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Everything posted by cvfd1399

  1. Ok I did not see the link it was so small, your getting fancy with all that special mark up over there lol!
  2. So when asked about it, a group whose job it isn't to keep track of the guy didn't know where he was, because they weren't keeping track. And? So when asked about it, a group whose job it is to keep track of him knew where he was, because they were keeping track. And? Almost? The right wing spin machine is in full Billy Goats Gruff mode over this one. And finally... What the fuck business of theirs is it anyway? You have a really shitty way of coming across you know that.
  3. Stop building the fence, they are deciding the past economic outlook is no longer favorable and they are going back home.
  4. To be honest all that was told to the public was The next thing that was told to us was. Its almost if they were trolling for a hyperbole response from the public on purpose.
  5. I dont care if they let refugees in. Would I like a full background check yeah, but thats not possible as I understand it. I think most people would in that situation like them to be watched over. The one guy that came to Baton Rouge reportedly split the next day. As shown below I also think with better information from the government about this it would squash alot of this mess.
  6. Nope as previously stated I decided to join the reserves. I am going through my training now.
  7. I will throw a first hand story out. A fellow officer stopped a guy for speeding two days ago, and he requested we stop and back him up. He was in Louisiana, driving a truck with a dealer tag from Texas and had a id card from North Carolina made by a private company called USAID SYSTEMS The ID stated his birth country was El Salvador. This is not a drivers license This is not an official government ID He had no other forms of identification They did not speak english at all. After setting there trying to piece it all together (registration, insurance, etc do not match right) another guy drives up that can speak english. He did have an official ID(which was suspended) and stated those were his nephews and they are illegal....We were all perplexed that he just admitted to 4 officers that his nephews were not legal in this country. They were just working class guys so(after calling someone who cares and I will leave it at that) all we did was write them a ticket for not having a drivers license, kept the guys license that was suspended and made them get someone who could legally drive come get the truck. The point I am making is remarkably easy to get yourself inside the US, and it is at the point where the illegals are lax about it and know they are being protected by the federal government enough to straight up admit they are illegal and know unless they have committed a serious crime they are good to go. Which was EXACTLY what the person we called said for us to do.
  8. Not wanting to start a new thread but it is sort of politically topically related what do think of this. I have called for this before from a cost lowering standpoint, get this crap off my tv standpoint, it's a win win. Your doctor needs to know what's best for you. Unless it is over the counter it should not be on tv. As far as I know we are one of the only country's that allow it.
  9. He has the corner of the market with many liberals especially the young. Reddit a largely liberal website who has 36 million users is a hivemind for sanders. If you want a young liberal minded adults opinion go over there and you will see on a daily basis they are chewing Hilary up, and raising funds for Bernie every day.
  10. Let me see if I remember how this goes off hand. TAD as SOI, move curser over map target TGP on, set from area to point mode. China hat slew to target acquire tracking Set TGP as SOI, and SPI Select OSB DSMS, cool off maverick. Slew maverick to TGP SPI Master to arm Rifle....FREEDOM delivered!
  11. It won't matter anyway my man sanders is enroute to the top!
  12. You ask simple questions, unable to find out answers by yourself. What will happen if you have to find solutions/answers on difficult ones?? How old are you, again? Are you a marine, in the meantime? billvon can you please... That should read: Mommy, can you please .... Again more of the problem in SC.
  13. You ask simple questions, unable to find out answers by yourself. What will happen if you have to find solutions/answers on difficult ones?? How old are you, again? Are you a marine, in the meantime? billvon can you please...
  14. I know you didn't ask me. As is pointed out it is a complex issue with not only one answer, or if there is an answer, it is one answer in 27 parts. ( movie reference) I would think that 90+ percent of the scientists in the world would agree that the earth is warming. I also think that 100% of the ones paid to cause figures that are alarming are in agreement that man is the cause, if not the sole cause. I would guess that only half the climate scientists in the world would put mans involvement somewhere in the 50% range. But. With China as it is, and what we did and and are slowly cutting back on causing, with the rest of the world as well, the problem is probably not in stasis yet and we have a ways to go to prevent major change. That doesn't mean that we are at a point of no return, or a point of no reasonable management. It means that it can be politicized and embellished to achieve financial end game profit. Look at Algore. All that is why I question the reality. When AGW became a profitable endeavor, it ceased being without corruption. I would like to make sure we are not just wasting money on insignificant fixes that are counterproductive in the long run. I am in the exact situation on this. Ditto.
  15. So it's good only in really long flights and only compared to suv/truck type emission vehicles. I knew the trains were good from GE's tv ads :). But no one uses it for long distance mass travel, only for quirky vacations. It's also kinda sobering to see the sop for some ships. You have to burn good clean fuel when you are in certain place near shores then once out in the ocean can switch to bunker fuel I think it is called which is dirty junky stuff.
  16. No one. People here bash me for asking simple questions when I could have gotten the answers from Google. But sometimes asking the easy ones, provides others like yourself the oppourtunity to offer things Google would not have normally shown me, and brings up different avenues of discussion. TLDR. It wasn't a setup, I was trying to learn from you.
  17. So as bad as it is is still the best form of mass transport for what we use it for.
  18. How much is the co2 output per person per hour compared to other forms of travel like passenger cars and cruise ships which is what airplanes replace for long distance travel.
  19. I'm not a former First Lady, Senator, state department leader, and two time presidential canidate am I? I bet it would be hard to substantiate any of my claims good thing I am not the ones making the claims hillary Clinton is. Fortunately we have the media who has followed her since the 70's? And has many records of her stating that she has said this. What bill has is a made up claim by himself. No facts, no real life circumstances or objective things to actually investigate. what we do have is a recruiter, hillary herself, or any records to be found to investigate this claim of hers. For bills we have nothing.mthat is the difference.
  20. At some point do you not feel the doctrines of war applying when we have a high level leader they have been tracking but can't kill for years, and they finally catch him out on the open with the possibility of a few civilian casualties. Keep in mind this person has facilitated and directed the killings of possibly hundreds of people, and his death might cause a few civilian casualties, and prevent him from killing hundreds more. I'm glad I don't have that job but someone does, and needs to.
  21. Yes ridicule this insane idea that if the French were more like the Americans there would be less dead. This idiotic idea that Americans seem to have, that the rest of the world wants to be like them. More amazing examples of the problems here. Unsolicited snarky off topic replies.