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Posts posted by JoeWeber

  1. 20 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

    And yet we are spending trillions on a path to nowhere. One must ask oneself who will benefit from this futile endeavor? The answer is the friends and cronies of those pushing this agenda. Michael Mann went from a low-level meteorologist to a multimillionaire celebrity once he concocted the “hockey stick,” which has subsequently been rejected as junk science. However, once the gravy train started rolling, more and more hopped on board and everyone from politics to media to academia is now feeding at the trough of climate alarmism. Anyone who can not see this is either naive, stupid or in on it.


    And, as ever, you missed the point entirely. Protecting a nice lady from being persecuted for wearing a hijab isn't wrong just because 12 morons are going to beat your ass for your effort.

  2. 59 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

    Yes, just how would you go about destroying the worlds economy?

    Piece by piece seems like the most economical. Please don’t forget that the world is no longer a multiplicity of political arrangements as per your definition. Now Mrs. Weber’s young son Joseph gets to call the shots and decide the winners and losers. I’ll do my best and try to keep you in mind. Thank you for your support.

  3. 4 hours ago, airdvr said:

    That would only apply if fighting crime here had some effect on Haiti.

    You didn't get the point. To be clear, as I've posted here, I think the whole rush to save the world from CO2 is doomed precisely because of China, India, Brazil, Republicans, and on and on and on. If it could be done it's certainly worth the expense but I am not holding my breath or my fun.

  4. 6 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    Imagine you are the emperor of the planet and your task is to reduce global crime. You will not make a dent by over policing Switzerland while ignoring Haiti. The U.N. Says we need to achieve Net Zero by 2050. With China and India building hundreds of coal plants, with a lifespan of 40 to 50 years, it ain’t going to happen.

    If I was Emperor of the planet and that was my task then I would shut that shit down with my Emperor powers. I'd be rounding up assholes like they rounded up cattle on Rawhide. I'd leave Switzerland to find a place to put them all as penance for not doing jack shit to save the world and, worse, protecting the Catholic Pope in party suit uniforms. Wanna ask what I'd do if you also charged me with achieving net zero?

  5. 33 minutes ago, brenthutch said:

    PA closes one coal plant per year (average) meanwhile China builds two coal plants per week and India is not far behind.


    No shit, Sherlock. That’s the problem not the potential or viability of renewables. By that logic why fight crime at home when Haiti is so ridden with theft, drugs, and murder?

    • Like 3

  6. 15 minutes ago, gowlerk said:

    Are we REALLY going to engage in this game where deniers start comparing geological events that took place over 10s of thousands to millions of years to with the current events that have happened since the beginning of the industrial revolution? The speed of change is unprecedented to our knowledge. Only cataclysmic events like major volcanic events and large object collisions are comparable in speed.  


  7. 23 hours ago, Phil1111 said:

    No, republicans believe that solar is a bad investment because when the sun stops shining they can laugh at all the liberals for being optimists.

    And in +\- 4.5 Billion years they’ll be right and there is nothing you can do about it.

  8. 1 hour ago, brenthutch said:

    If that was the case, why did the southern hemisphere have extensive glaciation at the same time?  

    “Based on changes in position of ice sheet margins dated via terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides and radiocarbon dating, growth of ice sheets in the southern hemisphere commenced 33,000 years ago and maximum coverage has been estimated to have occurred sometime between 26,500 years ago[1] and 20,000 years ago.”

    A 13000 year spread? At any point during that period were there variations that might have made the trend confusing for some observers?

  9. 3 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    You are adorable, Pax Americana did not end at the culmination of the Cold War, which arguably continues to this day. It is the absence of head-to-head major power wars since the U.S. became the global police man. 

    This nonsense message brought to you from red to the bone, backwoods, Pennsyltuckey USA. 

  10. 35 minutes ago, airdvr said:

    I'm constantly amazed at how the usual suspects can take a discussion and turn it into an us/them conversation.  

    I'm not ok with any president's ability to spend billions of our tax money without needing approval.  Read that again ANY PRESIDENT.

    You seem to have a problem with other President's use of the EO.  How about chiming in on how wrong it is for any of them.  

    I agree with you, largely, especially so with respect to any EO's that come with big bills. But those fairly benign housekeeping ones or even ones for presidential legacy things like national monuments seem fine to me. 

  11. 3 hours ago, brenthutch said:

    Yet he won the Cold War without firing a shot. A bargain at twice the price.

    No kidding. Defense spending is way down and we don't need to worry about Russian nukes or irredentist claims mucking up the new and peaceful world order. Indeed, a bargain at at least twice the price....and counting.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Stumpy said:

    Probably hoping the US will step in and do it for them.

    If we had that capability I'm guessing it would already have happened. We had enough trouble getting a thumb drive into their main facility, much less a bomb. 

  13. 22 minutes ago, ryoder said:

    He was holding out for a mask that was "Nine-Nine-point-Nine" percent effective, but none met his requirements. :-(

    Such a terrible thing, especially because he was so very much certain. Does anyone know if he's still dead?

    • Like 2

  14. 2 hours ago, Coreece said:

    I don't know, It's starting to get serious:

    "How climate change is hitting vulnerable Indonesian trans sex workers"

    And no, I don't think it's a parody. . .

    In 2006 I had a very fun time learning to eat fried giant locusts and dried squid with some trans and other types of sex workers in Thailand. If I could do it again I would in a heart beat.

  15. 39 minutes ago, Coreece said:

    “When problems become rare, we count more things as problems. Our studies suggest that when the world gets better, we become harsher critics of it, and this can cause us to mistakenly conclude that it hasn’t actually gotten better at all.


    How do you square this with your Christian beliefs?


    40 minutes ago, Coreece said:

    that when the “signal” a person is searching for becomes rare, the person naturally responds by broadening his or her definition of the signal—and therefore continues to find it even when it is not there.

    Same question. Coreece, this is the essence of primal belief systems of which Christianity, your personal belief system, is dominant locally. All of us, me included, experience the numinous and the transcendent in our lives. I think that's normal. But the finding of what is not there thing is where we diverge. Do you believe what you just posted or not?

  16. Absolutely we need to be asking what our country can do for us. We built the businesses, we paid our taxes, we did all that was asked of us. In exchange a minority of Americans are controlling our government, the christian right-also a minority- are forcing their beliefs on us, add in your own bitches here............

    From my perch we are not getting back from our country what we should. We are not getting what we paid for. Females are being reduced to chattel,  an autocrat is poised to succeed, too many of our congress critters are happily going to sleep each night hoping for the rapture.

    And I'm supposed to ask what I can do for my country?

  17. 3 hours ago, jakee said:

    Then why can't you let go? What is it about you that means you just have to keep picking?

    Sorry son, but picking was my usage and you are stealing it. Whatever bangs your wangers, I guess. There is nothing for me to let go. As I have pointed out here previously you have a real talent for reading for inconsistency and a pit bulls disposition. I think I observed then that you'd be great on a legal team reading opposition briefs. But here it seems that all you do, or want to do, is tear other peoples posts apart; you seem to really enjoy it. Also, you really don't seem to want to put yourself out there. Now, it won't come as a surprise to anyone, especially Brent, that I think he is often full of shit when he's being serious and full of mischief when he's not. But, unlike you, he is out there non-stop making new-ish points and waves and this forum would be less without him.

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  18. 57 minutes ago, jakee said:

    Baaaahahahaha! We had one disgareement and in response you've been stalking my posts for years now only making personal comments without ever addressing a topic... and you want to talk about letting go? Gonna make a wild guess and say you don't own any mirrors!

    You need to harden up, sonny. You aren't that important or interesting.

  19. 58 minutes ago, brenthutch said:


    “I’m Sarah Lawrence–educated, was raised by a lesbian peace activist mother, I drive a Subaru, and Spotify says my listening habits are most similar to people in Berkeley. 

    I fit the NPR mold. I’ll cop to that.”

    Do you know what “I fit the NPR mold” means?
    You are really grasping at straws.

    jakee will never let go. All you are now is another crab at a crab pickin' 

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