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Everything posted by ibx

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/damian-carrington-blog/2013/sep/26/maldives-test-case-climate-change-action They are talking about evacuating an entire island nation. I somehow missed the part where liberals, want to forbid teaching science in schools....
  2. The problem is, you somehow think your hobbyist enthusiasm is equal to or more valid than the consensus of the experts in the field. Comparing liberals who challenged authority by demanding equal rights and cleaner energy to conservatives denying basic scientific principles is a bit of stretch, don't you think?
  3. http://www.gallup.com/poll/182159/college-educated-republicans-skeptical-global-warming.aspx College educated Republicans are also more prone to the Dunning-Kruger effect.
  4. It's like Germany. We only shot back at Poland on August 31st 1939 5:45.
  5. What is the point of your post if not stupid hate and fear mongering? There are plenty of academic articles discussing Islams influence on culture, yet you post the most vile stupid thing available. You are either too lazy or lack the intellectual capacity to discuss this issue in an intelligent manner. Hence my reply.
  6. http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2015/02/jim_crow_south_s_lynching_of_blacks_and_christianity_the_terror_inflicted.html Can you feel the love?
  7. What a socialist thing to say. I'm glad you are seeing the light.
  8. I've always wanted to read a publication titled "consenses shmensus". That must be some serious journalism. Where can I get the subscription?
  9. I dare you to find the argument in my post...
  10. Thats true, its just guess and a bad one at that. Europe was most at risk by a muslim takeover when Suleyman stood before the gates of Vienna almost 300 years after the crusades... But hey, they brought us croissants and coffee.
  11. Which part is that is not true? I would say a citation is in order. The author tells people to read books on the subject, I would recommend he listens to what is said before commenting. I don't think think the author would understand any book he read since he cannot even correctly interpret a single simple quote... The whole discussion is along the lines of "my imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend". Unspeakable things have been done in the name of both religions... Arguing about it is petty and for the simple minded as this author proves.
  12. That's of course true and policy is made by elected officials who are elected by the people who share violent ideals. Being tough on crime, the death penalty, foreign wars, castle doctrine to name but a few. I think the problem is much more complicated than that. I suggest you start with the concept of equal opportunity. I don't believe the government should completely take away the right to own firearms, I just don't think they should be available at wal-mart. FWIW I think German gun ownership laws are way over the top. There must be middle ground. Context always becomes important the closer one examines a subject. If I want to talk about general violence in the US I don't care who is killing who because for me, all American lives equal the same. I don't think we can safely say that at all. More guns mean more gun violence, it's super simple. Correlation does not equal causation. Crime in general has gone down considerably and gun violence with it. I agree with you here.
  13. Of course I do and that's why their actions directly reflect violent American culture. Your country is objectively the most violent developed nation within any context. Violence is also independent of context because arguing like that would mean the violence happening in the inner cities is for some reason less tragic than the same happening in suburbia.
  14. I don't think the situations are even remotely comparable.
  15. Do you consider these criminals American?
  16. Mexican drug violence is a direct consequence of American violent drug policies. The "War on Drugs" War = the very definition of a violent status. So since American violent culture is directly responsible for the violence in Mexico, the violence still counts as American made in the minds of many. Just as the violence in Iraq is a direct consequence of violent American culture.
  17. Yeah you could argue that if ISIS was not direct consequence of American boys doing things over there.
  18. Exactly, since Andy is probably not a muslim, you are probably not part of the Westboro Baptist Church and I'm not a Nazi, your comment was pretty stupid, do you not agree?
  19. If criticizing the bible make him a muslim then your defense of the bible makes you part of the Westboro baptist church.
  20. Asking what part of the bible is literally semantics.
  21. Just a small reminder of what your country looked like before left environmental terrorism. https://www.google.de/search?q=los+angeles+smog+70s&client=ubuntu&hs=U7&channel=fs&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=7WmSVInmDcyUarm1geAP&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1195&bih=549&dpr=1.5 I also suggest you look at China if you are interested in the effects of unregulated industry.
  22. Sorry for insulting you in the last thread, I will try to reply better in this one. If you define responsibility as a man taking sole care of a family you may be right. Responsibility can also mean to be responsible for one's own life decisions, the whole right to pursue happiness and such. I don't know if it's wise to judge others by their life decisions. I think the reasons for this are complex and many. Not in the least, that LGBT people have been and are discriminated against, they are denied basic human rights for example. Another reasons would be the declining influence of religion. LBGT rights groups are not some huge orgy organizations like you seem to imagine. Ron, nobody chooses their sexuality. You must understand this if you ever want understand anything the LBGT community does. You seem to think that all woman want a traditional partnership with a male. Nowadays a lot of woman do not want be dependent on a man that is not as you say, trustworthy. Woman can now get an education to gain the necessary skills to compete on the job market against men, that was simply not possible in the past. Birth Control has played the most important role in the emancipation of woman. This has given woman power than any other invention in the history of mankind. I agree here, I would however take it one step further and say a partnership should always be equal regardless of who makes how much. It often takes two incomes simply to survive for many families. But you should also not forget that a woman who has a job is also much more independent and has the right make her life how she sees fit, work or stay at home. Finally I just want to say the traditional family(single income from the husband, stay at home mom) is no longer desirable for many woman and men, I think that's where your thinking goes awry.
  23. You claim to have found Jesus and follow his teachings, I wonder how many new testament bible verses you can find that diametrically oppose what you just wrote. I suggest you start reading that bible of yours. You are a raging hypocrite and I sometimes wonder why your head doesn't implode due to your cognitive dissonance.