of millionaires and another lives in poverty. The rich kid, who can afford all the candy he wants, takes the single piece of candy the impoverished kid has, further, he sells it to a third kid for above market value. I dunno, to me that's pretty fuckin' evil. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  8. I'd say not caring about the harm you're doing is pretty fuckin' evil. This is my problem with Ayn Rand's philosophy. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  9. Not just evil; chaotic evil. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  10. 1. There is no such thing as "earthquake weather." 2. A cluster of minor earthquakes is -way- better than a great big one. They relive stress. That's a good thing (presumably). Dr. Lucy Jones is kind of the go to person for earthquake spokesperson. I subscribe to her on Twitter. https://twitter.com/DrLucyJones If there is anything happening anywhere in the seismology world that is significant, she'll be talking about it. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  11. Will almost certainly change again once Trump has been impeached. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  12. Clearly a badass, but smiles a bit too much in the face of imminent and certain doom for me. Why not Val? quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  13. I've been meaning to ask you, do you have L playing it yet? quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  14. Yep. Except when you make it with KSP parts, it doesn't really look like the real thing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_IV_Heavy quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  15. This is the guy about to be in charge of NASA. I hope to hell his staff learns something about sourcing images. Scroll down a bit and see the image from June 26? That's from the video game Kerbal Space Program. https://bridenstine.house.gov/space/default.aspx?Page=3 quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  16. This is nonsense. While, like any good con-man Trump sways with the wind, but he has identified as Republican in the past and been accepted as such. I'll admit he's also self-identified as "Independent" and "Democratic" before as well and has been accepted as those as well. However, you'll notice at no other time did a party accept him so much as to run him (actively too and without a floor vote [Priebus]). He identifies as Republican and the Republican leadership accepted that enough to unquestionably nominate him to represent them. I dunno, man. Where I come from, you break it, you bought it. You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. You -can't- now say he's not a Republican. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  17. It seems they have changed the terms: http://thehill.com/policy/technology/349826-users-checking-to-see-if-they-were-affected-by-the-equifax-hack-might-be Yep. Companies can always be counted on to "do the right thing" after being contacted by lawyers and Congressmen telling them what they're doing is complete and utter bullshit not allowed under the law. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  18. Reread what he's talking about. Does that sound like a man who believes in a being that created the universe or . . . a guy who's talking about "god" in a purely metaphorical sense? I've read about him quite a bit over the years, as I said he does not believe in god in a traditional sense. You may not even call it God or a higher power,depending on your interpretation. But it is very clear that he believes in some sort of governing force in the universe Yes. Physics. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  19. The other thing about signing up on their web site to notify you if you are affected . . . in signing up you have to agree to arbitration to settle any matters which may be a result of this. FUCK THESE GUYS. Why isn't there a "death penalty" for corporations? quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  20. Wasn't it a website vulnerability that started all this, ya mopes. Now you want us to logon to another website you developed to see if we were affected?!??!??! Exactly. I really don't understand the ridiculous nature of their web site, their security oversight, all of it. It's bullshit. I HATE large companies and their cavalier attitude toward these massive databases. Yet, I guarantee there will be no governmental action to ensure this doesn't happen again. Fuck these guys. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  21. Reread what he's talking about. Does that sound like a man who believes in a being that created the universe or . . . a guy who's talking about "god" in a purely metaphorical sense? quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  22. Uhh.... Don't confuse God's plan with random chance. Even Einstein knew that She does not play dice with the universe. I really wish Einstein had lived at a time where he didn't have to invoke "god" to make a point. I can't believe for a second Einstein actually believed in "god." I do believe he only invoked "god" to make points and make himself somewhat more emotionally acceptable. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  23. How much do you know about statistics and specifically random chance? Random events specifically do NOT happen at regular intervals (otherwise they would not be random). With that in mind, there will be streaks of non-events and streaks of events which are bunched closer together. It specifically won't be smooth, but lumpy. We see this same sort of thing in the deaths of celebrities or skydivers. The eclipse has nothing to do with it. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  24. Maybe yes, maybe no, but the percentages are high enough that you absolutely want to tear down the engine to check every part. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver
  25. I heard God punishes homosexuals by sending hurricanes to their state. I wonder how Osteen feels about that today? Oh, who am I kidding? He's still probably fine with it. quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver