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Everything posted by loumeinhart

  1. This explains it in 24 seconds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K7doCvpcFU
  2. I'll send you $100 to teach me something that I can't learn for free
  3. That would really piss off the tax payers who have fled Cali for Texas
  4. You have actually seen a person use food stamps? that's interesting, seeing how they haven't used stamps in almost 15 years. Quote correct. Most people that I feed use plastic cards - similar to debit or credit cards. It's quite efficient: the money is deducted from my paycheck, routed through Washington DC, then arrives at my neighbor's mailbox. 6.9 billion on terra firma and I'm buying food for others to consume.. why don't those people buy me food? - there's a question for a whole 'nother thread :)
  5. I guess this would apply to this thread: How does a BO 2nd term affect Hillary '16?
  6. I've seen that clip. Chris Rock lacks rhythm when he goes 100% political. It's ok when he drops it in time to time. I say leave that stuff to Wanda or Stewart
  7. Say.. is that a freestander in that Facebook pic? Looks like 2:15 from Cuero! I'll tell them I have 50 jumps so ricocheting off the walls won't be so embarrassing
  8. you're not a coward. You fought like a man while lawrocket took you apart
  9. I'm a woman and without rights from congress there is no hope. Please! The republican pary platform makes it impossible to have a voice...
  10. If that's a Metaphor then I took 10seconds at bridgeday. Put your lesson plans down and read that again holmes
  11. What should my family do to ensure we're the 'many' and not the 'others' ??
  12. tried arp poison with ettercap then had trouble adding hosts to the adapter running on the XP wireshark PC. So I tried installing ettercap on a win7 machine and got .dll errors. So, like the Cleve Browns, I gave up. ftpd a tcpdump pcap from the router. Seems to open just fine in wireshark now what's with all these 1's and 0's ??
  13. spoofing ARP is still on the table, but I don't have access to the device I'm sniffing (to configure a gateway .. ) I think.. I'm going to make tcpdump logs and try from there
  14. jsaxton, flying R, thank you guys I've been drifting in the port mirroring direction. It's amazing to me how complex this is. Currently I'm hashing out the physical interfaces on this router. this link (among many others including dd-wrt forum) is helping a bit http://www.tipsternet.com/articles/dd-wrt_buffalo.html btw where the hell is Kelly?
  15. Correct, so I guess I was trying to bridge two ports together? Since most 'hubs' are switches I'm probably going to try connecting 2 female RG45s to 1 piece of cat5. Please don't laugh. I guess it would then truly be the same collision domain?
  16. I've been all over the wiki's/manuals but I'm getting hung up: here's ehat I'm trying to do: wireshark packets from a device connected to a buffalo router. PC is also directly connected to router DD-WRT svn16372 (buffalo router 300H) BusyBox 1.13.4 wireshark1.6.11 used these commands to view traffic between the device and my adapter .. I think ? iptables -t mangle -A POSTROUTING -d -j ROUTE --tee --gw iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -s -j ROUTE --tee --gw verified with iptables -nvL after this change, wireshark picks up nothing I imagine it's something with linux networking.. In the meantime there are many things to look at but I thought maybe there's a skyjumper out there who's familiar with this..
  17. If I was a teacher: 1 I'd give this run-on sentence an F 2 Id fail the kid for stating facts about a law that won't be in effect for 2 years 3 I'd kick the kid's dad's ass for letting him type things about "cost increase to mid-size employers" On the contrary, except for a cost increase to mid-size employers due largely to enrollment increases, the ACA benefits rather than burdens small employers who want to provide health insurance, leaves the overall costs of employer-sponsored health insurance largely unchanged, and offers the potential, through cost containment, of slowing the growth in health care costs, benefiting private along with public purchasers of health insurance.
  18. Occupy? lol I don't know. fruit or veggie?
  19. You paid a higher percentage than me towards the war?