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  1. I use the .25 from waycool for BASE and it is mega. If your not up close and personal, consider something a little more shallow.
  2. I'm assuming that waycool recover costs from the courier, as they would have to have paid the insurance premium to the courier, and they in turn give the item insurance cover. Maybe someone from waycool could enlighten us? For me as a customer it was sorted as soon as it was dicovered the item was missing. Once again, as a customer that is all important. Just remember to pay the insurance.
  3. I recently purchased a .25 lens from Waycool, Australia. The courier unfortunately lost my item before it left Oz. Grant at Waycool sorted the problem out immediately and sent me off a replacement lens. The lens arrived within 3 days after travelling half way round the world (and a bit more). The lens is excellent and customer service spot on. Only thing I can advise, is that if you order stuff for shipment don't try to save cash by not getting insurance.
  4. I edit with Sonic Vegas 5. Does anyone know if it is possible to create the effect of normal/slow/normal playback with this software? If it is possible can you tell me how to do it?
  5. Parky1

    Kjerag Norway

    Im trying to get info about FJC at kjerag.Also trying to locate their website.Any info would be appreciated.
  6. I used to ask all those questions when I first started editng my own stuff and to be honest I didnt get much feedback that made sense to someone starting out. I, like you, started using WMM but quickly ditched it and now use sonic vegas. I had no knowledge of editing but with vegas I quickly learned the basics and have now done a few very short videos and one 20min one of a trip to Z-Hills last year. My intention here is to point out that you can get hold of some good editing software and learn to use it if you have a look on the web. Check out skydivingmovies for some ideas on editing and if it helps any I have posted a link to a short vid i done recently using vegas.
  7. I have used Vegas 4 & 5 and also Sonic DVDA2. Took me a few hours to work out the basics but can now do a reasonable Video/DVD. I'm sure there is loads more I could learn to do with it but I'm happy with what i have learnt so far.
  8. Parky1


    I'm not using Windows 2000. I have XP. I can burn my finished project to DVD using DVDA via USB2. However, when I connect Firewire to my laptop, DVDA freezes when I try to prepare and burn the project to disc. The quality through USB2 is not very good. I have tried various fixes but none have worked.
  9. Parky1


    Does anyone use ulead or have a view on it. I use vegas 5 for editing and have DVDA2 for authoring. DVDA2 gives me problems when I try to burn to my external DVD writer/burner via Firewire. I'm thinking of trying Ulead for authoring and want to know if you have experienced any problems with external writers via firewire.
  10. I have a PC105 and I use sonic vegas for editing. My laptop has Windows XP. I downloaded SP2 a while ago and started having problems with sending stuff from and to tape via firewire. I got rid of SP2 and dont have anymore problems.
  11. Only photo I have. Taken off my 105 so the quality isnt that good.
  12. I have a PC105 and had the same "Yellowing" when going from dark into light. eg. exiting the plane. I had my cam on sport setting and changed it to Beach and Ski which I'm sure you can do with your cam. If the software on your cam is the same as the 105, set your cam to camera, press the FN on screen button, choose menu, execute on Program AE and choose Beach and ski Hope it works if not try some of the other settings.
  13. Parky1


    The zoom on my 105 is not working. Has anyone had this problem and if so how did you get it fixed and at what cost?
  14. I'm just back from Z-Hills and it was excellent. All friendly, with all the facilities already mentioned.
  15. I havent seen anything posted about this and just wondered if anyone had a view on it good or bad!