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Everything posted by kelel01

  1. Fly free, Hippie. The fun times to come will never be the same without you. You were such a good friend to all of us and always so fun to be around (and a little bit mischievous!). We'll see you on the flip side.
  2. After going to the Clermont last night, I will say, unequivocally, that that statement is not true.
  3. Dude, if he doesn't beat THAT GUY, there's no justice in the world. Of course, maybe I'm just getting old enough now that the youngin's don't do it for me anymore. Go James!
  4. kelel01

    In need of...

    "Feed the hungry, screw the horny!"
  5. Awww, thanks guys! I just saw this.
  6. If you decide to get rid of any of it, talk to me before going to Craigslist. I envy your collection of camping gear!
  7. Wow. How sad, yet wonderfully inspiring. Blue skies, Shifty.
  8. A banana and strawberries? Good God, woman, eat some FOOD!
  9. Holy schnikes! That's almost more snow than I saw in Tahoe this past weekend! So did everyone freak out and stock up on bottled water and canned goods?
  10. I heart Don Draper. I've only seen season 1, though, so if he turns to shit in season 2, I don't know that . . . and don't tell me! He is one gorgeous manly man, though. Mmmmmm . . .
  11. I say Florida, even though it makes me want to vomit a bit to consider saying "Go Gators". *Shivers* But I'm an SEC girl in Big 12 country, so it has to be done.
  12. Ok, I'm guilty of #1: I use a debit card for EVERYTHING. But the way it works nowadays, it's quicker than counting change on either side. They swipe the card, and I walk away. So SUCK IT, BILL!
  13. It would seem someone in my office decided it would be a good idea to decorate the ENTIRE FREAKING BUILDING with those "$19 Sofa Sized Paintings", probably when one of those shithole places was going out of business. So now everywhere I look I see watercolor Tuscan villas, an inexplicable number of giant "New York City" prints (and we don't even have a NYC office), fruit in bowls, and 80's-looking paintings of pastel flowers. So, whoever that was.
  14. There will be no fun having here!!! And I actually have no idea what that word means. I'm going to go cry into my vocab book now.
  15. Either I'm missing a joke, or YOU actually meant "vegetations" . . . although I don't think that word can be pluraled. And damnit, I don't know how to spell pluraled. Might not even be a word, come to think of it. This thread is a wee bit ridiculous, yes?
  16. I'm going to stop being lame and meet some new people. I'll keep losing weight (or resume, I should say, after the holidays), and workout more often. And I will find a date to my sister's wedding (end of 2009)!
  17. I thought this movie was FANTASTIC - as was Milk. I've been watching movies like crazy recently, and I saw those back to back. They were the 2 best movies I've seen in a loooooooooooong time.
  18. kelel01

    Damn Paypal!

    I second that emotion. I refuse to deal with Paypal anymore. If that means I have a harder time selling my main (if that time arises), or that I can't have something I want from eBay, so be it. Paypal can kiss my ass. I don't want to type out the story, though, so just understand that I'm with ya.
  19. kelel01

    Do you worry?

    Weird. You should see the blog I just posted. Um, yeah . . . I worry all the time, even though I know it does me absolutely no good.
  20. Kona Fire Rock Pale Ale It has a bright yellow label/box. Get me some, too!